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Adrian Mateo

Professor McTighe

Reflection 1

Dec 10, 2022

Reflection 1
One piece of literature that seriously challenged the way in which I viewed the world was

a book by the name of “Notes From the End of Everything” by Robert Pantano. It is a short story

that takes the reader through the life of a cancer patient who in letters writes about his past life

experiences and the way that he reflects on them while facing his imminent death. I believe this

book has been incredibly eye-opening in some chapters and it has influenced some of my beliefs

regarding religion and my goals in life. Although the book doesn’t necessarily focus on religion

nor does it have any negative takes on it, it has changed some of the ways that I see and value my

limited time on earth. With this, my goals have also been influenced to some degree.

My family and I have never been completely devoted to any religion, although some past

experiences regarding familiar loss have somewhat brought us closer to bible studies, I believe as

a way to seek comfort in faith, instead of dealing with a grievance with uncertainty. Before

beginning to read the “New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures” I used to believe in some

sort of afterlife, although that belief was somewhat abstract and I didn't have an exact definition

for the afterlife, I believed that death didn't necessarily mean permanent oblivion but rather I

believed that it meant some sort of transition into some other form of existence. This view was

challenged when I began reading the bible, and certainly changed the way that I viewed the


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