The First Law of Thermodynamics

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hapter 4
The Fiirst Law of Therm
It is the law that relattes the various forms of energies forr system of different
d typees.

“IIt is simply the

t expressioon of the connservation of energy prinnciple”

The first law of therm

modynamicss, also know
wn as the connservation off energy prinnciple, proviides a
sound baasis for studying the relationships
r s among thee various foorms of eneergy and ennergy
interactioons. Based on
o experimenntal observattions, the first law of theermodynamiccs states thatt

“Energy can be neith

her created nor
n destroyedd during a prrocess; it cann only changge forms.”

A major consequencce of the firrst law is thhe existence and the deffinition of thhe property total
energy E.

Figgure 4.1 Diff

fferent forms of energies

For the system sho

own above,, the conseervation of energy priinciple or the
t first law
w of
thermodyynamics is ex
xpressed as

 Total Energy
E   Total Energy
E   The Chhange in Tottal 
  =  
 Enterinng the System m   Energgy of the System 
m   Leavinng the System

Ein  Eout  Esystem (4.1) 

This relaation is often

n referred too as the enerrgy balance and is appliicable to anyy kind of syystem
undergoiing any kind of process.

Normallyy the stored energy, or tootal energy, of a system is expressedd as the sum of three sepparate
energies. The total en
nergy of the system, Esysstem, is given as

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Esystem = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy

Esystem = U + KE + PE (4.2)


U is the sum of the energy contained within the molecules of the system
and is called the internal energy.

The kinetic energy KE and the potential energy PE are given by

mV 2
KE =

PE  mgz

U  m(u2  u1 )

KE  m(V22  V12 )
PE  mg ( z2  z1 )

Now the conservation of energy principle, or the first law of thermodynamics for closed
systems, is written as

Ein  Eout  U + KE + PE (4.3)

If the system does not move with a velocity and has no change in elevation, it is called a
stationary system, and the conservation of energy equation reduces to

Ein  Eout  U (4.4)

The mechanisms of energy transfer at a system boundary are: Heat, Work, mass flow. Only heat
and work energy transfers occur at the boundary of a closed (fixed mass) system. Open systems
or control volumes have energy transfer across the control surfaces by mass flow as well as heat
and work.

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4.1 Mechanis
M sms of En
nergy Traansfer, Ein
i and Eou

Heat Traansfer, (Q) Heat

H transfeer to a system
m (heat gainn) increases the energy of the moleecules
and thus the internal energy of thhe system annd heat transfer from a syystem (heat loss) decreaases it
since the energy tran
nsferred out as
a heat comees from the energy
e of the molecules of the systeem. Q
is zero foor adiabatic systems.

Work Trransfer, (W
W) Work trannsfer to a syystem (i.e., work done on a system) increasees the
energy of the system
m, and work transfer
t from
m a system (i.e.,
( work doone by the system)
s decrreases
it, since the
t energy transferred
t o as work comes
out c from the energy contained inn the system
m. Car
engines and hydraullic, steam, or
o gas turbiines producee work whille compresssors, pumps, and
mixers coonsume worrk.

Mass Floow, (m) Wh

hen mass entters a system
m, the energgy of the sysstem increasses because mass
carries ennergy with itt (in fact, maass is energyy). Likewisee, when somee mass leavees the system
m, the
energy contained within the system decreasses because the leaving mass takes out some ennergy
with it.

The enerrgy balance can

c be writteen more expllicitly as

Ein  Eout  (Qin  Qout )  (Win  Wout )  ( Emass ,in  Emass ,out )  ESystem (4.5)

Figurre 4.2 The ennergy contennt of a controol volume caan be changeed by mass flow
as well as heat andd work interaactions.

