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La Salle University

Manual for Thesis Writers

A.Y. 2016-2017

Prepared by the
1. Title Page
The title page introduces the thesis title, author, degree, college, university, and date of completion
of the work. The proper wording and placement of text should match the sample title page below. The
page number does not display on the title page. Below is the official layout of the title page of any
undergraduate thesis conducted in this university.

1 TITLE: Long titles may occupy

------------------- 1 space until line 6, but should still be
double spaced.
------------------- 4 spaces 1

------------------- 4 spaces 2
------------------- 1 space according to type of paper.
------------------- 1 space
------------------- 1 space
Choose between COLLEGE or
------------------- 1 space SCHOOL and complete the
------------------- 3 spaces

------------------- 3 spaces

------------------- 1 space

------------------- 1 space
4 COURSE: Please indicate your
------------------- 2 spaces course.
------------------- 2 spaces

------------------- 2 spaces NAMES OF PROPONENTS:

Fill in necessary information.
5 Names should be in
alphabetical order
------------------- 1 space 5

YEAR: Use the month and

6 year when your paper was


Font Size: Times New Roman Alignment: Centered

Font Style: 12pts Note: This is considered
Margins: 1.50” (Left with Gutter) of the preliminary pages.
1.00” (Right) But page number should not
1.00” (Top) appear on this page.
1.00” (Bottom)

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2. Approval Sheet
The approval sheet serves to document signed approval of the thesis by all members of the Thesis
Committee, the Adviser and the College Dean. This page follows a very precise format and wording:
students should view the approval sheet and replicate accordingly.
Features include: (1) Thesis title (formatted exactly as it appears on the title page)
(2) Name of Proponents
(3) Names of signee to include the degree (e.g. Joe T. Doe, PhD)
Note: Do not precede names with “Dr.”
(4) Page number ii, bottom center
(5) Font style and size: Times New Roman, 11pts

1 space -------------------

1 space -------------------

2 spaces -----------------

1 space -------------------

1 space -------------------

1 space -------------------
Note: The Dean shall serve
as Committee Chair

1 space -------------------

1 space -------------------

2 spaces -----------------

2 spaces -----------------

1 space -------------------

2 spaces -----------------

Page Nos. (Preliminary Pages):

Bottom of page, centered,
Use: i, ii, iii, iv… n

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3. Acknowledgments 2 single
The acknowledgments page is an
opportunity to give appreciation to all those who
helped along the way. Names of institutions or
people who extended help and support in the course
of making of the thesis may be included.
Designation/position of the person should be
indicated. The author is free to decide on the
order/hierarchy of persons to be acknowledged. It is
suggested, however, that funding institutions, if there
are, are mentioned first. Finally, the heading,
“ACKNOWLEDGMENTS,” is formatted in the title
style (Times New Roman, 12pts., Bold, All Caps)
and centered while acknowledgments paragraph(s)
is/are formatted in double-spaced lines.

for heading use: TIMES NEW ROMAN
12pts, Bold, All Caps
for paragraphs use: TIMES NEW ROMAN
12pts, Double Space

2 single 4. Abstract

This a paragraph summary of your thesis,

a maximum of 150 words, that includes:
✓ topic introduction,
✓ chief purpose/aim of study,
✓ research objectives/questions,
✓ methodology (type of data collected and
kind of analysis),
✓ findings, and
✓ conclusions.


(1) Include 5-8 Keywords

(Indicate the discipline of the study,
concepts studied, research design/
process and locale of the study.

(2) Write the abstract after your study has

been completed.

for heading: TIMES NEW ROMAN
11pts, Regular font style,
Capitalize first letter
for paragraphs: TIMES NEW ROMAN
11pts, Single Space

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5. Table of Contents
This includes titles of sections in the manuscript. Depending on the research design, not all
parts may be present (e.g. Statistical Treatment, Validation of the Instrument). Writers have the
freehand on the parts of their paper.

