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January 2016


Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification
(Supplement to API STD 661, 7th Edition)

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been
prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users,
contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single
set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the
manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of
requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended
to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and
particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should
not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time
to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage
in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted
for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and
regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should
conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be
followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained
in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin,
3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member Companies and Subscribers may
copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or modifications of any kind are not permitted within
any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP. Authorized Users may attach
addenda or overlays to clearly indicate modifications or exceptions to specific sections of PIP
Practices. Authorized Users may provide their clients, suppliers and contractors with copies of the
Practice solely for Authorized Users’ purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to the
procurement process (e.g., as attachments to requests for quotation/ purchase orders or requests for
proposals/contracts) and preparation and issue of design engineering deliverables for use on a specific
project by Authorized User’s client. PIP’s copyright notices must be clearly indicated and
unequivocally incorporated in documents where an Authorized User desires to provide any third party
with copies of the Practice.


March 2012 Issued

January 2016 Editorial Revision

Not printed with State funds

January 2016


Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification
(Supplement to API STD 661, 7th Edition)
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................ 2 11 Preparation for Shipment ........... 22
Purpose ......................................................... 2
Scope ............................................................ 2 12 Supplemental Requirements...... 23
Requirements ..................................... 2 Annex A Recommended
Practices ...................................... 23
1 Scope ............................................. 2
Annex F Quality Overview Plan for
2 Normative References .................. 2 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers...... 23
3 Terms and Definitions .................. 4
4 General .......................................... 5
5 Proposals ...................................... 5
6 Documentation .............................. 6
7 Design ............................................ 8
8 Materials ...................................... 19
9 Fabrication of Tube Bundle ....... 20
10 Inspection, Examination and
Testing ......................................... 21

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Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification (Supplement to API STD 661) January 2016

This Practice supplements API STD 661, 7th Edition, July 2013 - Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for
General Refinery Services. Together, this Practice and API STD 661 provide requirements for
providing air-cooled heat exchangers.
This Practice and API STD 661 describe minimum requirements for the design, materials, fabrication,
inspection, and testing of air-cooled heat exchangers. This Practice describes additions, modifications,
and deletions made to API STD 661. In addition, this Practice describes decisions made regarding
options offered by API STD 661. This Practice supplements, but does not supersede, API STD 661
and any applicable jurisdictional requirements.

The numbering of the following headings and paragraphs in the Requirements section corresponds to the
numbering of API STD 661, which this Practice supplements. The type of revision (i.e., addition,
modification, deletion, or new) made to a specified heading or paragraph is described after the heading or
paragraph identification. Provisions of API STD 661 that are not revised remain in force.

1 Scope
Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Equipment that is part of a self-contained package unit (e.g., jacket water and lube oil coolers,
integral radiators, humidified exchangers, or exchangers that are part of air-conditioning equipment)
is not included.

2 Normative References
Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall be
considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be
used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.
a) Process Industry Practices (PIP)
1) PIP VEFV1100[M] Vessel/S&T Heat Exchanger Standard Details (U.S. Customary
Units) [(Metric Units)]
i) PIP VEFV1101[M] Vessel Nameplate Bracket
ii) PIP VEFV1103[M] Vessel Grounding Lug
iii) PIP VEFV1129[M] Vessel Studded Joints
2) PIP VECV1001 Design Criteria and Purchasing Requirements for Vessels; ASME Code
Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
3) PIP STF05501 Fixed Ladders and Cages Fabrication Details
4) PIP STF05511 Fixed Industrial Stairs
5) PIP VESAC001-T Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet for Air-Cooled Heat

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b) Industry Codes and Standards

1) American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- AISC - Manual of Steel Construction
2) American Petroleum Institute (API)
- API RP 941 - Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in
Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
3) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Code)
Section II - Materials, Parts A, B, C, D
Section V - Nondestructive Examination
Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Divisions 1 and 2
Section IX - Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures,
Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators
- ASME B1.1 - Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
- ASME B1.20.1 - Pipe Threads, General Purpose (In)
- ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS ½ through NPS 24
Metric/Inch Standard
- ASME B16.9 - Factory Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings
- ASME B16.11 - Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
- ASME B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 through NPS 60
- ASME PCC-1 - Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly
- ASME SA-20/SA-20M Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for
Pressure Vessels
- ASME SA-435/SA-435M - Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination
of Steel Plates
- ASME SA-688/SA-688M - Specification for Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Feedwater Heater Tubes
4) American Welding Society (AWS)
- AWS A2.4 - Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive
- AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel
5) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS)
- SP-43 - Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Fittings
- SP-44 - Steel Pipeline Flanges
6) Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA)
- Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association

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7) Welding Research Council (WRC)

- WRC Bulletin 107 - Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to
External Loadings
- WRC Bulletin 537 - Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in
Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings for Implementation of WRC
Bulletin 107c) Government Regulations
1) U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Standards (29 Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 1910)

