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The Ten Thousand Ionian Cities

Athenians & Minor Cities Athenians & Minor Cities

Your warband no longer has the Your warband no longer has the Veterans
Veterans of the Cities special rule, of the Cities special rule and you can’t
and you cannot recruit any Levies. recruit any Hearthguards.
Up to half of your Warrior figures on foot No more than half the figures in your
can be equipped with javelins, and the warband can be Warriors with the Phalanx
restriction on units of Hearthguards special rule.
doesn’t apply. You can recruit up to two units of Scythian
The only Mercenaries you can hire are Horsemen with the Loyal special rule
Cretan Archers and Thracian Mercenaries, in addition to your normal choice of
who must fight on foot. Mercenaries.


Gorge Large Shields

Use this card once when you’re

setting up the scenery, before any terrain
pieces have been placed.
Hearthguards or
Place a large area of high terrain Oblique Phalanxes only
within M of any table edge.
This piece of scenery is impassable: Each time a shooting activation
no unit can enter it or cross it. is resolved against your unit, it cancels
the first hit suffered.
You can’t place any more large areas
of terrain while you’re setting up the
scenery, but your opponent can.



Use this card during step 1 Play this card when you
of a melee in which one of your units use the Form Line!
with the Phalanx special rule basic ability for the first time.
is the defender and is more than S Each move or charge made during
away from any friendly units. this multiple activation is made with a
This unit counts as part of a distance of M.
Line of Battle with 3 units in it.

Parapleuridia Minions

Median Persians
Achaemenid Persians When you recruit your warband,
One of your mounted Hearthguard units you can choose up to 16 Warrior figures
with a maximum of 8 figures with no equipment options.
receives the Cataphracts The units they form count as Mercenaries,
equipment option. and gain 2 bonus defence dice
whenever they close ranks.


Flatten The King

the Earth of Kings’ Gold

Use this card once the scenery

has been set up but before Mercenaries only
the first unit is deployed.
Although the unit remains a Mercenary
Choose up to two pieces unit, it can benefit from the advanced
of terrain and remove them abilities on the battle board; it ignores
from the table. points 3, 4, and 5 of the Mercenary special
Only one of these terrain rule in the rulebook.
elements can be large.


Venerate A Million
the God-Emperor Warriors

Use this card at the start of your Orders

phase, before rolling your Saga dice.
Choose a unit generating Choose a unit that has suffered
one Saga die within M of your Warlord, at least one casualty. Return 1 figure
who can no longer be to the unit if it’s made up of Hearthguards,
activated during this turn. 2 figures if it’s made up of Warriors,
Re-roll 1 inactive Saga die if it’s or 3 figures if it’s made up of Levies.
a Levy unit, up to 2 if it’s a Warrior unit, You can’t exceed the original size
or up to 3 if it’s a Hearthguard of the unit, so excess figures are lost.
unit or an Elephant. Your opponent still scores massacre points
for figures replaced this way.


Up to half your Warrior figures

can be given no optional equipment,
and your Levies can be equipped Your Hearthguard figures
with javelins. can be equipped with heavy weapons,
but your Warriors can only fight
When a melee ability from your battle from horseback or equipped
board grants attack dice to an infantry with heavy weapons.
unit, you must replace all these dice
with the same number of defence dice, Your Levies can be equipped
and you gain 1 additional defence die. with javelins.


Ambush Marauders

Use this card once the warbands

have finished deploying, Hearthguards & Warriors
but before the start of the first turn.
Remove one of the infantry At the start of each of your turns,
units you deployed and place before rolling your Saga dice,
it entirely within an area you can give your unit a Pillage marker
of uneven terrain that’s more if it doesn’t already have one.
than L away from all enemy figures.


Thracian Night
Peltasts Attack

Use this card during an enemy

unit’s charge activation, before the
charge is resolved.
Activate one of your infantry
units equipped with javelins for Use this card at the start of the first
a shooting attack with 1 bonus attack die. player’s first turn.
No Saga abilities can be triggered There can be no shooting until
during this activation. the start of the second turn.
Once the activation has been
resolved, activate your unit for a
move that generates no fatigue.

