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What is the relationship between the Pilgrim and Virgil?

Dante's Inferno is a poem written by Dante that describes how to interact directly
with the shades in the underworld and the horrors of hell, as well as how to enter
paradise. He is known as the Pilgrim in this place because he traveled to a sacred
place with Virgil, who became his guide to hell, purgatory, and possibly heaven.
Not only did he become Dante's guide, but he also became his friend, and Virgil
was ready to protect and defend Dante, not only because of Virgil's promise to
Beatrice but also because their relationship became more personal.

Why does Dante have the Pilgrim’s Story begin “Midway along the journey of our

"Midway along the journey of our lives," Dante the Pilgrim says at the start of his
journey (Canto 1). It was stated at the beginning of the story because the author
was aware that he would encounter various experiences on this journey and was
truly on a journey of self-discovery throughout the Pilgrims' vision of hell.Dante met
a guide who assisted him on his journey through the nine circles of hell. Dante
went deeper and further into hell, realizing the many different sins he could have
committed in his life and realizing that these sins would truly send him there. This
journey of his became an awakening for him, and he had a new self because of
this experience.
Why is it specifically the sounds made by the damned that gives the pilgrims his
first impression of Hell?

When Dante entered hell, the first thing he noticed was the noise and felt the
suffering of the people being punished there, as described in Canto 3, where
Dante describes the noise as "unfamiliar tongues, horrendous accents, words of
suffering, cries of rage." It is full of suffering, and the events contained in it can be
described as horrible. The sins they committed before are being paid for in the
different stages that Dante went through.

Why does the pilgrim meet only eminent sinners

Dante's pilgrimage is the nine circles of hell, so what he really sees here are sinful
people paying for their actions. Each of these circles represents his recognition of
sins and how they will be paid for.

Why are the damned allowed knowledge of only the past and future, but not the

Therefore, in my opinion, the only knowledge that is allowed is the past and future
because the present is created by you and what you do in it determines what
your future will be, such as the sinners suffering in the poem, where it is mentioned
that the only thing they should know is the past, or what they did before and their
consequences, because it is up to them how they can avoid reaching such a
situation. Dante also learns that sin is not to be pitied or changed; once
committed, you have no choice but to stand by your decisions.

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