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Worksheet 2

Unit 1: Past simple / Past continuous

A Past simple or continuous? Complete the sentences.

1. Last summer, my friends and I (travel)
around Europe. We really (enjoy)
2. Sandra (have) lunch at 12 o’clock today when I saw her.
3. This time last weekend, they (visit) their friends.
4. My computer (fall) on the floor but the screen (not break). How lucky
(be) that?
5. Anne is really mad. What (you / say) to her when you (talk) to
her last night?
6. I (start) to read a book when John (send) me a message.
7. We (not see) what happened.
8. Sam and I (sit) behind two really tall boys, so we (not see) most
of the film.
9. Who was that girl you (dance) with at Peter’s party?
10. I (send) my grandfather an email yesterday with a photo but he
(not know) how to open it.

B Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each sentence.

1. I listened to the radio when I heard this fantastic song.
2. When the teacher was saying “Stop!”, I still did the sixth question.
3. Brad played a computer game when his mum was calling him for dinner.
4. Maggie was finding a great website about dance music while she surfed the internet.
5. When I was seeing you yesterday, did you go to school? – No, I was going to the doctor’s.
6. I feel so silly! While I danced, I was falling and was breaking my elbow.

C Choose one verb and complete the text with the correct past tense (simple or continuous).

lose • listen • forget • try • not remember • run out

text • not concentrate • keep • go • work • lie

I hate computers sometimes! One day, when I 1 to do my History assignment on my

laptop, the battery 2 .I 3 on my sofa and I 4 to

music on YouTube. It helps me to concentrate. I 5 also my friend

ENG10TRF © Porto Editora

Diana on Insta. OK, so I 6 that much on my assignment and I 7

to charge my laptop! I 8 on my assignment when the screen 9
black. I also 10 to save it, so I 11 everything. I had to do everything
again and 12 thinking how I really hate computers!

#English, 10.º ano – Mixed-ability worksheets

Worksheet 2

ENG10TRF © Porto Editora

Unit 1: Past simple / Past continuous

A A. Past simple or continuous? Choose the correct option.

1. Last summer, my friends and I travelled / were travelling
around Europe. We really were enjoying / enjoyed
2. Sandra had / was having lunch at 12 o’clock today when I saw her.
3. This time last weekend, they visited / were visiting their friends.
4. My computer fell / was falling on the floor but the screen wasn’t breaking / didn’t break. How
lucky was / was being that?
5. Anne is really mad. What were you saying / did you say to her when you talked / were talking to
her last night?
6. I started / was starting to read a book when John was sending / sent me a message.
7. We didn’t see / weren’t seeing what happened.
8. Sam and I were sitting / sat behind two really tall boys, so we weren’t seeing / didn’t see most of
the film.
9. Who was that girl you danced / were dancing with at Peter’s party?
10. I sent / was sending my grandfather an email yesterday with a photo but he wasn’t knowing /
didn’t know how to open it.

B Correct the underlined mistakes in each sentence.

1. I listened to the radio when I heard this fantastic song.

2. When the teacher was saying “Stop!”, I still did the sixth question.

3. Brad played a computer game when his mum was calling him for dinner.

4. Maggie was finding a great website about dance music while she surfed the internet.

5. When I was seeing you yesterday, did you go to school? – No, I was going to the doctor’s.

6. I feel so silly! While I danced, I was falling and was breaking my elbow.

C Complete the text with the past simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.

I hate computers sometimes! One day, when I 1 (try) to do my History assignment

on my laptop, the battery 2 (run out). I 3 (lie) on my sofa

and I 4 (listen) to music on YouTube. It helps me to concentrate. I 5

also (text) my friend Diana on Insta. OK, so I 6 (not concentrate)
that much on my assignment and I 7 (forget) to charge my laptop! I 8
(work) on my assignment when the screen 9 (go) black. I also
10 (not remember) to save it, so I 11 (lose) everything. I
had to do everything again and 12 (keep) thinking how I really hate computers!

#English, 10.º ano – Mixed-ability worksheets

Answer Key


Worksheet 2
Unit 1: Past simple / Past continuous

Version A/B
1. travelled; enjoyed; 2. was having; 3. were visiting; 4. fell; didn’t break; was; 5. did you say; talked; 6. was starting; sent; 7.
didn’t see; 8. were sitting; didn’t see; 9. were dancing; 10. sent; didn’t know

1. listened was listening; 2. was saying said / still did was still doing;
3. played was playing / was calling called; 4. was finding found / surfed was surfing; 5. was seeing saw / did you go were
you going; 6. danced was dancing / was falling fell / was breaking broke

1. was trying; 2. ran out; 3. was lying; 4. was listening; 5. was also texting;
6. wasn’t concentrating; 7. forgot / didn’t remember; 8. was working; 9. went;
10. didn’t remember / forgot; 11. lost; 12. kept

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