Education, Religion, and Life

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"Education is the key to success" is a very familiar saying that we all know and live
with it. Our parents say it is the most important thing in the world, without this you're
going to be nothing. This also measures our intelligence and ability, to assign us where
we belong. They said this can be also the key to having a brighter future ahead of us.
However, I am only certain that education is a lifelong process that only ends with

Education is the most important thing in the world that everybody must have. It
always has to do with everything we do in our daily lives. Besides in today’s world,
having an education is regarded as an important factor in being accepted by others
around you. Having an education is believed to make you an effective contributor to
society, and thus can cause you to feel like a productive member as well. For this
reason, education is considered important as it helps you with your employment,
opportunities, the status of life, your environment, and many more.

In addition, the higher your education you have, the higher your position in society.
Education is a system of hierarchy in society based on our intelligence and skills. It
defines what will be the future ahead of you. It is imprinted on the mind of the people
that you must have a better education to attain a better life in society.

Moreover, education is indeed the key to having a brighter future ahead of us. By
having an education you can achieve the things you want like employment,
opportunities, or the status of life you want to be into, thus having the better life that
you dream of. If you can dream it, you could indeed actually accomplish it. Having an
education is the most influential weapon you can possibly hold, and by using it, you
can make all of your dreams come true. There might be some exceptions depending on
your goals in general, education will get you as far as your willingness to go will allow

Therefore, education is the key to success. It offers a lot of advantages that could
benefit us for a lifetime. Life is not constant, day after day there will always be new
developments that indeed education is a lifelong process. Education exists all around
us throughout everything that we do, so use it wisely!

Form of the beginning: Quotation

Paragraph development: Topical Pattern
Form of Ending: Significant Incident
I define religion as an organization of people having the same set of beliefs,
practices, and morals that all together worship God or gods. Being in a religion
strengthens your faith as well as support from people that have the same morals as
you. It creates a sense of belonging and connects you with one another. And it also
improves the quality of life as we find purpose and meaning through life. In short,
religion has really a significant effect on our life especially since we Filipinos grew up
involved with Christian traditions and beliefs.

Religion strengthens our faith because there are people that have the same morals
as you that can provide support and share their enlightenment. With this, you can find
comfort and peace by knowing God is always guiding us. You connect and devote more
to God because all the members encourage one another and develop your spiritual
being. Religion is all about having people you can relate to and lean on with God in

Furthermore, religion also creates a sense of belonging and connects you with one
another. Having people with common shared moral beliefs creates a sense of
belongingness. You will feel relieved knowing you have a group of people that relates
and agrees with you. You can find close bonds in the church organization as you all
together share the same beliefs and worship the same God/s. If sometimes you feel
upset about having many problems in life and sometimes your faith gets shaken, they
are there to give advice and strengthen your faith.

Finally, religion improves our sense of purpose and meaning in life, hence
enhancing our quality of life. We frequently ask ourselves, "What exactly is the purpose
of living?" and all questionable stuff about life. These questions will, however, be
addressed if you follow a religion and pay attention to the bible's teachings, and you
will then be grateful to God for providing you with such a great life. Religion doesn't
only strengthen your faith but also your mental health as well because you can find
your meaning along with the motivation to live your life that is given by God.

In conclusion, all religions basically preach the message of love, peace, and
compassion. It enables people to look beyond themselves and connect with one‘s inner
selves. Many people find hope in it, especially during challenging times. It inspires us
to be kind to other people and pulls us all together to advocate for a shared cause. It is
a crucial aspect of our lives that shouldn't be neglected or disregarded.

Form of the beginning: Descriptive Opening

Paragraph development: Topical Pattern
Form of Ending: Summary
What is life? Life is a single word with many different connotations and meanings.
For people, life may be an adventure that they find fun taking all the risks. For others
may seem like a journey with many obstacles that you must survive. And for some, that
seems life is a punishment that they should endure until death. Life may be beautiful
but not easy as we deal with many problems and obstacles facing them with courage
until the last breath.

Life may be an exciting adventure that brings a lot of fun in taking all the risks. It is
like walking through the jungle without knowing what you will go through. Knowing that
the jungle has a lot of dangerous and poisonous animals you still want to take a risk for
the sake of having fun. This type of person is very fun to be with because they don't
hesitate about their choices as long as they are having fun. They see life as bright
sunny weather full of exciting adventures every day.

Moreover, life is a journey with a path full of flower fields but sometimes with only
thorns in it. Some people may view their life as a walk until the end of the path. A path
that has numerous ways to choose where will you head, you can end up choosing a
flowery path or a path full of thorns. It is not easy to choose even though you have only
two choices, you still have to weigh what you think is the less harmful way.

On the other hand, life may act as a punishment that others try to endure just to
get over it day by day until death. For some, they view life as something meaningless. A
feeling that looks like they are locked up in jail with people saying things about them or
walking on thin ice. These people are always conscious of their surroundings and are
always careful of the people around them. They are sensitive and want validation from
others in order to be happy. They just want to get through to the end of the finish line of

To sum up, life is beautiful just like flower fields but it also comes with thorns which
are the challenges that have to be faced and overcome by all. The people who rise to
these difficulties and succeed are the ones who understand what it is to truly live. Thus,
embrace life but also be prepared to withstand the pricks of pain that come with it.

Form of the beginning: Question

Paragraph development: Compare-Contrast Pattern
Form of Ending: Summary

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