Ein  Eout
o Net energygy transfer  ESysteem Change in internal,
i kinetic,,  kJ 
by heat, work
w and mass potential, etc..energies

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Or on a rate
r form, as

 
Ein  Eout

 Rate of net energy transfer

by heat, workk and mass
 
  E System  Rate change in innternal, kinetic,
potential, etc..ennergies
 kW 

For consttant rates, th

he total quanntities duringg the time innterval Δt aree related to the
t quantitiees per
unit timee as
  
Q  Q t , W  W t annd E  E t (kJJ ) (

The enerrgy balance may

m be expressed on a per
p unit masss basis as

ein  eout  esystem (kJ / kg ) (4.7)

4.2 T first law and a closed system

The s
m boundary, then the ennergy
For the closed systeem where thhe mass never crosses the system
balance is

 Qin -Q out +Win -Wout = E system (4.8)

Closed system undergoing a cycle

For a closed system undergoing
u a cycle, the initial
i and final states aree identical, and
a thus

Figure 4.3 For a cycle

c ∆E = 0,
0 thus Q = W.

Esystemm  E2  E1  0

Einn  Eout  0

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Ein  Eout (4.9)

Noting that a closed system does not involve any mass flow across its boundaries, the energy
balance for a cycle can be expressed in terms of heat and work interactions as

 
Wnet ,out  Qnet ,in or W net ,out  Q net ,in (4.10)

If the total energy is a combination of internal energy, kinetic energy and potential energy

i.e E  U  KE  PE (4.11)

m(V22  V12 )
Q12  W12  U 2  U1    mg ( Z 2  Z1 ) (4.12)

For negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy

Q12  U 2  U1   W12 (4.13)

Internal energy and Enthalpy

Internal energy
The internal energy includes some complex forms of energy show up due to translation, rotation
and vibration of molecules. It is designated by U and it is extensive property. Or per unit mass
as, specific internal energy, , is an intensive property of the system like P, V, and T but

not measurable.

The internal energy expression can be used to determine the state of the substance if one
additional property is known.

If we take two phase as liquid and vapor at a given saturation pressure or temperature

U  U f Ug (4.14)
mu  m f u f  mg u g (4.15)

u  u f  xu fg (4.16)
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It is another extensive property which has a unit of energy and it is denoted by H. The enthalpy is
a convenient grouping of the internal energy, pressure, and volume and is given by

H  U  PV (4.17)

The enthalpy per unit mass is, , which is said to be specific enthalpy

and h = u + Pv

Consider a piston cylinder assembly where we have a continuous supply heat so that the
boundary changes for the process is

Q12  U 2  U1   W12 (4.18)

(In the above equation we are neglecting change in kinetic energy and potential energy)

If we are assuming the process is at constant pressure

W12  Pdv  P (V2  V1 ) (4.19)

W12  PV2  PV1 (4.20)


Q12  U 2  U1    PV2  PV1  (4.21)

Q12  U 2  PV2   U1  PV1  (4.22)

Q12  H 2  H1 (4.23)

If we take two phase at a given saturation state

H  H f  H fg (4.24)

h  h f  xh fg

4.3 Specific Heat

It is an intensive property of a substance that will enable us to compare the energy storage
capability of various substances. The unit is       .

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Thermodynamics I__________________________________________________________________   _            AAiT 

It defined as; the energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one

In general, this energy depends on how the process is executed. (heat is path dependent property)
In thermodynamics, we are interested in two kinds of specific heats: specific heat at constant
volume and specific heat at constant pressure  .

The specific heat at constant volume can be viewed as the energy required to raise the
temperature of the unit mass of a substance by one degree as the volume is maintained constant.

Here the boundary work is zero because the volume is constant

From first law δQ  dU (4.26)

Per unit mass  q  du but  q  Cv dT

Cv dT  du (4.27)
 du 
Cv    (4.28)
 dT v
(Change in internal energy with temperature at
constant volume)

The specific heat at constant pressure Cp can be viewed as the energy required to raise the
temperature of the unit mass of a substance by one degree as the pressure is maintained

From first law δQ  dU  PdV  d  U  PV   dH (4.29)

Per unit mass  q  dh , but  q  C p dT

C p dT  dh (4.30)

 dh 
Cp    (4.31)
 dT  p
(Change in enthalpy with temperature at constant

Specific heats are sometimes given on a molar basis. They are then denoted by ̅ and ̅ and
have the unit kJ/kmol °C or kJ/kmol K.