2 single

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6. List of Tables and List of Figures

2 single

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2 single

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1. The Thesis Chapters and Corresponding Sections
The undergraduate thesis format of the university prescribes the inclusion of the following chapters
and the corresponding sections for each chapter:


Introduction (Hidden Sidehead)
Review of Related Literature
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Schematic Diagram
The Research Problem
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitation
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Research Design
Research Environment
Participants of the Study
Research Instruments
Research Procedures
Preliminary Procedures
Gathering of Data
Treatment of Data
Ethical Considerations



Notes: (1) The titles for the sections will serve as free standing side heads for such sections.
(2) Thesis writers are expected to follow the 5-Level Heading Scheme of APA.

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Thesis writers are expected to include the parts of each chapter as presented in the previous page.
However, at the discretion of the adviser and with the approval of the panel of readers, deviations from
the prescribed parts may be considered.

2. Particulars
Font Size: Times New Roman Alignment: Centered; Justified
Font Style: 12pts Note: Page number does not
Margins: 1.50” (Left with Gutter) does not appear on pages
1.00” (Right) with Chapter Headings
1.00” (Top) Note: Page numbers are placed at
1.00” (Bottom) the Upper Right Portion of
the page.

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3. Preview of Chapter 1

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4. Preview of Chapter 2

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5. Preview of Chapter 3

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6. Preview of Chapter 4

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1. References
This part contains all sources cited in the study. Only works that appear in the text are
included, which means that the in-text citations should match the reference list. There are no
headings. All the sources are arranged in alphabetical order. The American Psychological
Association (APA) format (6th edition) is used in the documentation of sources. This part is

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NOTE: Thesis writers may use computer applications (e.g. Microsoft Word 2010
onwards and Endnote) for the automated preparation of in-text citations and
references in their study.

2. Appendices
Information not appropriate for inclusion in the main text of the manuscript must be
included in the appendices. Appendices should include anything/everything that would allow for
"reliability." For consistency, appendices must follow pagination, margin guidelines, and text
quality as established in the APA Manual.
The appendices become part of the completed bound thesis. Appendices could include,
but are not limited to, an expanded or complete review of literature (including a separate reference
list in the same style/format as those in the manuscript text); methods/procedures not detailed in
the manuscript itself such
as selection of subjects,
copy of surveys used in
the study, complete
research design and
statistical analysis
(including paradigms and
hypothesis); raw data;
tables, figures, and/or
illustrations not used in
the manuscript; and
human subjects or animal
use procedures. The
sequence of appendices
should follow the order of
citation in the text.

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3. Curriculum Vitae
A curriculum vitae, or CV, includes more information than a typical resume, including
details of education and academic achievements, research, publications, awards, affiliations, and

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What to Include in a Curriculum Vitae?
A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more pages), more
detailed synopsis than a resume. Your CV should be clear, concise, complete, and up-to-date
with current employment and educational information.

The following are examples of information that can be included in your curriculum vitae.
Be sure to incorporate only the most relevant information.

• Personal details and contact information. Most CVs start with contact information and
personal data but take care to avoid superfluous details, such as religious affiliation,
children's names and so on.

• Education and qualifications. Take care to include the names of institutions and dates
attended in reverse order; PhD, Masters, Undergraduate.

• Work experience/employment history. The most widely accepted style of employment

record is the chronological curriculum vitae. Your career history is presented in reverse
date order starting with most recent. Achievements and responsibilities are listed for each
role. More emphasis/information should be put on more recent jobs.

• Skills. Include computer skills, foreign language skills, and any other recent training that
is relevant to the role applied for.
• Brief biography
• Scholarships
• Training
• Study abroad
• Dissertations
• Theses
• Bibliography
• Research experience
• Graduate fieldwork
• Teaching experience
• Publications
• Presentations and lectures
• Exhibitions
• Awards and honors
• Grants, fellowships, and assistantships
• Technical, computer, and language skills
• Professional licenses and certifications
• Memberships
• Hobbies and Interests

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