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Social Issues - the most rampant problem that the world is still battling today. The world
is facing so many alarming problems; currently, the most relevant social issues are poverty,
public health issues, which is the COVID-19 pandemic and most rampantly, climate change.
These aforementioned social issues are just mere problems that still exist across the world in
the present day.
One of these changes is climate change. A rampant social issue that greatly affects
humans. Climate change is not new to us, right? Because we all know that this has been a
yearly occurrence since June 23, 1988, when it was marked as a national issue. We are being
irresponsible in caring for our environment. That is why we are experiencing devastating
climate change. The other one is the COVID-19 pandemic, which existed 2 years ago and is still
existing in the present day. The pandemic has brought a lot of changes to us. Our social life,
such as dealing with other people, has become a threat. Because of these social issues, poverty
exists. Climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic threaten the cleanliness of our air, deplete
our water sources and limit our food supply. It disrupts livelihoods, forces families from their
homes and pushes people into poverty.

From the past years to the present, we have witnessed how our world changes each
year and have experienced and suffered as a result of its effects on us, humans. That is why we
need to have a solution to these problems, and to do it, we need to start the change with
ourselves by becoming a responsible person.

 Being a responsible person is not a task; it is an act of commitment and love, not just
for our society but as well as for the world that we are living in. Caring for the world is just
caring for yourself. Thus, to be responsible, be an agent of change, not a burden to society.

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