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2) Book Practice room

Manzil katwal, with the student id: 19031758 of this group were assigned
with the module Book practice room. ‘Sound strong’ music institute needs to store
the booking details in order to check it for the future references. In this module, the
customers books rooms, and the booking is approved by the Staff through a different
process. The module also allows the customer to update, View, and Cancel the

Environmental diagram

Contex level diagram

The above diagram is of context level diagram for booking customers details. In this
diagram the customer provides the required details to the staff which are needed
while booking the room.

Internal Model

DFD level 1 diagram

The diagram presented above is of level 1 DFD which shows a bit more detailed
process of booking rooms than the context level diagram. While booking the rooms
staff verifies the booking information which it gets from customers and stores the
verified information in booking storage then the verified information is reached to
customer through make booking process after which if the required details are not
verified customers are privileged enough to make the cancellation which can be
confirmed by the staff.

DFD level 2 diagram

The above figure is of level 2 DFD for booking the rooms at sound strong institute.
The involved entities are staff and customer. There is booking datastore involved and
along with it there are five processes involved. It gives the detail knowledge of
cancellation of booking which was involved vaguely in our previous DFD diagram. At
the initial phase the customer details are received by the staff which is verified and
confirmed and then sent to customers after which customers view the verified
information. If the verified information is not satisfactory it makes the booking
cancellation and the booking details are removed from booking storage and booking
cancelled information is given to customer or the costumer request to re-schedule
the booking and gives the updated booking details through update booking process
which is stored in booking storage replacing the previous booking details of the
costumer and gives the re-scheduled booking information to the costumer.

Design specification

Structure chart

The above figure is about the “Book pratice room” part of the system Sound Storng
institute. As we can see there are two sub-modules of the ‘booking practice room’
which are make booking and cancle booking. There are three sub-modules of make
booking module which are make booking, cancle booking check booking and two
sub-modules of cancle booking module which are view booking and update booking.
Firstly, customer gives its details to the staff it verifies the booking if the booking is
not satisfactory customer gives wither cancellation details or update details in that
case staff checks the booking and cancel or update the booking as per the
customers choice.

Module specification

Module Name: Book practice room


DO view booking details

DO select booking

DO confirm booking

IF DO booking cancellation

DO update booking details

DO booking details removed



All the above process was based on the sound strong institute booking
system. Working on this project helped understand the software engineering
principles more clearly. As per the individual task asked only the system of
booking the room is created in detailed levels with structure diagrams and

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