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4.4 Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Ideal Gases

We defined an ideal gas as a gas whose temperature, pressure, and specific volume are related by

Pv  RT (4.32)
It has been demonstrated mathematically (the coming chapters) and experimentally that for an
ideal gas the internal energy is a function of the temperature only. That is,

U  U (T ) (4.33)

Using the definition of enthalpy, we have

h  u  Pv but Pv  RT

Combining the above to equation

h  u  RT (4.34)

This shows that h  h(T )

From the specific heat relation du  Cv (T )dT (4.35)

u2  u1  Cv dT (4.36)

Or taking average value of specific heat for narrow temperature difference

u2  u1  Cave ,v (T2  T1 ) (4.37)

And, dh  C p T  dT (4.38)

h2  h1  C p dT (4.39)

By the same argument,

h2  h1  Cave , p (T2  T1 ) (4.40)

Hence, u  Cv T (4.41)

h  C p T (4.42)

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Relation between CP and CV for Ideal Gases

Using the definition of enthalpy (h = u + Pv) and writing the differential of enthalpy, the
relationship between the specific heats for ideal gases is

h  u  RT (4.43)

dh  du  RdT (4.44)

Replacing dh by C p dT and du by Cv dT we have

C p dT  Cv dT  RdT (4.45)

C p  Cv  R (4.46)

Or per mole (molar basis)

C p  Cv  R (4.47)

Where is the universal gas constant =8.314 KJ/Kmol

At this point, we introduce another ideal-gas property called the specific heat ratio k, defined as

K (4.48)

C p  KCv (4.49)

Combining equation (4.46) and (4.49)

KCv  Cv  R (4.50)

Cv  (4.51)
K 1

Cp  R (4.52)

Cp  R (4.53)
K 1
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Internal Energy, En
nthalpy, and Specific Heeats of Solids
ds and Liquidds

A substaance whosee specific volume

v (or density) is constant is called ann incompresssible
substancce. The speccific volumees of solidss and liquidds essentially remain coonstant duriing a
process. Therefore, liiquids and soolids can be approximated as incomp
mpressible subbstances.

It can be mathematiccally shown that

t the consstant-volumee and constaant-pressure specific heatts are
identical for incomprressible subsstances

The speccific heat can

n be expresseed as
C p  Cv  C (4.54)

4.5 The
T First Law andd the Con
ntrol Volu
The consservation of mass and thhe conservattion of energgy principless for open syystems or coontrol
volumes apply to sy
ystems haviing mass crossing the system
s bounndary or coontrol surfacce. In
addition to the heat trransfer and work
w crossinng the system
m boundaries, mass carriies energy with
w it
as it crossses the systtem boundarries. Thus, thhe mass andd energy conntent of the open
o system
m may
change when
w mass en
nters or leavves the controol volume.

Figure 4..4 Typical coontrol volum

me or open syystem

Hence thhe conservatiion of mass principle

p cann be used to relate mass which enterring and leavving a
system. It
I can be exp
pressed as

The net mass

m transfeer to or from
m a control volume
v durinng a processs (a time inteerval ∆t) is equal
to the neet change (in
ncrease or decrease)
d in the total maass within the control voolume duringg that
process (∆t). That is,,

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 Total mass entering   Total mass leaving   Net change in mass 

 - =  
 the CV during Δt   the CV during Δt   within the CV during Δt 

min  mout  mCV (kg ) (4.55)

It can also be expressed in rate form as

 
min  mout  dmCV / dt (kg / s) (4.56)

Where in and out are the total rates of mass flow into and out of the control volume, and
dmCV/dt is the time rate of change of mass within the control volume boundaries. Some time we
also use volume flow rate which indicates the volume of the fluid flowing through a part per unit
time and denoted by,
 
m  V (4.57) 

Thermodynamic processes involving control volumes can be considered in two groups: steady-
flow processes and unsteady-flow processes.

