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Read the article carefully, then copyedit using appropriate copyreading

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News Headline: ( col, 48 points, TNR , downstyle
Read the article carefully, then copyedit using appropriate copyreading
symbols. Write a two-line head as indicated.
News Headline: ( col, 48 points, TNR , downstyle
Read the article carefully, then copyedit using appropriate copyreadingsymbols. Write a two-
line head as indicated.
News Headline: ( col, 48 points, TNR , downstyle

deputy presidential spokes person anthony Golez says the t that isues raise by the Public
sch teachers gruops wold be present to the Deped fro review. malacanang has direct the
dept. of educ. too look into the proposal the of countries public school teachers a for
deputy presidential spokes person anthony Golez says the t that isues raise by the Publicsch
teachers gruops wold be present to the Deped fro review. malacanang has direct thedept. of
educ. too look into the proposal the of countries public school teachers a for

P9000 increase their in monthly saalary. because of this clamors we are going to
ppresent this issue thee to dept of educ. to reviewed and studying the prooposal lapuz said.

he alliance off concerned teachers (act) Teachers dignity coalition (tdC) phil. publischool
teachers assoc. ppSTA & OTHER allied grps has spoken out again a proposallinthe house of
representatives to hike the salaries of public school teachers by a mere six P6 000

‘dipping our hands in the issue is farfetched, Golez told in a news briefing, saying
theissue is just a demolition job. In the senate s version the of bill for the same purpose
theproposed hike would be P9,000 as demand by the teachers.

golez emphasize that teachersd play a very impt. rule the in country’s particular in nurturing
the dev. of the students

accdg to the teachers they deserve more than a P6,000 increased considering their levelof
work and an credentials. our teachers is the foundation forthe dev ofour children and theirs is
a prof. that we’ve to protect and nurture Golez said.

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