Peta 1 - Batrina Johneric P

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BATRINA, John Eric P.

12 – GAS Aquino PETA #1

● To Members:

As the founder of an organization, I can demonstrate fairness to my members through…

1.) executing fairness concerning the distribution of the appropriate amount of

2.) acknowledging the fact that each one of the members is essential to achieving the
main objective of the organization,
3.) ensuring openness in every transaction the team engages in,
4.) hearing out each and every one’s brilliant ideas or opinions for the sake of
innovation and the betterment of the organization,
5.) respecting them in the same manner they respect me, and lastly,
6.) matching the level of their efforts. Nonetheless, I ought to perform in accord
regardless of how well/unwell my members do. That way, they may have me as their
role model.

● To Beneficiaries:

With our compassion to serve those who are deprived of help, especially those who were
severely impacted in the midst of the pandemic, we can exhibit fairness to the beneficiaries

1.) utilizing the funds that the organization has received from the people who were
willing to help,
2.) aiding them the best way we can as the organization pledged to commit for its
3.) ensuring that each person gets the chance to acquire the assistance they deserve,
4.) suppressing stereotypes or any forms of discrimination by:
5.) Disregarding gender, race, and socio-economic status in admitting patients.

● To Office Properties:

I am able to show accountability to office properties by…

1.) leaving the workspace spotless, just as it was when I arrived,

2.) handling the office’s equipment with extreme caution,
3.) Implementing a high level of security system, as it is the leader’s duty to keep his
workers, funds, and the workspace safe, as well as;
4.) providing a replacement when something gets damaged.

● To Donations:

My responsibilities from safeguarding to maximizing its full potential:

1.) It is my duty to safeguard the funds raised for the people’s medical needs.
2.) Restricting access to funds if necessary to prevent pilfering.
3.) Should there ever be a time when the organization lacks of fund, I will be obligated to
take on the responsibility to fill the gaps in order for the organization to run still.

Transparency in Transactions
1.) To minimize skepticism, the organization will keep records of all expenditures
from the fund.
2.) Every time an organization receives money from a donor, the members have a
right to be notified.
3.) Inform the donor of the precise purposes for which the organization will make use
of their donation.
4.) Even if the donor is someone you know, a verbal agreement is not sufficient for
security. Settle with a formal contract.

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