Unit 3 Study Guide (The Progressive Era)

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_________________________________ _________

Name Period


The Progressive Era

1. The reform movement that occurred from about 1890 to 1920 that believed the solution to social problems in
the country lay in a more active role by the government was known as ______________________________.

2. During the Progressive Era, government took a more ____________ roll in the affairs of American citizens.

3. Give FIVE Progressive beliefs:

a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. How did Progressives believe that science could help society? ______________________________________

5. Journalists whose stories help shine the light on the nation’s problems by investigating social problems and
political corruption became known as _________________________.

6. The Muckraker who published a series articles critical of the Standard Oil Company, the most powerful
company of the time, was _______________________________.

7. The Muckraker who wrote stories about the struggles of immigrants in inner New York City whose stories told
about the poverty and disease that was occurring was _________________________.

8. The Muckraker who wrote about the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry, leading to government
regulation of the meat industry, was __________________________.

9. The book written by Upton Sinclair that exposed the problems in the meat industry in the United States was
called ________________________________.

10. What was the impact of The Jungle (what did it lead to)? ___________________________________________

11. Many Progressives believed they could make society better if they could make the government more ________
and believed the cities should be run by ________________ _______________ or _____________________.
12. Name TWO federal laws that were passed as a result of Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle:
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________

13. The Governor of Wisconsin whose progressive reforms led to Wisconsin becoming known as the “laboratory of
democracy” was ________________________________.

14. With Lafollette as governor, political candidates were chosen by the _________________________________,
not by the political bosses.

15. The following were changes in voting practices that were pushed through government with the help of
progressives. Describe what these changes are:
a. direct primary ________________________________________________________________________
b. initiative ________________________________________________________________________
c. referendum ________________________________________________________________________
d. recall ________________________________________________________________________

16. What was the impact of the direct primary on presidential elections? __________________________________

17. The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that put the power to select U.S. senators in the hands of the voters
rather than state legislatures was the ____________ Amendment.

18. What was the significance of the 17th Amendment? _______________________________________________


19. One progressive reform in the early 1900s were laws passed to which put limits on __________________
labor, such as setting the minimum age someone could work.

20. Give FOUR ways factories workers were aided by progressive reforms:
a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________________

21. The tragedy at _______________________________________________ led to changes in building codes for

factories by requiring them to have fire escapes. (p.424)
22. The movement that called for the moderation or elimination of alcohol was known as the __________________

23. The temperance movement led to the passage of the ______________ Amendment in 1919.

24. What did the 18th Amendment do? _____________________________________________________________

25. Name THREE groups that were in favors of the temperance movement:
a. __________________________ b. __________________________ c.__________________________

26. The movement that believed that the government should own and operate industry for the community and buy
companies that affected everyone, such as railroads and utilities, was known as ________________________.

27. The socialist union leader who ran unsuccessfully to be president in four elections in the early 1900s was

Section 2 – Teddy Roosevelt’s Administration

28. The progressive president who believed in making the United States into a world power, but also was
concerned with the environment and with the people was __________________________________________.

29. Roosevelt’s reform programs became known as the ______________________________.

30. Give THREE progressive reforms that Roosevelt wanted to make as president:
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________________

31. In the case of Northern Securities v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that Northern Securities
violated the ________________________________________ and was a ___________________.

32. Why did President Roosevelt feel it was necessary to intervene in the Coal Strike of 1902? ________________

33. How did Roosevelt use presidential power in a new way to solve the Coal Strike of 1902? _________________

34. The law Roosevelt pushed through Congress to strengthen the Interstate Commerce Commission and give the
ICC the power to set railroad rates was known as the ___________________________________________.
35. Roosevelt believed in limiting the use of the nation’s natural resources, a belief known as _________________.

36. In 1902, President Roosevelt signed into law the ______________________________________, which
allowed the use of federal funds from the sale of public lands to be used to pay for irrigation and land
development in Western states where farmers and city dwellers competed for the scare water supply.

37. What was the purpose of the National Parks System? _____________________________________________

38. Name THREE National Parks established under Teddy Roosevelt’s time as president:
a. __________________________ b. __________________________ c.__________________________

39. What was Teddy Roosevelt’s legacy as president? _______________________________________________


40. The president who followed Teddy Roosevelt as president after winning the election of 1908 and who became
very unpopular with Progressives because of his differing views was_______________________________.

41. Roosevelt urged Taft to stay away from tariff reform because it would anger many _____________________.

42. The law which raised some tariffs was the _______________________________________ Act.

43. Give THREE major progressive reforms that occurred during William Howard Taft’s administration:
a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________

44. The right women were fighting for in the early 1900s was the right to _____________, known as suffrage.

45. The leader of the National Woman’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) who was a critical leader in the women’s
fight for suffrage rights was ____________________________.

46. Explain how the following women’s organizations wanted to gain suffrage”
a. NAWSA ________________________________________________________________________
b. AWSA ________________________________________________________________________

47. The leader of the NAWSA who organized marches and lobbied lawmakers in an attempt to gain voting rights for
women was ____________________________.

48. What did the 19th Amendment, passed in 1920, do? ______________________________________________.
Section 3 – Woodrow Wilson’s Administration

49. Unhappy with the changes made by William Howard Taft, Teddy Roosevelt ran for President again in 1912 as a
member of the ______________________ Party, which was nicknamed the ______________________ Party.

50. Because Roosevelt split the Republican Party by running for president in the Election of 1912, it opened the
door for the Democratic candidate, ____________________________, to win the election.

51. What significant role did the Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) play in the 1912 presidential election?

52. The change to the U.S. Constitution that created a national income tax was the _______________ Amendment.

53. To restore people’s confidence in banks that they would not close, President Wilson proposed and Congress
passed the __________________________________. With the creation of a. new system, banks would keep a
portion of their deposits in a regional reserve bank as a cushion in case of a crisis

54. The law that banned businesses from charging a different customer different prices for the same product was
known as _______________________________________.

55. What was the impact of the Clayton Antitrust Act? ________________________________________________

56. Why was the NAACP formed? ________________________________________________________________

57. One of the founders of the NAACP who demanded full political rights for African Americans was

58. The following amendments had a huge influence during the Progressive Era. What did each do?
a. 15th ________________________________________________________________________
a. 16 th
b. 17th ________________________________________________________________________
c. 18 th
d. 19 th

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