3 Terms and Definitions

3.2 Modification: bare tube surface to be defined as follows:
total area of the outside surfaces of the tubes, which is the length measured between the airside
faces of the header tubesheets minus the portions made inaccessible to cooling air by the tube
3.5 Modification: cyclic service
process operation that requires fatigue analysis in accordance with Code Section VIII, Division
2, Section 5.5.
3.21 Modification: pressure design code to be defined as follows:
also referred to as Code. Code, Section VIII, Division 1 and its referenced sections (e.g.,
Sections II, V, IX), and Code cases as specified by the Purchaser. PIP VECV1001 supplements
the Code.
3.24 Modification: structural code to be defined as follows:
3.34 Addition: New definition: approved equal
a substitution to a specified product that has been approved in writing by Purchaser.
3.35 Addition: New definition: construction
an all-inclusive term comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing,
certification (Code stamp and Manufacturer’s Data Report), and pressure relief.
3.36 Addition: New definition: Designer
the party responsible for defining and specifying the mechanical design requirements (e.g.,
Heat Exchanger Drawing/Data Sheet) consistent with User criteria for use by the Manufacturer.
The Designer is frequently an engineering contractor, but could be the User, third party
consultant, or the Manufacturer. The Designer is also considered the thermal Designer with
respect to heat exchanger design.
3.37 Addition: New definition: Manufacturer
the party entering into a contract with the Purchaser to construct a heat exchanger vessel in
accordance with the purchase order. In accordance with the Code definition, the Manufacturer
is the party that possesses a valid Certificate of Authorization to manufacturer pressure vessels
with the ASME Mark.
3.38 Addition: New definition: National Board

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the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, an organization comprised of
chief inspectors of various governmental jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Heat
exchangers meeting requirements of the Code, except those stamped with the Code “UM”
symbol, may be registered with the National Board.
3.39 Addition: New definition: overlay specification
technical requirements that supplement or override the provisions of this document, such as a
User specification or a project specification.
3.40 Addition: New definition: Owner
the party who owns the facility wherein the heat exchanger will be used. The owner is typically
also the User.
3.41 Addition: New definition: Purchaser
the party who awards the contract to the Manufacturer. The Purchaser may also be the Owner,
User, or the Owner’s or User’s Designated Agent (e.g., engineering contractor).

3.42 Addition: New definition: Purchaser’s Inspector

the person or company authorized by the Purchaser, Owner, and/or User to inspect pressure
vessels to the requirements of this Practice and other Purchaser contract requirements.
3.43 Addition: New definition: User
the party who establishes construction criteria in accordance with the Code philosophy and
service hazards. The User is the operator of the facility wherein the heat exchanger will be

4 General
4.1 Modification: To Read as follows:
Pressure components shall be in accordance with Code and the supplemental requirements
referenced in this standard. All tube bundles shall be Code stamped. Steam heating coils shall
be designed and fabricated to the same requirements as tube bundles. If specified by Purchaser,
steam heating coils shall be Code stamped.
The edition of the Code to be used for the manufacture of exchangers shall be the edition in
effect at time of purchase. Application of Code Cases to the manufacture of exchangers
requires approval of the Purchaser and User.
4.8 Addition: New Paragraph:
Exchangers shall be designed to minimize field assembly.
4.9 Addition: New Paragraph:
Tube bundles shall be three rows deep minimum.
4.10 Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless specified as an exception to a specific item in another document, discrepancies between
the contract documents shall be submitted to the Purchaser for a written ruling.
5 Proposals
5.1 Addition: Supplement as Follows:

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If the item has multiple process conditions, the data sheet shall include all design conditions.

5.4 Addition: Supplement as Follows:

Alternative methods of fabrication may be proposed; however, alternatives shall be clearly
identified and quoted as additions or deductions to the basic proposal.
5.11 Addition: New Paragraph:
Proposed platform arrangements and method of unit support shall be clearly specified and, if
necessary, drawings shall be provided.
5.12 Addition: New Paragraph:
The heat transfer rate shall be calculated for each unit and the quotation shall be based on the
minimum surface, air flow, and fan brake horsepower necessary to guarantee that the surface
offered is satisfactory for the duty and fouling factors specified. Actual fouling factor available
shall be shown on the heat exchanger data sheet. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
documents, a complete thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical guarantee shall be provided.

6 Documentation
6.1 Approval Information
6.1.1 b) Modification: To Read as Follows:
design pressure, maximum allowable working pressure, test pressure, maximum and
minimum design temperature, minimum design metal temperature, minimum tube
thickness, and corrosion allowance;
6.1.1 u) Addition: New paragraph:
drawings and completed Motor Design Data Sheets for each size and type of motor in
an exchanger;
6.1.1 v) Addition: New paragraph:
list of nozzle gaskets with the specific manufacturer, style, and type defined;
6.1.3 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Design calculations shall include relevant formulas and source paragraphs from the
Code, values used in the formulas, calculated results, and comparisons with acceptable
values. Where calculations are based on formulas other than those in the Code, the
source of the formulas shall be referenced. Where calculations are done by a computer
program, a program description shall be given, including name and version of the
program. If the program is not commercially available to industry, program
documentation shall be maintained and provided if requested by Purchaser, Owner, or
User. See Cautionary Note in Code Foreword regarding responsibility for the use of
computer programs.
Calculations shall include:
a) Code calculations for pressure components
b) Wind and earthquake calculations, as applicable
c) Support structure calculations
d) Calculations associated with lifting and erection of the heat exchanger