Steady state process

The flow through a control volume is at steady state if, “the property of the substance at a given
position within or at the boundaries of the control volume do not change with time”.

During a steady-flow process, the total amount of mass contained within a control volume does
not change with time (mCV= constant). Then the conservation of mass principle requires that the
total amount of mass entering a control volume equal the total amount of mass leaving it.

Mass in the control volume is constant

dmCV 
  m CV  0 (4.58)
 
min  m out (4.59)
 
m in
  mout (4.60)
 
in V in  out V out (4.61)
in  out incompressible assumption
 
V in  V out (4.62)
 
Vin Ain  Vout Aout (4.63)
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Unsteadyy state proceess

The propperties within
n the control volume chhange with tiime but rem
main uniform
m at any instaant of
time. Thee properties at the flow areas do nott change witth time althoough the masss flow ratess may
change with
w time.

Typical example:- filling

f and empting
e proocesses where most of the cases average
a valuue of
propertiees must be ussed.

For such cases

0 (4.64)
dmcv  
  mi   m e (4.65)
A for singlle streams,

dmcv  
 mi  m e (4.66)

4.6 Flow
F Worrk and Th
he Energy
gy of a Floowing Flluid
Unlike closed
c ms, control volumes invvolve mass flow acrosss their bounddaries, and some
work is required
r to push
p the mass into or ouut of the conntrol volumee. This workk is known as
a the
flow worrk, or flow energy,
e and is
i necessary for maintainning a continnuous flow through
t a coontrol

Fiigure 4.5 Scchematic for flow

f work

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If the fluid pressure is P and the cross-sectional area of the fluid element is A, the force applied
on the fluid element by the imaginary piston is

F  PA (4.67)

To push the entire fluid element into the control volume, this force must act through a distance L.
Thus, the work done in pushing the fluid element across the boundary (i.e., the flow work) is

W flow  FL  PAL  PV (kJ ) (4.68)

Per unit mass

w flow  Pv (4.69)


w flow,in  Pv
i i and w flow,exit  Pe ve (4.70)

Rate expression of flow work

   
W flow,in  ( Pv
i i ) mi and W flow, exit  ( Pe ve ) m e (4.71)

The total flow work is,

  
W flow   Pe ve  me   Pv
i i  mi (4.72)

The total work of the system is

  
W  W flow  W cv (4.73)

Development of energy balance

The general representation of the first law of thermodynamics

Q12  W12  E2  E1 (4.74)

The first law for open system will also have the same form, but

W12  W flow  Wcv (4.75)

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Thermodynamics I__________________________________________________________________   _            AAiT 

The total energy of a simple compressible system consists of three parts: internal, kinetic, and
potential energies

E = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy (4.76)

E = U + KE + PE
Per unit mass
e  u  ke  pe  u   gz (4.77)
The fluid entering or leaving a control volume possesses an additional form of energy, the flow
energy Pv, as already discussed. Then the total energy of a flowing fluid on a unit-mass basis
(denoted by  ) becomes
  Pv  e  Pv  (u  ke  pe) (4.78)
But the combination Pv + u has been previously defined as the enthalpy h. So the relation in the
above equation reduces to
  h  ke  pe  h   gz (kJ / kg ) (4.79)
For inlet

V 2i
ei  Pv
i i  ui   gzi  Pv
i i (4.80)

V 2i
ei  Pv
i i  hi   gzi (4.81)
For outlet

V 2e
ee  Pe ve  he   gze (4.82)
General equation
0( steady )
Ein  Eout  dEsystem / dt 0 (4.83)

     
Qin  Win   m  Qout  Wout   m          (4.84) 
in out
   V2    V2
Qin  Win   m(h   gz )  Qout  Wout   m(h   gz )   (4.85) 
in 2 out 2

