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ISSN (Online) 2581-9429

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301

Study of Molecular Interaction of Ceftriaxone

Sodium at different Concentrations by Ultrasonic
Rajesh S. Hajare1 and Sunanda S. Aswale2
Nilkanthrao Shinde College, Bhadrawati, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India1
Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya, Wani, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India2,
Corresponding Auteur: Dr. Rajesh S. Hajare

Abstract: Density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity, of eftriaxone sodium were measured at different
concentrations at 303.15 temperatures and at 2MHz frequency. Different thermodynamic and acoustical
parameters like Intermolecular free length, Adiabatic compressibility, Relative association, Specific
acoustic impedance, Free volume, Relaxation time, Rao’s constant and Wada’s constant were calculated
from data obtained. From thermodynamic and acoustical parameters molecular interaction in aqueous
solution of ceftriaxone sodium at different concentration have been interpreted.

Keywords: Density, viscosity, ultrasonic velocity, molecular interaction, ceftriaxone sodium

The measurement of ultrasonic velocity in pure liquids and mixture is an important tool to study the physic-chemical
properties which also explain molecular interaction. Ultrasonic parameters give valuable information about the behavior
of solutions, intermolecular association, dipole interaction and complex formation. Using ultrasonic velocity in
conjugation with thermo-acoustic parameters and excess thermodynamic function the nature and type of interactions in
liquiod mixture1-5 can be studied. A number of researchers6-16 has studied molecular interaction in aqueous solution of
different antibiotics. Ceftriaxone sodium is used as antibiotic in pharmaceuticals.

Ceftriaxone sodium
In the present study, density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity aqueous solution of antibiotic ceftriaxone sodium have
been measured at different molar concentration at temperature 303.15K, and frequency 2MHz. Different acoustic and
thermodynamic parameter have been determine from density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity data. The result has been
studied in terms of molecular interaction in aqueous solution of ceftriaxone sodium.

Antibiotic drug ceftriaxone sodium obtained from Prosperity 6 pharmaceutics Limited was used. Double distilled water
was used for making solutions. Densities were measured with the help of density bottle. Weighing was done on Roy
CCB-4 Balance, (± 0.001 g). A special thermostatic water bath arrangement was made for density, viscosity and
ultrasonic velocity measurements in which there is continuous stirring of water with the help of electric stirrer and
temperature variation was maintained within ± 0.1°C. All the ultrasonic velocities were measured by single crystal
interferometer (Mittal Enterprises, Model F-81) with accuracy of ± 0.03% and frequency 2 MHz. The ultrasonic
velocities, densities and viscosities of water and aqueous solutions of ceftriaxone sodium of concentrations 0.1 M, 0.01
M and0.001 M were measured at temperature 303.15K.
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 194
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301
In the present study, densities, viscosities and ultrasonic velocities of water and aqueous solution of antibiotic
ceftriaxone sodium have been measured and noted in Table- 1.
Specific acoustic impedance is determined from the measurement of ultrasonic velocity and density by formula,
Z = vs . ds … (1)
The adiabatic compressibility (β) is evaluated by using equation.
β= 1 / v2.d … … (2)
Relative association is a function of ultrasonic velocity and is calculated by the equation,
ds v0 1/3
RA = --------- (3)
d0 vs
Where, v0 and vs are ultrasonic velocities in solvent and solution.
Relaxation time is evaluated by equation
Ʈ=4/3β.η ................... (4)
Where, β=adiabatic compressibility η =viscosity of experimental liquid
Intermolecular free length has been evaluated from adiabatic compressibility (β) by Jacobson's formula,
Lf = K√β s … … (5)
Where, K is the temperature dependent constant known as Jacobson's constant and is independent of the nature of
liquid. (at 303.15 K, K=631)
Free volume is calculated by following equation
Vf=[Meffv/Kη]3/2 …….(6)
Where, Meff is effective molecular weight, K is a temperature independent constant which is equal to 4.28 x 109 for all
Rao’s constant is calculated by using following equation.
R = [Meff/ds]v1/3 …… (7)
Wada’s constant is calculated by following equation.
W = [Meff/ds] ß -1/7 …… (8)
Relative Viscosity of Solution is calculated by equation
η2= η1.t2.ds/t1.d0 . ........... (9)
Where, η 2= viscosity of experimental liquid, η 1=viscosity of water, t1=time flow of water, t2=time flow of
experimental liquid, d0=density of water and ds=density of experimental liquid.
The experimentally evaluate values are noted in Table -1.
Table 1: Ultrasonic Velocities, densities and viscosities of aqueous solution of Ceftriaxone sodium at different
Calculated Ultrasonic
relaxation time, adiabaticVelocity Density
compressibility, acoustic impedance, Viscosityx10
free volume, relative association, intermolecular fr
3 -1 -2
(M) (m/s) (kg/ m ) (kg m sec )
0.001M 1488.09 1025.40 0.8431
0.01M 1488.34 1030.70 0.8736
0.1M 1489.44 1054.37 1.1529
Table 2: Acoustical parameters of aqueous solution of Ceftriaxone sodium at different concentrations.
Concentrati Adiabatic Specific Acoustic Intermolecula Acoustic
on Compressibilityx Impedance r free length relaxation time
association (RA)
(M) 10-10 Zx104(Kgm-2sec-1) (Lf) Ʈx10-10sec
0.001M 4.40 15.2588 0.0131 1.0321 4.9508
0.01M 4.37 15.3403 0.0131 1.0374 5.1022
0.1M 4.27 15.7041 0.0129 1.0609 6.5722

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 195
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301
Table 3: Thermodynamic parameters of aqueous solution of Ceftriaxone sodium at different concentrations.
Concentration Free Volume Rao’s Constant (R) Wada’s Constant (W)
(M) Vfx10-8 (m3/mole) (m3/mole)(m/s)1/3 (m3/mole)(N/m2)1/7
0.001M 1.2128 0.2004 0.3812
0.01M 1.2873 0.2002 0.3810
0.1M 2.0700 0.2035 0.3884
Table 1 show that with increase of concentration, the values of ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of aqueous
solution of ceftriaxone sodium increases indicate strong attraction between the ceftriaxone sodium and solvent water.
Table 2 and 3, shows that with increase in concentration acoustic impedance, relative association, relaxation time, free
volume, Rao’s constant and Wada’s constant increases where as adiabatic compressibility and intermolecular free
length decreases indicate non-ideal behavior of acoustical, thermodynamic parameters implies strong intermolecular
interactions in aqueous solution of ceftriaxone sodium due formation of hydrogen bond between solute and solvent
molecule of aqueous solution of ceftriaxone sodium.

Non-ideal behavior of acoustical, thermodynamic parameters implies strong intermolecular interactions in aqueous
solution of ceftriaxone sodium due formation of hydrogen.

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Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 196
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301
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Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 197

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