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e) Nozzle load analysis for local and gross effect, in accordance with WRC 107 and
WRC 537 or other approved method, to the defined external moments and forces
in accordance with 7.1.10
f) Design of attachments, internal and external, including PIP details or other
standard details used
g) Fatigue analysis as applicable for fatigue services
h) Restraint relief in accordance with
6.1.4 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Weld maps, all proposed welding procedures, including tube to tubesheet welding
procedures, and qualifications, including impact test results, if applicable, shall be
submitted to Purchaser for approval before start of fabrication.
6.1.5 Modification: To Read as Follows:
If a hot air recirculation system is utilized for winterization, documents showing duct
and plenum sizes, net free flow areas, louver types and arrangement, louver drive
location(s), heating coil and heating medium consumption, and control scheme
schematic shall be submitted to Purchaser for approval before start of fabrication.
6.1.6 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Documentation as specified in the Documentation Schedule in Appendix D shall be provided.
6.1.7 Addition: New Paragraph:
Manufacturer shall be responsible for the design and construction of the heat
exchangers in accordance with this Practice and the documents referenced herein.
Review of the documentation (e.g., fabrication drawings or weld procedures) by the
Purchaser or User shall not alter this responsibility.
6.2 Final Records
6.2.2 g) Modification: To Read as Follows:
fan and hub data, including fan ring geometry (particularly fan tip clearance), shaft bore
and keyway dimensions, and coupling and sheave data;
6.2.2 q) Addition: New Paragraph:
certified electrical and instrumentation diagrams.
Addition: New Section 6.3:
6.3 Responsibilities
6.3.1 Manufacturer shall be responsible for the construction of the exchangers in accordance
with this Practice and the documents referenced herein. Review of the documentation
(e.g., fabrication drawings, design calculations or weld procedures) by the Purchaser or
User shall not alter this responsibility.
6.3.2 Manufacturer’s documents shall be reviewed by Purchaser and comments resolved before
start of fabrication unless release to proceed is obtained from Purchaser in writing.
6.3.3 If an exchanger or exchanger component design is specified on User’s design
documents, Manufacturer shall not be relieved of any obligations and/or
responsibilities to comply with the contract documents.
6.3.4 Unless approved by Purchaser, welded fabrication shall not be sublet.

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6.3.5 Release for shipment by Purchaser’s Inspector shall not relieve the Manufacturer of any
responsibility for complying with the Code and contract documents.
7 Design
7.1 Tube Bundle Design
7.1.1 General Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless Purchaser and Manufacturer agree on a different value, provision
shall be made for minimum lateral movement of exchanger tube bundles of
19 mm (¾ inch) in both directions or 38 mm (1 ½ inches) in one direction.
Unless cold springing is required, bundles shall be centered within the side
frames. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Provision shall be made to accommodate thermal expansion of tubes. Bowed
tube design with stresses in the deflected tubes beyond their yield point is not
permitted. One header shall be free to move to accommodate thermal
expansion and shall have stainless steel or PTFE sliding plates at the moving
end on both the structure and bundle. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Tubes shall be supported to prevent sagging and meshing or deformation of
fins. Tube supports shall be spaced less than or equal to 1.83 m (6 ft) from
center to center. Tube supports shall be secured to the side frames. The
following types of tube supports are permitted:
a) For stainless steel tube bundles, aluminum support collars 12.5 mm
(½ inch) minimum width
b) For other tube bundle metals, cast zinc or aluminum support collars
12.5 mm (½ inch) minimum width
c) For all tube bundles, aluminum lock bars 7.25 mm (¼ in) minimum
Thin aluminum wiggle strips, unattached to the side frames, are not
permitted. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless otherwise specified, all tube rows of single pass units and coolers in
single phase service, and the last row only of multipass condensers, shall be
sloped 10 mm per meter (1/8 inch per foot) toward the outlet header. Addition: Supplement as Follows:
If specified in the contract documents, complete drainage shall be provided for
special services by sloping successive passes of multipass units in the direction of
flow. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless otherwise specified, exchangers shall be designed for a steam-out
temperature of 121 °C (250 °F).

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Horizontal partitioning in outlet headers shall be drainable by weep holes of

the largest diameter in accordance with good thermal and mechanical design
practice. The return header of even pass units shall include DN 40 (NPS 1 ½)
LWN nozzles to facilitate venting and draining. For odd pass arrangements,
DN 40 (NPS 1 ½) LWN nozzles shall be properly located in both headers to
facilitate venting and draining. Special consideration shall be given to draining
units with split headers or full vertical partitioning where isolated chambers
exist. Addition: New Paragraph:

Unless otherwise specified by Purchaser, exchangers shall be thermally

designed using Heat Transfer Research Institute (HTRI) or Heat Transfer and
Fluid Flow Services (HTFS. Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless otherwise specified by Purchaser, tube-to-tubesheet joints shall be
expanded. Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless approved by Purchaser and User, proof testing shall not be permitted. Addition: New Paragraph:
Weighted mean temperature difference (MTD) shall be used in the design
only if Purchaser provides heat release curves or tables. Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless approved by Purchaser, tube inserts for turbulence promotion and
heat transfer enhancement shall not be used. If tube inserts are offered for
Purchaser's consideration, all essential data on the proposed tube inserts,
including any test data that substantiates enhanced performance shall be
provided in the proposal. Addition: New Paragraph:
Fouling factors shown on Purchaser’s data sheet are net. Tubeside values
shall be multiplied by the ratio of the outside to inside surface area. Addition: New Paragraph:
Services requiring multiple bays shall be provided with an even number of
bundles to facilitate even flow distribution. For services with two phase inlet
conditions, the number of bundles shall be selected to permit a symmetrical
piping arrangement to equalize flow into each bundle. Symmetrical piping
requires the number of bundles to be any number in the following
progression: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.
7.1.2 Heating Coils Modification: To Read as Follows:
The tube pitch of the heating coil shall not exceed the smaller of 1.5 times the
tube pitch of the tube bundle or 4.75 times the nominal heating coil tube

