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Quarter 1 Week 2
Concept, Aspect, and
Changes in Culture and
Identify the place where the list of food originated
Food Origin of Food (Place)
Pancit Canton
French Fries
1.Does the above mentioned food
represent a certain society or culture?

2. Does it influence our own (Philippine)

If Yes, why? If No, why not?
Lesson 1
Society and Culture
as a Complex Whole
. Culture is made up of material and non-
material products of bands of humans.
. Society is a group of interdependent
bands of humans who share common
culture and sense of unity.
. Society is different from culture, in that
Societies are made up of bands of humans
and Culture are made up of products.
. Band – a group of persons, animals, or things
. What does “bands” mean in history?
- a band was a small, egalitarian, kin-based group of people.
(while a tribe comprised a number of bands)
. What is “bands” in culture and society?
- Band, in anthropology, a notional type of human social
organization consisting of a small number of people (usually
not more than 30 to 50 persons in all) who form a fluid,
egalitarian community and cooperate in activities such as
subsistence, security, ritual, and care for children and elders.
. By describing culture and society as a
complex whole, you will acquire ideas
about human culture, human agency,
society and politics.
. Humans are not controlled by instincts.
. Humans were able to adapt to and
change their environment.
. Thus, this human condition made the
foundation of their culture.
Society and Culture as a complex whole
▪ Society as a complex whole because it is
a social structure.
▪ It is considered as the largest and broad
social unit.
▪ It integrates all the smaller social
groups and units such as family,
neighborhood, communities, countries &
the world.
The definition of Society is defined by the
sociologists below: (Shandra, 2007)
▪ “Society as a social organism possessing a
harmony of structure and function”- A. Comte
▪ “Society is a reality on its own. Collective
consciousness is of key importance to society,
which society cannot survive without”- E. Durkheim
▪ “Society is an exchange of gestures that involves
the use of symbols”- George Herbert Mead
▪ “Society as the complex of organized associations
& institutions w/ community”- George D. Cole
• Culture is a complex whole as it
composed of common practices,
shared understandings and social
organization that contribute to the
development of human interaction
to society
The definition of Culture is defined by the
anthropologist below:
▪ “The handiwork of man and the medium
through which he achieves his ends”- B.
▪ “ An organized body of conventional under-
standings manifest in art which persisting
through tradition, characterizes as human
The definition of Culture is defined by the
anthropologist below:
▪ “The body of thought and knowledge, both
theoretical & practical, which only man can
possess”- V. de Robert
▪ “The complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, morale, laws, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits as acquired by man and as
member of the society” – E.B. Taylor
There are two kinds of culture:
1. Material (Tangible Things)
2. Non-material (Intangible)
▪ Examples of material and non-material
culture may differ from society to
society but all culture have definite key
elements such as technology,
language, symbols, values and norms.
Elements of Culture
1) Technology
2) Symbols
3) Language
4) Values
5) Norms
Elements Definition Examples
Technology Physical objects and rules Understanding of how nano chip
recognized for using those objects. works as well as the chip itself
Symbols Gesture, word object, sound or Yin-yang symbol of China
design that stands for something
Language The group of written or spoken Signage uses both English and
symbols into standardized system. Filipino language
Values Shared belief about what is correct, Songkran, a new year Festival
desirable and proper. that honor one’s elder in Thailand
Norms shared rules of behavior that tells Obeying traffic signals
people how to act in a specific
What I Have Learned
▪ Society / Culture is regarded as complex whole because it
cannot simply break down into sets of aspects. To demonstrate
understanding the complexity means understanding each part
that is interrelated part of the system.
▪ Society is a group of interdependent bands of humans who
share of common culture and sense of unity.
▪ Culture is made up of material and non-material products of
bands of humans.
▪ The key elements of Culture are technology, language,
symbols, values and norms.

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