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Local governance is an extension of the national government in service delivery and whose main
function is to improve people’s lives and well-being. Cite a development theory and conceptualize a
development program in your municipality/city. Discuss the components of the program by presenting
how it should irradicate poverty and propel an inclusive community development as well.

In our municipality, the development theory should present is the Modernization Theory.
According to the modernization theory, modern societies are more productive, children are better
educated, and the needy receive more welfare. According to Smelser’s analysis, modern societies have
the particular feature of social structural differentiation, that is to say a clear definition of functions and
political roles from national institutions. Smelser argues that although structural differentiation has
increased the functional capacity of modern organizations, it has also created the problem of
integration, and of coordinating the activities of the various new institutions (Smelser 1990).

Modernization is a progressive process which in the long run is not only inevitable but desirable.
Modernized political systems have a higher capacity to deal with the function of national identity,
legitimacy, penetration, participation, and distribution than traditional political systems. Modernization
is a lengthy process. It is an evolutionary change, not a revolutionary one. It will take generations or
even centuries to complete, and its profound impact will be felt only through time.

One of the principal applications of the modernization theory has been the economic field
related to public policy decisions. From this perspective, the following are the programs in this theory
that will irradicate poverty and propel an inclusive community development as well.

Cultural Modernization: it is a nationalistic idea, freedom and humanism, rational and scientific outlook.
Spread of secular education needs to high the literacy rate which develops media communication.

Economic Modernization: It is an industrial accompanied with modern of economy, increase division of

labour, use of management techniques and improve in technology with expansion of service sector. The
scope for saving and investment plays vital role through which technological development takes place.

Social Modernization: It involves social values and morals, motivational achievement, Increase literacy
and urbanization.

Agrian Modernization: To increase the level of productive output in agricultural sectors need modern
equipment provide cultural art and crafts by modernization effect.

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