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If steam is used as heating fluid, heating coils shall be single row straight
tube design sloped 10 mm per meter (1/8 inch per foot) toward the outlet
header. Standard header size (i.e., non-AS stamped coils) shall be DN 80
(NPS 3) pipe fabricated of SA-106, Grade B carbon steel material. Nozzle
size and rating for all coil connections shall be DN 80 (NPS 3) ASME Class
300, Raised Face. Prime tube size shall be 25.4 mm (1 in), 12 BWG
minimum wall, fabricated of SA-214 welded grade carbon steel. Fins shall be
aluminum with a standard outside diameter of 57 mm (2 ¼ inches) and a
density of 4.4 fins per cm (11 fins per inch). Tube pitch shall be a maximum
of twice the process bundle pitch or 127 mm (5 inches), whichever is less.
Tube length shall be maximized in accordance with the main coil tubing
dimensions. Fin type shall be in accordance with the individual item
requisition sheet.
7.1.3 Design Temperature Modification: To Read as Follows:
For pressure parts, the maximum and minimum process design temperatures,
the maximum and minimum ambient temperatures, and the minimum design
metal temperature (MDMT) shall be as specified on the data sheet. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Finned tubes shall be in accordance with Annex A-1, Section A.1.1.
7.1.4 Design Pressure
Modification: To Read as Follows:
The design pressure(s) shall be as specified by the Purchaser on the data sheet. The
maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) shall be calculated for both the cold
and uncorroded condition and the hot and corroded condition. The hot and corroded
condition shall be stamped on the nameplate. The MAWP shall not be limited by the
nozzle reinforcement.
7.1.6 Headers General Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Tube-wall temperature differences between passes in the same
row or between adjacent rows shall not lead to overstressing due
to tension, bending or shear. Bowed-type designs are not
permitted. 2) Modification: To Read as Follows:
Stress caused by temperature and pressure. Modification: To Read as Follows:
The lateral velocity in the header shall not be greater than the
velocity in the nozzle or the tubes. Multiple nozzles or an
increased header cross-sectional area may be required.

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Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification (Supplement to API STD 661) January 2016 Modification: To Read as Follows:

For all materials, the minimum tubesheet and plug sheet
thicknesses shall be 25 mm (1 inch) including any corrosion
allowance. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Pass partitions used as stay plates for the tubesheet and plug
sheet shall be made of one integral plate. Horizontal partition
plates shall be provided with a 6 mm (¼ inch) hole for drainage
and venting. Removable Cover Plate and Removable Bonnet Headers Modification: To Read as Follows:
Bolted joints shall be designed using through bolts with confined
gaskets. Unconfined full-face gasket joint designs are not permitted.
Stud bolt construction may be used if approved by the Purchaser.
Gasket contact surfaces on cover plates, matching header box
flanges, and tubesheets shall be machined. The surface finish shall
be appropriate for the type of gasket (See A.3.12). Typical
constructions are shown in Figure 4,). The design of the joint,
including cover plate, shall include seating the pass partition rib(s)
gasket. Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Studs shall be in accordance with PIP VEFV1129. Addition: New Paragraph:
Removable cover plates are not permitted in hydrogen service.
7.1.7 Plugs for Tube Access Modification: To Read as Follows:
Threads of plugs having nominal diameters 30 mm (1¼ inch) and less shall be
fine series threads in accordance with ASME B1.1 Addition: New Paragraph:
Plugs shall be coated with thread lubricant suitable for the design conditions
of the exchanger.
7.1.9 Nozzles and Other Connections Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless otherwise specified on the data sheet, all nozzles shall be flanged.
Flanges less than and equal to DN 600 (NPS 24) shall be in accordance with
ASME B16.5. Unless otherwise specified, flanges greater than DN 600 (NPS
24) shall be in accordance with ASME B16.47. ASME Class 400 flanges are
not permitted. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Flanged nozzles less than and equal to DN 250 (NPS 10) shall be either
fabricated from seamless pipe with weld neck flanges or long weld neck type.
Flanges greater than DN 250 (NPS 10) shall be weld neck or slip-on flanges.