Army of Asia

Your warband must contain at least one

unit with the Phalanx special rule.
To represent Persian troops recruited
When recruiting your warband, you can by Alexander and equipped in the
choose to equip a single non-Mercenary Macedonian style, you can equip your
unit of Hearthguards on foot with javelins. Levies with sarissas. These units do not
This unit ignores movement penalties have the Phalanx special rule.
linked to uneven terrain, but not those In addition, one of your Warrior units can
from dangerous terrain. be mounted and equipped with javelins.
This is in addition to the unit of mounted
Warriors you are normally entitled to.


Adapt To
The Opponent

After the warbands have been

deployed but before the first turn
of the game, you can remove up
Hearthguards and Phalanxes only
to two of your units present on the table
and re-deploy them in accordance This unit immediately discards
with the rules on deployment. the first fatigue it receives
during each turn, no matter its source.
Once re-deployed, these units
must be more than S away
from all friendly units.


Storm Just A Little

the Gap Farther

Use this Ruse after an enemy unit

has ended a movement Use this Ruse at a moment when your
or shooting activation within S Warlord uses the We Obey special rule.
of one of your Hearthguard units Your Warlord can activate an additional
or a unit with the Phalanx special rule. friendly unit within S.
Activate this unit to move or charge.

RÃjÃs Mauryan

Ignore the faction rules entirely.

Your warband can’t include any Elephants
or units with the Mount (X) special rule.
Your Warlord must be on foot, without
equipment options, and your Levies can
only be equipped with bows. Your warband can now recruit
You can recruit Warriors and Hearthguards up to two units of each
without equipment options, and ignore the of the following Mercenary units:
equipment restrictions on your Hearthguard Camel Riders, Mercenary Hoplites,
units. Your Warriors on foot can alternatively
Psiloi, Thureophoroi, and Thorakitai.
be equipped with javelins.
Your infantry units ignore movement penalties
from uneven (but not dangerous) terrain
during move activations, and get a bonus
movement of VS when moving or charging.



Hearthguards on foot or horse

Use this Ruse after the warbands
Your unit ignores the first casualty
have been deployed but before
inflicted each turn, no matter its origin.
the first turn of the game.
Your unit also gains the Resilience (1)
Select a unit in your warband equipped special rule.
with ranged weapons and redeploy
When your Warlord targets this unit with
it within S of a piece of uneven terrain
their Bodyguards special rule, the range of
and more than L away from
their rule is M instead of S.
any enemy units.


Brahman Indian
Oration Elephants

Play this card during a melee

Use this Ruse instead of using a Saga
involving a friendly Elephant instead
ability during step 4 of a melee.
of playing a Saga ability.
You can re-roll a number of attack
If the enemy unit is an Elephant
dice that don’t score hits equal to your
or has the Mount (Horse) special rule,
opponent’s Armour.
inflict a fatigue on it.

Greco- Imitation
Bactrians Legionaries

Asian Kingdom
Your warband can only include
a maximum of one unit of Hearthguards
and a single Elephant (without Your Warriors and Hearthguards
the Elephantine Armour special rule). can be deployed
Your warband may not include with the Phalanx special rule
any scythed chariots. and no equipment options.
On the other hand, in addition When making a manoeuvre move,
to their usual equipment options, these units get a movement bonus of S.
your Warriors can be mounted
on horses or mounted on horses
and equipped with composite bows.



Phalanx or
Use this card at the start mounted Hearthguard only
of your first turn. While your unit is within S of your Warlord,
During this turn, all your units it gains the Determination special rule.
with sarissas or without equipment Once per turn,
options gain the Determination special if your unit is within S of your Warlord
rule, but can’t be activated and is not exhausted, it can take a fatigue
via the abilities on your board. to cancel a loss suffered by your Warlord.
Note that this rule is in addition
to any use of the Bodyguards rule.


Timely Indian
Truce Elephants

Asian Kingdom
Use this card when one of your units Play this card during a melee
is chosen as the target of a charge involving a friendly Elephant instead
or shooting attack activation. of triggering a Saga ability.
Cancel this activation. If the enemy unit has the Mount (Horse)
rule or is an Elephant, inflict a fatigue on it.

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