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In such cases,
c it is co
ommon pracctice to assum
me heat to be
b transferredd into the syystem (heat input)
at a rate of , and work
w produceed by the sysstem (work output)
o at a rate
r of , annd then solvve the
problem. The first-laaw or energyy balance reelation in thaat case for a general steeady-flow syystem
    V 2  V12 
Q  W  m  h2  h1  2  g ( z2  z1 )  (4.86)
 2 
Dividingg by gives the energy balance
b on a unit-mass basis
b as
V22  V12
q  w  h2  h1   g ( z2  z1 ) (4.87)
When thhe fluid exp
periences negligible chaanges in its kinetic andd potential energies
e (thhat is,
ke = 0, pe = 0), the en
nergy balancce equation is
i reduced fuurther to
q  w  h2  h1 (4.88)

4.7 S
Some Steeady-Flow
w Engineeering Deevices
Nozzles and
a Diffuserrs
Nozzles and diffuserrs are commonly utilizedd in jet enginnes, rockets,, spacecraft, and even gaarden
hoses. A nozzle is a device thatt increases the
t velocity of a fluid at
a the expensse of pressuure. A
diffuser is a device that
t increasees the pressuure of a fluidd by slowing it down. Thhat is, nozzlees and
diffusers perform op
pposite taskks. The crosss-sectional area of a nozzle
n decreases in the flow
directionn for subsonic flows and increases foor supersonicc flows. The reverse is trrue for diffussers.

F 4.6 Schematic
S diiagrams of Nozzles
N and diffusers
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For flow
w through no
ozzles, the heeat transfer, work, and potential
p eneergy are norrmally negleected,
and nozzzles have onee entrance annd one exit. The conservvation of eneergy becomes

 
min  m out (4.89)

  
m1  m2  m (4.90)

 
Ein  Eout (4.91)

   Vi 2     Ve2 
Q net   mi  hi   gzzi   W net   me  he   gze  (4.92)
inlet  2  e
exit  2 

  V2    V2 
mi  hi  i   me  he  e  (4.93)
 2   2 

Ve  2(hi  he )  Vi 2     (4.94) 

In steam, gas, or hyd
droelectric power
p plantss, the devicee that drivess the electricc generator is
i the
turbine. As the fluid
d passes thrrough the tuurbine, workk is done aggainst the blades,
b whichh are
attached to the shaft. As a result, the shaft rottates, and thhe turbine prooduces workk.

Figurre 4.7 Schem

matic diagram
m of Turbinees

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If we neglect the ch
hanges in kinnetic and pootential enerrgies as fluidd flows throough an adiaabatic
turbine having
h one entrance
e and one exit, thhe conservatiion of mass and the steaady-state, steeady-
flow firstt law becom

 
min  m out

  
m1  m2  m

 
Ein  Eout

   Vi 2     Ve2 
Q net   mi  hi   gzzi   W net   me  he   gze 
inlet  2  e
exit  2 

  
mi hi  m e h e  W out
o (4.95)

 
W out  m( hi  h e ) (4.96)

Compresssors, as weell as fans, are devices used to inccrease the pressure
p of a fluid. Woork is
supplied to these devices
d from an exterrnal source through a rotating shaft.
s Thereefore,
compresssors involvee work inputts. Even thoough these thhree devicess function similarly, theey do
differ in the tasks theey perform. A fan increaases the presssure of a gaas slightly annd is mainly used
to mobiliize a gas.