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Use of slip-on flanges shall be limited to design temperatures of 260°C

(500°F), and a maximum corrosion allowance of 3 mm (1/8 inch). Slip-on
flanges shall be of the same material as the nozzle neck, and double welded.
Cast pieces are not permitted. Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Connections in cast transitions are not permitted in any service. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Connections to the header or header nozzles shall be flanged, and not less than
DN 25 mm (NPS 1). This includes auxiliary connections such as vents, drains,
instrument connections, and chemical cleaning connections. Deletion: Delete in Entirety. Modification: To Read as Follows:
For header nozzles greater than or equal to DN 100 (NPS 4), DN 40 (NPS 1½)
flanged thermowell connections shall be provided. For header nozzles less
than DN 100 (NPS 4), flanged thermocouple connections shall be provided on
the adjacent piping as close as possible to the nozzles. One thermowell
connection each shall be provided on one inlet nozzle and one outlet nozzle of
each bundle. Thermowell connections shall be horizontal and shall be size DN
25 (NPS l), ASME Class 6000 forged steel couplings. For all exchangers in
hydrogen service and/or for all nozzles that have ASME Class 900 or greater
flanges, flanged thermowell connections shall be provided. Deletion: Delete in Entirety. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Chemical cleaning connections, if specified, shall be provided as follows:
a) For inlet and outlet nozzles less than or equal to DN 100 (NPS 4), DN 50
(NPS 2) flanged connections
b) For inlet and outlet nozzles greater than or equal to DN 150 (NPS 6), DN
100 (NPS 4) flanged connections
c) For bundles in series or series-parallel arrangements, one chemical
cleaning connection in the inlet nozzle and one in the outlet nozzle of
each series group Modification: To Read as Follows:
Instrument and chemical cleaning connections shall be located in a minimum
of one inlet and outlet nozzle per bundle. Instrument and chemical cleaning
connections shall not be provided in intermediate nozzles of stacked bundles. Deletion: Delete in Entirety. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Flanged vent, drain, temperature, pressure, chemical cleaning and inspection
openings shall be provided with blind flanges, gaskets, and all stud bolts and
nuts suitable for the specified operating conditions. Deletion: Delete in Entirety.

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Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification (Supplement to API STD 661) January 2016 Addition: New Paragraph:

Slip-on flanges shall not be used in vacuum service.[ES1] Addition: New Paragraph:
Nozzles shall not project past the inside surface of the header box. Nozzles
shall be designed to avoid impingement on tube ends, restriction of flow, and
uneven flow distribution. Addition: New Paragraph:
Bolt holes shall straddle the horizontal and vertical centerlines. Addition: New Paragraph:
Weld neck flanges shall have the same inner diameter as the nozzle necks. Addition: New Paragraph:
Nozzle projections shall be sufficient to permit bolt removal. Addition: New Paragraph:
Flanged process nozzles shall not be less than DN 50 (NPS 2). Addition: New Paragraph:
Integrally reinforced nozzles shall be provided if any of the following
conditions exist:
a) Cyclic services
b) Carbon steel with header plate thickness 40 mm (1 ½ inches) and greater
c) Alloy steel with header plate thickness 25 mm (1 inch) and greater
d) Exchangers are in hydrogen service
e) If 100% radiography of nozzles is specified. Addition: New Paragraph:
Nozzles on weld overlaid or integrally clad vessels shall be integrally clad or
weld overlaid. Sleeve lined nozzles are not permitted. Clad or overlaid
protection shall extend through the nozzle neck and cover the gasket face of the
nozzle flange. Addition: New Paragraph:
The thickness of reinforcing pads shall not be greater than header thickness. Addition: New Paragraph:
Heat affected zones from nozzle welds and header welds shall not overlap. Addition: New Paragraph:
All nozzle welds, including neck welds, shall be full-penetration welds. Addition: New Paragraph:
Nozzles shall be in accordance with the following industry standards, as
a) ASME B16.5
b) ASME B16.9

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c) ASME B16.11
d) ASME B16.47
7.1.10 Maximum Allowable Moments and Forces for Nozzles and Headers Modification: To Read as Follows:
Each nozzle in the corroded condition shall be capable of withstanding the
simultaneous application of two times the moments and forces described in
Figure 6 and Table 4. The impact of these loads shall be incorporated into the
design of the header boxes, side frames, header box supports, and the
exchanger support structure.
7.1.11 Tubes Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Minimum fin tip thickness for integral or extruded fins shall be 0.2 mm (0.008
inch). For fins wrapped under… Addition: New Paragraph:
The number of fins shall not be greater than 4.4 fins per cm (11 fins per inch). Addition: New Paragraph:
Minimum clearance between tips of fins on adjacent tubes shall be 3 mm (1/8 inch). Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless approved by Purchaser, serrated fins are not permitted. Addition: New Paragraph:
Circumferential welding of tubes is not permitted. Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless otherwise approved by Purchaser, tube sizes and spacings shall be
uniform throughout bundles in the same exchanger unit.
7.2 Air-side Design
7.2.1 General Addition: Supplement as Follows:
…design exposure temperature (including for steam-out) for mechanical
components… Addition: New Paragraph:
All fans, drive trains, and drivers shall be interchangeable within each
exchanger unit. Addition: New Paragraph:
Motors and the drivers for hot-air recirculation units shall not be exposed to
heated recirculated air. Addition: New Paragraph:
Gear box vents, oil filters, and sight glasses shall be located outside the

