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The Liberal Reform - 8th Grade an important income for the State, therefore, it was

Worksheet up to the López government to implement the law

that allowed the freedom of cultivation and
exploitation of tobacco in the country.

The liberalization of tobacco made it possible to

By the middle of the 19th century, much of the world
overcome the colonial mono-export structure,
was in the heat of the various waves of reformism,
since together with the establishment of steam
with special influence from the French Revolution of
navigation on the Magdalena River, it triggered a
1848, and our country was not only no exception,
rapid phase of commercial expansion that
but also took the reforms a little further. In this
included other products: “By 1854/58, tobacco
regard, the British historian Eric Hobsbawm (2014)
represented already 28% of exports, while gold,
comments: "No one liberalized more radically than
without substantially reducing its value,
the Republic of New Granada (Colombia) between
decreased its share of foreign sales from 75 to
1848 and 1854" (p. 50). These reforms were
33%. Quinoa and straw hats each represented
undertaken mainly by the first generation born after
almost 10% of exports during these years.”
independence, a group of young people, mostly law
(Melo, 1988, p. 140). On the other hand, the
students from the Colegio San Bartolomé, who
colonial system maintained a series of
would make up the vanguard sector (nicknamed
restrictions on the free commercialization of
gólgota) of the newly created Liberal Party (1848).
properties and labor force, for which censuses
Salvador Camacho Roldán, one of the protagonists
were eliminated, being a patrimonial burden on
of this revolution, explains its intention: "The
urban and rural properties (it was a typical tax of
triumphant Liberal Party in the elections of 1848 and
the colonial agrarian economy ). Mayorazgos,
1849 had wanted to carry out in a short space all the
an institution that limited the free alienability of
unfulfilled promises of Independence" (Arteta, 1996 ,
property, were also eliminated. This
page 113).
immobilization of inherited property facilitated
the maintenance of the estate.
The economic structure of the country preserved the
structure bequeathed by the Spanish Metropolis,
The reforms were not limited to the economic
therefore, eliminating this series of prohibitions and
sphere, since the search for political freedoms
regulations was one of the main objectives of the
was also part of the liberal agenda, therefore, it
revolution. These reforms were carried out by
tried to vindicate the ideals of the Próceres and
Manuel Murillo Toro (1816-1880), who held the
Patriots of Independence, in such a way that the
position of Secretary of the Treasury (1849-1853),
persistence of a institution such as slavery was
and promoted the Revenue Decentralization Law
incompatible with the liberal and republican
(1850), which gave the provinces control of the
ideals defended, since despite the fact that the
tithes, spirits, fifths and gold smelting rights, thus
freedom of the wombs was decreed in 1821, the
taking the first steps towards the establishment of
children of the slaves, who according to the law
the federal system, causing the province of
were free, continued under the domination of the
Antioquia to decide to deepen liberalization, by
masters of their parents, in such a way that on
allowing total freedom of gold trade without any
May 21, 1851 it was decreed that as of January
contribution, in addition , almost all provinces
1, 1852 all slaves of the Republic of New
abolished fifths and tithes (Ocampo, 2010). Among
Granada would be free, in addition, slaves from
the economic reforms, the abolition of the tobacco
other countries who would arrive in the nation as
monopoly stands out as the most significant. This
well they would be, likewise, arrangements were
was decreed during the government of Tomás
made to bring New Granadan slaves who had
Cipriano de Mosquera (1845-1849), however, it was
been sold in Peru. By then there were still
implemented until 1850 due to fear of emptiness.
26,000 slaves in the Tascón country (2005),
that would allow the treasury to stop collecting such
however, the slave reaction was immediate, it
was the main cause of the short civil war of with so much effort. In such a way that the
1851. reformism undertaken since the middle of the
19th century began a broad period of
On the other hand, the Catholic Church was a transformations in the structure of the country,
fairly privileged institution during the mandate of giving way to the so-called liberal hegemony
the Spanish Crown, in such a way that the (1849-1886), a period in which the colonial
clergy was also the object of anti-colonial structure inherited from Spain was demolished. ,
attacks, for example, on May 18, 1850, the thus fulfilling the promises that were made 200
decree was promulgated that He expelled the years ago with blood and fire in the fields of
Jesuits. This order was executed by President Boyacá.
López, the decision was influenced by the Activity.
pressure exerted by the Democratic Society of
Artisans (political club that exerted an important 1. Let’s suppose you are a time traveller,
influence in the election of López) and the write a letter to your future self in which
majority of Congress. The liberal slogan was you explain the main characteristics why
"the free Church, in the free State, for which the the liberal reform started.
abolition of ecclesiastical jurisdiction was 2. Create a journal entry of 100 words in
ordered, that is, the legal privilege of the clergy which you explain the concept of reform
was ended, which caused them to be subject to as in the previously explained concept.
ordinary law, In addition, state authorities were 3. What was the role Economy played in
prohibited from forcing the fulfillment of religious the confirmation of an authentique
vows, these measures being a prelude to the reformation?
separation between State and Church that the 4. How would you explain a person that
Constitution of 1853 would proclaim. has no knowledge of the history of our
country the concept of the liberal
The reforms of the mid-century liberal revolution reform?
were cemented with the 1853 Constitution, 5. Would you consider the consequences
under the presidency of José María Obando, of the reform positive or negative? Why?
where the principles of guaranteeing individual Write a 150 words text.
rights were expressed and paved the way for the 6. Create a cause and effect graphic
establishment of the federation, a system of organizer in which you explain the most
organization territory that would deepen with the important causes and effects of the
Constitution of 1858, and that would finally be liberal reform.
established with that of Rionegro (1863), the 7. With a partner held a 5 minutes
latter being the maximum expression of the discussion in which you establish your
ideology of the Golgotha ​liberals, later point of view on the liberal reform.
nicknamed radicals, which would culminate in 8. After you complete the discussion, take
the creation of the United States of Colombia notes on the main important points your
(1863-1886). In conclusion, the mid-century partner has said and then compare
liberal revolution gave a vigorous impetus to the them with yours. With this information
change of institutions and reforms that were create a Venn’s Diagram.
carried out in the first republican years, 9. Create a map of the Republic of New
progressive reforms, which due to various Granada and identify on it the main
reasons, such as the gigantic external debt geographical features identified during
acquired during the Liberation Campaign or the the previous passage.
fear of the reaction of those who would lose their 10. Create a comic in which you explain the
old privileges, had stalled. In such a way that it consequences of the Liberal Reform.
was up to this first generation of the republic to 11. Create a cardboard presentation in
finish the work that their parents had undertaken which you explain the liberal reform.

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