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Who have relatives that work as contractual workers? What do they tell you about their work?

- I am aware of how they are being treated, as I am one of them. Workers in higher positions, in
my experience, tend to degrade us contractual workers. You can excel at work, and they will still
see some flaws in your excellence. They do such things so that they have reasons to not
promote you.

Explain this quote:

"The way people get their living determines their social outlook."

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

- The bourgeoisie a.k.a. The middle class.

2. Who are the characters? Describe each.

- The laborers and the wealth hoarders. (Proletariat and Bourgeoisie)

3. Identify the symbols in the poem and explain the meaning of each.

4. Why do you think the capitalist wish the working class dead?

- Given that this poem is quite abstract, the capitalists to whom it is referring do not directly say
that the working class should just drop dead. However, their actions, such as overworking their
workers to death and not hearing the poor proletariat's need for help, say otherwise.

*What do the capitalist learn from the working class?

- Capitalists reckon that they are capable of manipulating the lower class, which results in
abusing their power.

*How do they view themselves?

- They think of themselves as the superior ones, as they can easily exploit and abuse the
proletariat, which they believe is inferior to them.

*What are the other factors that may influence the

capitalist judgment?

5. What is the tone of the writer?

- despise, superiority
ending? If you were surprised, explain what details led you to predict a different ending.

- Not at all. The first two lines already suggest what the ending will be.
6. In the light of the capitalist's true motives, as revealed in the Marxist Theory' why is the
moral of this text ironic?

8. Do you think this poem could serve as an effective warning against greed to people today?
Why or why not?

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