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For multiple bay applications, the exchanger shall be designed to ensure that
hot air recirculation cannot occur that can detrimentally affect performance.
7.2.3 Fans and Fan Hubs b) Modification: To Read as Follows:
The pneumatic actuator shall be provided with a positioner. e) Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless otherwise specified on Purchaser’s data sheet, if control air pressure
fails, fan blades shall automatically adjust to maximum pitch. f) Addition: New Paragraph:
Forced draught exchangers shall have adequate clearance in the plenum to
permit removal of the actuator without removing the autovariable hub or fan. Addition: New Paragraph:
Attachments to fan orifice rings, for reducing fan tip clearances, shall be bolted. Addition: New Paragraph:
Mounting and bearing arrangement of induced draught fans shall permit removal
and reinstallation of the fan and hub without exposing personnel to discharge air
streams of neighboring fans, and without disturbing the tube bundle.
7.2.4 Fan Shafts and Bearings Modification: To Read as Follows:
Shaft bearings shall have a calculated rating life, L10, of 100,000 hours at
maximum load and speed in accordance with ISO 281 and/or ISO 76, where L10
is the number of hours at rated bearing load and speed that 90% of a group of
identical bearings completes or exceeds before the first evidence of failure. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Bearings shall be suitable for exposure to the maximum expected air
temperature determined in accordance with paragraph If the maximum
expected air temperature is greater than 127°C (260°F), the following shall be
a) Tapered roller type bearings, heat stabilized to 232°C (450°F)
b) High-temperature seals
c) Adequate internal clearances for high temperature duty
Maximum bearing temperature shall be determined for each fan individually.
Lubricants shall be suitable for the design exposure temperature and
temperatures from friction and loading. Addition: New Paragraph:
Thrust bearings shall be located at the lower end of shafts and mounted in a
manner that permits removal without disturbing shafts or hubs.

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Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification (Supplement to API STD 661) January 2016 Addition: New Paragraph:

Top and bottom fan shaft bearing assembly alignment shall be maintainable.
Structural features (e.g., a rugged shaft tube or other structural detail) shall be
provided to maintain bearing pedestal alignment. Addition: New Paragraph:
Drive shaft shall not permit the maximum operating speed to be greater than
60% of the first critical shaft speed.
7.2.6 Fan Guards Modification: To Read as Follows:
Removable steel fan guards shall be provided for both forced- and induced-
draught exchangers. Addition: New Paragraph:
Guards on forced draught fans shall provide containment for fan blades and
hubs in the event of a fan or hub failure.
7.2.7 Drivers General Addition: New Paragraph:
Drivers shall be arranged and mounted in a manner that provides
ready and complete access for service. Electric Motor Drivers Modification: To Read as Follows:
Shaft-up design shall be used only if approved by the Purchaser. If
the motor is mounted in the shaft-up position, the belt sheave shall be
designed as a shield to prevent water from accumulating and being
directed down the motor shaft while the motor is either idle or
running. Alternatively, an external conical slinger may be fitted to
the shaft to prevent water from entering the housing along the shaft.
7.2.8 Couplings and Power Transmissions General Modification: To Read as Follows:
Fan shaft and gear shaft couplings shall be of the non-lubricated
flexible type, and shall have a minimum service factor of 1.5. Belt Drives Modification: To Read as Follows:
Belt drives shall be either banded type V-belts or high-torque type
positive-drive belts. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Belt drives shall be provided with jack screws or an equivalent
means of initial belt-tensioning and/or re-tensioning. Belt tensioning

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devices shall be easily accessible from maintenance area, without

removing fan guards. Modification: To Read as Follows:
V-belts shall have a minimum service factor of 2.0 based on driver-
rated horsepower. Addition: New Paragraph:
Belts shall be anti-static. Addition: New Paragraph:
Unless approved by the Purchaser, belt drives in a heated air stream
(e.g., top-mounted drives) are not permitted. If belt drives in a heated
air stream are approved, the following shall apply:
a) The belt design temperature shall be the greater of the
maximum air temperature near the belt or the maximum belt
temperature that can be caused by radiation under all
b) Decreased fan efficiency shall be considered.
c) The method for suspending the driver shall be approved by the
d) Driver shall not be located in the heated air stream. See
paragraphs and
e) Automatic belt tensioners shall be provided for belts located in
hot air recirculation. Mechanical Power Transmission Guards Addition: New Paragraph:
Guards shall be in accordance with OSHA 1910 requirements.
7.2.9 Vibration Cut-Out Switches Modification: To Read as Follows:
A readily accessible, double-throw, two-contact vibration cut-out switch shall
be provided for each fan driver unit. Addition: New Paragraph:
Vibration cut-out switches shall be the acceleration sensitive type. Addition: New Paragraph:
Vibration switches shall be installed in housings suitable for the electrical
classification of the area.
7.2.10 Louvers Modification: To Read as Follows:
If used for automatic control, louver actuators shall operate with a 20 to 100
kPa gauge (3 to 15 psig) pneumatic control signal. If supplied with design
motive-air pressure, actuators shall be sized to supply at least 200% of the

