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S.Y 2022-2023

Oral Communication

Week 4

Meeting 1-3

I. Learning Content: Values the functions/ purposes of Oral Communication.

II. Expected Value/s to be integrated:

a. HNU Core Values: Social Responsibility

b. Specific Value: Application

III. Learning Competencies (MELCs):

Discusses the functions of communication. (EN11/12OC-Ibe-8)

Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s). (EN11/12OC-Ibe-9)

IV. Learning Task

a. Introduction

Specific Objective/s

a. identify each function of communication.

b. define each function of communication, and

c. emulate the functions of communication.

Overview of lesson

In this lesson the students will

 Understand the importance of functions of


 Apply each function of communication through in

different communicative situation.
 Value the importance of communication in real-life

b. Motivation

The teacher will show different pictures showing the different functions of
communication and will explain what they understood about the picture.

Explain how communication is being used in the picture. This will lead
them to the function of communication. What do you think these people
are doing in the picture?

c. Teaching-Learning Activities


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning, Ma’am!

“Good morning, class!

Today, we will be jumping off to another topic

but would still revolve around
communication. - (Students get ¼
sheet of paper)
To start our activity for today, I want you to
get a ¼ sheet of paper and tally every points
you will earn for today.

I have here different pictures and what

should you do is to think or analyze what
people are doing in the picture. Or in simpler
term, how communication is being used in
each picture.

Emotional Expression
- (Students starts






- (Students

How is
communication used in the first photo or
what do you think they are doing?

How about the 2nd photo? 3rd photo? 4th

photo? 5th photo?

How did you come up with those ideas?

But before we proceed may I ask everyone,

what’s the reason why you communicate
with people?

Very good! You really have brilliant ideas.

So, what do you think will be our topic for

Our topic for today is Functions of

Communication or simply purpose of

Basically, there are five functions of
communication. These are regulation/
control, social interaction, motivation,
emotional expression, and information

Everyone, please read number 1.

1. Control – To control or regulate is to

exercise restraint or direction formally
or informally. The expression of needs
and wants is a way to regulate the
behavior of another person to obtain
something or get something done.

-This happens particularly among

family members or acquaintances.
Rules, regulations, and policies in
establishments are formal home rules
and agreements while unspoken or
unwritten rules are informal.

 School rules and policies on
attendance, grading, dress
codes are prescribed.
 Employees are urged to follow
authority hierarchies and some
formal guidelines.
2. Social Interaction – Communication
allows individuals to interact with
others. - (Student answered)

“As this is self-explanatory, can

someone explain this function of
communication in your own words.”

-used to produce social relationships;

used to develop bonds, intimacy,
relations, used to express
preferences, desires, needs, wants,
decisions, goals, and strengths; used
for giving and getting information

“You can do it.”

Marriage Proposal
“Will you marry me?”

“Would you like some coffee, tea, or

3. Motivation – Communication
motivates or encourages people to
live better. Motivation is the energy

that influences a person’s behavior in
different ways in his pursuit of his goal
or objective.

-Communication helps us set specific

goals and gives us update or
feedback on our progress, whether
positive or negative, toward the
accomplishment of these goals.
Moreover, it helps us reinforce desired
behavior, rectify any undesirable
action, and motivate others as well.
 The priest or the leader of a
religious organization
preachers to his parish to
motivate them to live a
Christian way of life.
 The teacher updates his
students on their school
performance to encourage - (Student answered)
them to do better.

“Have you ever talked to a friend whose

broken hearted or going through something
difficult and you feel the need of comforting
them by saying motivational words? And
what did you say?”

4. Emotional expression –
Communication facilitates people’s
expression of their feelings and
emotions. Communication makes
possible the release or unloading of
emotions, resulting in catharsis.
Communicating your emotions
verbally or nonverbally (e.g., being
angry, sad, or afraid) will alleviate
your anxiety and help you get out of
your emotional blocking. In times like
this, you need someone “to talk to” or
“a shoulder to cry on.”
5. Information dissemination –
Communication functions to convey
information. This is the most basic
function of communication.

- Communication provides data and

information for effective completion of
tasks, solution of problems, and
elimination of uncertainty.

