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Listening Assignment 3

Name: Taif Faiz Althaqafi CRN: 02

Q. Choose the best option:

1. What do parents think about their teen children watching a lot of TV?

a. They are fine with it.

b. They are very angry.
c. They complain about it.
d. They encourage their children to do it.

2. The sample of the American teenagers was first surveyed in-----.

a. 1995
b. 2002
c. 1990
d. 1999

3. 7.4% of the sample ------------------ when they were interviewed again in


a. had committed suicide

b. had become perfectly healthy
c. had become depressed
d. had watched more TV

4. The study has shown that there is a strong relationship between

depression and ---------------.

a. playing computer games

b. watching videos
c. listening to the radio
d. watching TV

5. Go jogging, listening to music, and chatting on-line keep you------.

Listening Assignment 3

Name: Taif Faiz Althaqafi CRN: 02

a. physically and emotionally healthy

b. safe from the outside world
c. emotionally unstable
d. fit

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