Figure 4.8 Schemattic diagram of Compresssors

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Thermodynamics I__________________________________________________________________   _            AAiT 

If we neglect the changes in kinetic and potential energies as fluid flows through an adiabatic
compressor having one entrance and one exit, the steady-state, steady-flow first law or the
conservation of energy equation becomes
  Vi 2      Ve2 
Q net   mi  hi   gzi   W net   me  he   gze 
inlet  2  exit  2 
 
 W net  m(h e  hi )
 
W net  m(hi  h e ) (4.97) 
The work required when pumping an incompressible liquid in an adiabatic steady-state, steady-
flow process is given by

    V 2  V12 
Q  W  m  h2  h1  2  g ( z2  z1 ) 
 2 
The enthalpy difference can be written as
h2  h1   u2  u1    Pv 2   Pv 1  (4.98)

For incompressible liquids we assume that the density and specific volume are constant. The
pumping process for an incompressible liquid is essentially isothermal, and the internal energy
change is approximately zero (we will see this more clearly after introducing the second law).
Thus, the enthalpy difference reduces to the difference in the pressure specific volume products.
Since v2 = v1 = v the work input to the pump becomes
   V22  V12 
 W  m  v  P2  P1    g ( z2  z1 )  (4.99)
 2 
is the net work done by the control volume, and it is noted that work is input to the pump; so,
= in, pump If we neglect the changes in kinetic and potential energies, the pump work
 
 W  m v  P2  P1   (4.100)
 
W in , pump  m v  P2  P1   (4.101)

We use this result to calculate the work supplied to boiler feed water pumps in steam power

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ng Valves
Throttlinng valves aree any kind off flow-restriccting devicess that cause a significantt pressure drrop in
the fluidd. Some fam
miliar exampples are ordiinary adjustaable valves, capillary tuubes, and poorous
plugs. Unnlike turbinees, they prodduce a presssure drop wiithout involvving any woork. The preessure
drop in the
t fluid is often accom
mpanied byy a large drrop in tempeerature, andd for that reeason
throttlingg devices aree commonly used in refriigeration andd air-conditiioning appliccations.

Figure 4.99 Schematic diagrams off Throttling valves

 
min  m out

   Vi 2     Ve2 
Q net   mi  hi   gzzi   W net   me  he   gze 
inlet  2  e
exit  2 

 
mi hi  m e h e (4.102)

hi  h e (4.103)

Mixing Chambers
The mixiing of two fluids
f occurss frequentlyy in engineerring applicattions. The section
s wherre the
mixing process
p takess place is caalled a mixinng chamber. The ordinarry shower iss an examplee of a
mixing chamber.

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Figure 4.110 Schematicc diagram off Mixing Chhamber

 
 min   mout (4.1004)

  
m1  m 2  m3 (4.1005)
  
m 2  m3  m1 (4.1006)
 
E inn  E out
   V2     V2 
Q net   mi  hi  i  gzzi   W net   me  he  e  gze 
inlet  2  e
exit  2 

Accordinng to the skeetched contrrol volume, mass

m crossees the controol surface. Neglecting
N kiinetic
and poteential energiies and notiing the process is adiaabatic with no work, we
w have forr two
entrancess and one ex

  
m1 h1  m 2 h 2  m3 h3 (4.1007)

  
 
m1 h1   m3  m1  h 2  m3 h3 (4.1008)
 
 
m1 (h1  h 2 )  m3 (h3  h 2 ) (4.1009)
  (h3  h 2 )
m1  m3 (4.1110)
(h1  h2 )

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Heat Excchangers
Heat excchangers aree normally well-insulate
w ed devices thhat allow ennergy exchaange betweenn hot
and coldd fluids with
hout mixing the fluids. The
T pumps, fans, and blowers
b caussing the fluiids to
flow acrooss the contrrol surface arre normally located outsside the contrrol surface.

4 A heat exchanger
Figure 4.11 e can be as sim
mple as two concentric
c pipes.
 
min  m out (4.1111)

For each fluid stream

m since there is no mixing.

  
m1  m 2  m w (4.1112)
  
m3  m 4  m R (4.1113)
 
E in  E out
   Vi 2     Ve2 
Q net   mi  hi   gzzi   W net   me  he   gze 
inlet  2  e
exit  2 
   
m1 h1  m3 h3  m 2 h 2  m 4 h 4 (4.1114)
 
m w (h1  h 2 )  m R (h 4  h3 ) (4.1115)

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