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Review 1 格拉斯:世界的香水之都 Grasse: The ______________1 Capital of the World
When it comes to perfume production, one country stands out above the rest: France. As the world’s
largest perfume developer, it occupies ______ ______ ______ 30% of the enormous global market. Of all
the French towns where perfume is produced, one town is more associated with the industry than any
other: Grasse. This town’s history and ___________ are so closely tied to ___________2-making that when
people hear the name “Grasse,” perfume immediately _____________ ______ __________.
In the Middle Ages, however, Grasse lay at the heart of a different industry and was instead known for its


high-quality leather-_____________3 products. As popular as these were, the tanning process nonetheless
left an awful smell on the leather. In the 16th century, one local tanner ________ ______ __________ a
practical solution and suggested that perfume ( ) be rubbed on leather gloves to reduce their
unpleasant odor. One such pair of scented leather gloves was presented as a royal gift to the Queen of
France upon her visit to the town. The Queen was so fond of the gift that the perfumed leather trend then
spread across Europe at a rapid pace. The perfume industry in Grasse ____________ _____ as a result. By
the 18th century, the town had become the world’s primary producer of scents.
be known/famous/renowned for +
• This small village is known for its natural mineral water.
be known/famous/renowned as +
• Initially known as a singer, Mandy later became a successful movie actress.
In fact, it was not ______ __________ that this town became the _____________4 of the perfume industry.
The region around the town has always enjoyed _____________5 conditions for growing a wide variety of

迎,但鞣製過程會在皮革上留下一種很難聞的氣味。16 世紀時,有一個當地的鞣革師傅想到了一個很實際的解決
格拉斯的香水業因此迅速興起。到了 18 世紀時,這個城鎮已經成為了世界的主要香水製造地。

flowers and other _________________6 used in making perfumes. Situated in southeastern France, Grasse
______ __________ _______ an abundance of sunshine, a gentle climate, and _____________7 soil.
Various types of flowers, such as jasmine and roses, thrive under these conditions. Therefore, it is a
combination of historical and geographical factors that has allowed Grasse to become a _____________
_____________8 in the world of perfume.

Thanks to its _____________9 and status as a scent producer, Grasse also attracts many perfume
________________10. The most remarkable of these are the “noses,” perfume experts who often receive
years of training and can _____________11 over two thousand distinct smells. Though belonging to a highly
________________12 profession, the noses rely very little on _____________13 methods. Instead, they
make use of their own powerful sense of smell to develop various _____________14 combinations, the best
of which may become some of the world’s most famous perfumes. Talented as they are, noses still need to
work for enormous amounts of time to determine how their secret _____________15 can be improved or
perfected. For this reason, they can sometimes be seen sniffing thin strips of paper _____________16 in
perfume. As the true _____________17 of a multi-billion-euro industry, noses therefore play a crucial role
in the perfume business.
To this day, Grasse continues to rely on these talented guardians and other more traditional industry
methods to produce unique perfumes. The town’s fascinating history, rich environment, and expert scent
developers indeed make it the gem of the global perfume market—a glorious treasure that smells simply
調香師是接受過多年訓練,並且可以識別超過 2000 種不同味道的香水專家。雖然隸屬於高度專業的職業,這些調香

—Written by Nick Kembel


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