The three flows of information are:

1. Downward flow, from the superiors
or elders to the subordinates in the
form of directives or updates.

2. Upward flow, from the subordinates
or family members to superiors or
elders in the form of feedback and
reports or suggestions; and
3. Horizontal flow (peer to peer), from
worker to worker, husband to wife and - (Students
vice versa, sibling to sibling, or answered)
manager to manager in the form of
data and reports.

-With all of these being said, what are the

four basic functions of communication?

“Since we don’t have enough time to

have an activity today, what we will do is
to group yourselves into five and you
must pick one paper strips here in the
box and that will be your assigned
function of communication. What will - (Students agreed)
happen is we are going to have a role-
playing activity portraying as to what
function of communication you are
assigned. This should be presented in
our next meeting.

Understood class?

Alright if that’s the case let us all stand for

the prayer”


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Good morning, class! Anyone can - (Student answered)

remember what we have discussed

Very good. We have discussed

functions of communication. What are - (Student answered)
the different functions of

Absolutely correct. The five basic

functions of communication are Control,
Social Interaction, Motivation,
Emotional expression, and Information

Now, as you can remember, I grouped

you into five and assigned you with a
one function of communication. And as
what we have agreed, you are set to
perform that one today. To be fair, I will - (Students agreed)

pick a paper strip in this box to
determine who will present first and
who will come next. Okay? “

“Before we finally start, group leaders,

please submit a 1l4 sheet of paper and
write the name of your members and
the functions of communication you are
assigned to.”

“When you are done with your role

play, please provide an explanation as - (Groups are presenting)
to what happened during your

“Thank you so much, class for the

impressive presentation. Give your
hands a round of applause. Based on
what you presented I can really say that
you already have understood the topic - (Students clap their
about the Functions of communication.
Let’s give everyone a round of - (Students are
applause!” participating)
(Teacher’s short review)

“Let us all stand for the closing prayer.”


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Since everyone was able to present

their role play already, today, we will
have another activity which would still
be about the functions of
communication. This time, what you are
going to do using a one whole sheet of
paper is to write a 250-word essay of
your objective observation and
evaluation of the various speakers
watched and listened to in the past.

For sure that you have been able to

witness or hear anyone speaking about
a certain cause, so you must write your - (Students start writing)
objective observation that is based or
using your senses. You write exactly
what you see, hear, or even touch. I will
give you 40 minutes to accomplish this
- (Students submit their
“If you’re done, please submit your paper)
paper in front.”

As a short review, I have here different
lines and you are going to identify as to
what function of communication these
lines are referring to. Raise your hand if - (Students respond)
you want to answer and do not forget to
tally your points. Ready?
- (Student raised hand and
First line: “Wash the dishes now, or else answer)
I won’t allow you to go to the party
later.” - (Student responds)

Second line: “Hi! How have you been?” - (Student responds)

Third line: “Did you know that there’s a

secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel - (Student answers)

Fourth line: “I want to finish up my

studies with good grades to be - (Student responds)
accepted in a good university.”

Can someone give me a line that entails - (Student share his/her

motivation as a function of ideas)

Can someone share his/her ideas as to

why we need to know or be aware
about functions of communication?

Absolutely correct. Good

communication also helps us better
understand the people we care about
and build closer, more intimate
relationships. In communication there
are rules and strategies to be followed
to maintain good communication. It is
important to know the purpose or
functions of communication because it
makes us more aware on how to
communicate properly and correctly.
Thus, this will also help us becoming a
good communicator.

Thank you so much, class. Let us all

stand for the prayer.

Evaluation (Face to Face)

V. Valuing

Communication is crucial for creating and maintaining relationships in our

daily lives. It allows us to connect with others, exchange ideas and feelings,
and resolve conflicts. Good communication also helps us better understand
the people we care about and build closer, more intimate relationships. In

communication there are rules and strategies to be followed to maintain good
communication. It is important to know the purpose or functions of
communication because it makes us more aware on how to communicate
properly and correctly. Thus, this will also help us becoming a good

VI. Closure

The teacher will display different conversational lines and they are going to
identify as to what function of communication these lines are referring to.

VII. References

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