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necessary force for full-range louver blade travel. Unless otherwise specified,
design motive-air pressure shall be 410 kPa gauge (60 psig). Modification: To Read as Follows:
Unless otherwise specified, louvers shall open if control-air pressure fails. Addition: New Paragraph:
Outlet louver shall be designed to prevent recirculation of hot air through idle fan. Addition: New Paragraph:
louvers shall not be located under bundles, or above induced draught fans.
7.3 Structural Design
7.3.1 General Modification: To Read as Follows:
Structural steel design, fabrication, and erection shall be in accordance with the
Structural Code and AISC Manual of Steel Construction. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Weld-metal design stress shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1, Section 8. Addition: New Paragraph:
All platforms, ladders, cages, and stairs shall be in accordance with OSHA
1910 requirements.
7.3.2 Vibration Testing Modification: To Read as Follows:
A shop test shall be performed to verify compliance with the vibration limits.
For multi-bay exchanger units, 10% of the bays shall be shop tested, with a
minimum of one bay per exchanger unit.
7.3.4 Plenums Modification: To Read as Follows:
The thickness of steel sheet material used for ducts and plenums shall be a
minimum of 3.6 mm (10 gauge USS) (0.141 inch) flat or 2.7 mm (12 gauge
USS) (0.106 inch) ribbed. Modification: To Read as Follows:
Fan decks shall be designed for a live load of 2500 N/m2 (50 lbf/ft2) with a
minimum thickness of 4.4 mm (8 gauge USS) (0.173 inch) for induced draught
units and 3.6 mm (10 gauge USS) (0.141 inch) for forced draught units. Addition: New Paragraph:
Plenum welds shall be continuous seal welds. Addition: New Paragraph:
Inlet or outlet bells shall be provided in accordance with the following:
a) For forced draught units with box-type plenums, both inlet and outlet
bells shall be provided.

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b) For forced draught units with transition plenums, inlet bells shall be
c) For induced draught units with box-type plenums, inlet bells shall be
7.3.5 Mechanical Access Facilities d) Addition: New Paragraph:
Ladders and cages shall be in accordance with PIP STF05501.
7.3.6 Lifting Devices Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Lug or eye design shall be based on a total load equal to twice the weight of the
lift. Lifting lugs and side frames shall be designed for an impact factor of 1.5.
If frame lugs cannot be used for lifting, Purchaser shall be notified in writing of
the intended method of unit lift. Addition: New Paragraph:
A hoisting beam shall be provided in the plenum chamber to lower motors, fan
shafts, fan blades, etc. The beam shall be designed to carry twice the weight of
the heaviest component to be lifted.
Addition: New Section: Section 7.3.7
7.3.7 Grounding Lugs
Each bay shall be provided with a grounding lug connection welded to the support in
accordance with detail PIP VEFV1103.
8 Materials
8.1 General
8.1.2 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Cast iron shall not be used for pressure components for any service.
8.1.7 Addition: New Paragraph:
Welding, forming, or other operation injurious to galvanizing shall not be performed
after galvanizing. All connections required after galvanizing shall be bolted.
8.1.8 Addition: New Paragraph:
Attachments welded to pressure retaining components shall be of the same nominal
chemical composition as the component.
8.1.9 Addition: New Paragraph:
Hardened washers shall be provided under nuts for all bolts having diameters of 32 mm
(1 ¼ inches) or greater. The washers shall be 6 mm (¼ inch) thick minimum.
8.2 Requirements for Carbon Steel in Sour or Wet Hydrogen Sulfide Service
8.2.4 Addition: New Paragraph:
Materials for exchangers in hydrogen service shall be selected in accordance with API
RP 941 using a value for the hydrogen partial pressure 10% greater than the design
partial pressure and a temperature of 30 °C (54 °F) greater than the design metal

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8.4 Louvers
8.4.3 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Steel louver blades, frames, and linkages shall be galvanized. If mill-galvanized
material is used, all cut and punched edges shall be protected by a zinc-rich coating.
8.5 Other Components
8.5.7 Addition: New Paragraph:
Slide plates shall be stainless steel or PTFE. Carbon steel slide plates are not permitted.

9 Fabrication of Tube Bundle

9.1 Welding
9.1.1 General Modification: To Read as Follows:
Welding procedures and welders shall be qualified in accordance with the
pressure design code. Welding shall be performed in accordance with the
pressure design code. Welding procedures, qualifications, and weld maps shall
be submitted to the Purchaser for approval before start of fabrication in
accordance with paragraph 6.1.4. Addition: New Paragraph:
The layout of header plates shall be made in such a manner that nozzles and
their reinforcement are not located within weld seam heat affected zones.
9.2 Post-Weld Heat Treatment
9.2.4 Addition: New Paragraph:
If PWHT is specified for process conditions, Code exemptions for PWHT are not
9.2.5 Addition: New Paragraph:
Post-weld heat treatment shall follow all welding and repairs but shall be performed
before hydrostatic testing or other load tests.
9.3 Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints
9.3.2 Tube-Hole Grooving Addition: New Paragraph:
Tube-hole grooves shall be in the base material and not in any applied
9.6 Alignment and Tolerances
9.6.5 Addition: New Paragraph:
For completely field or module yard assembled units, proper fit-up and match tolerance
of the complete structure, including all components (e.g., columns, fan ring, and
plenum), for each size provided shall be demonstrated before shipment. If all bays are
fabricated using the same drilling templates and punch guides, the fit-up of only one
unit of a multiple bay unit is required before shipment.

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9.7 Assembly
Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Field assembled components shall be match marked.

10 Inspection, Examination and Testing

10.1 Quality Control
10.1.15 Addition: New Paragraph:
The edges of carbon steel and low-alloy steel plates equal to or greater than 25 mm (1 inch)
thick shall be wet florescent magnetic particle tested for linear discontinuities. Defects shall
not be greater than the limits shown in ASME SA-20. Plate edge laminations revealed by
magnetic particle testing shall be completely removed and repaired.
10.1.16 Addition: New Paragraph:
If full radiographic examination of the nozzle attachment weld is specified, the
attachment details shall be in accordance with Code Section VIII, Division 1, Figures
UW 16.1 type (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), or (f-4) only.
10.1.17 Addition: New Paragraph:
Before final inspection and pressure testing, the inside and outside of exchangers shall
be thoroughly cleaned of all slag, scale, dirt, grit, weld spatter, paint, oil, etc.
10.1.18 Addition: New Paragraph:
Eddy-current testing of tubes shall be in accordance with ASME SA688-688M.
10.2 Pressure Test
10.2.3 Addition: Supplement as Follows:
If specified by Purchaser, liquids other than water may be used for hydrostatic testing
in accordance with the Code.
10.2.7 Addition: New Paragraph:
Welded attachments provided with telltale holes shall be pneumatically tested at 100
kPa gauge (15 psig) before pressure testing an exchanger unit. Telltale holes shall not
be plugged during pressure testing of an exchanger unit.
10.3 Shop Run-In
Modification: To Read as Follows:
For units that are shipped completely shop-assembled, a shop run-in test shall be performed for
the driver, drive assembly, and fan for a period equal to or greater than 30 minutes. Louver
operators shall be assembled, mounted, tested for free movement from full open to full closed,
and then removed and packed for shipment.
10.5 Nameplates
10.5.2 Modification: To Read as Follows:
Nameplates shall be in accordance with PIP VEFV1101 with the bracket welded to the
top of the header.
Addition: New Section: Section 10.6
10.6 Inspections

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10.6.1 Purchaser’s inspection and associated documentation requirements shall be in

accordance with Purchaser’s PIP VESAC001-T Inspection and Testing Requirements
Sheet. See Annex F. If inspection by the Purchaser is specified in the contract
documents, the Purchaser’s Inspector shall contact the Manufacturer to schedule
inspection visits. The Purchaser shall be notified five working days minimum before an
inspection is scheduled.
10.6.2 A complete set of fabrication drawings reflecting all Purchaser’s comments shall be
provided to the Purchaser’s Inspector at the time inspection activities are being
10.6.3 If major components or services are obtained from sub-suppliers, the Purchaser’s
Inspector shall be notified and given the option of inspecting those items at their point
of manufacture. The Manufacturer is responsible for including the Purchaser’s quality
surveillance and notification requirements in suborders. The Manufacturer is also
responsible for arranging for certified drawings for use by the Purchaser’s Inspector at
the sub-supplier’s location.
10.6.4 The Manufacturer retains overall responsibility for ensuring, either directly or through
sub-suppliers, that the inspections required by Purchaser are performed. The
performance of quality surveillance by the Purchaser’s Inspector does not relieve the
Manufacturer or sub-suppliers of responsibility for meeting the specification

11 Preparation for Shipment

11.1 General
11.1.6 Addition: New Paragraph:
Exposed fin tube sections shall be protected from mechanical damage during shipment
and construction.
11.1.7 Addition: New Paragraph:
Tell-tale holes shall be packed with grease.
11.2 Surfaces and Finishes
11.2.4 Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Except for surfaces of tubes and gasket contact surfaces, all exposed ferrous surfaces
not otherwise coated shall be given one coat of the Manufacturer's standard shop
primer before shipment.
11.2.5 Addition: New Paragraph:
All PWHT exchangers shall have the following notice painted on two sides of the
header and insulation covering, if present, in three-inch high letters visible in the
shipping position from grade:

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12 Supplemental Requirements
12.3 Examination
12.3.1 Addition: Supplement as Follows:
Examination and acceptance standards shall be in accordance with Code Section V,
Specification SA-435.

Annex A Recommended Practices

A.3.3 Tubes and Finning – Guidance to 7.1.11
A.3.3.8 Addition: New Paragraph:
If specified, embedded finned tubes shall be subjected to a pull test, either before
purchase or at time of inspection. If specified, a pull test shall consist of the
a) One out of 100 tubes shall be tested at two points not less than 3 m (10 ft)
b) Fins shall be cut leaving a pie-shaped section embedded with a root length of
about 12 mm (½ inch).
c) The pie-shaped sections shall be clamped and a force of 22.5 N (5 lb-force)
shall be applied slowly and held for one minute minimum to pass the test.
d) The sections shall then be pulled out and the root lengths measured. If a root
length is greater than 12 mm (½ inch), the force required to pull the fin out
divided by the actual root length shall be greater than 3.53 N/mm (20 lb-
e) If a tube fails either c) or d) above, the tube shall be subjected to a similar test
not greater than 1 m (3 ft) away from the point that failed. If the tube passes the
second pull test, the tube is considered acceptable. If the tube fails the second
pull test, two pull tests shall be performed on another tube of the same lot of
100 tubes. If the second tube fails either of the two pull tests the lot of 100
tubes shall be rejected.

Annex F Quality Overview Plan for Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

Addition: New Form:
PIP VESAC001-T Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet for Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

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