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Mateo 1

Adrian Mateo

Professor Altman

Journal 11

Nov 11, 2022

Topic Ideas For Journal 11

One of the first ideas that came to mind when the topic for the final essay on personal

writing was a personal story about bullying in school. To be clear with this, I was not personally

bullied in school growing up, but I did know about people that I talked to that were bullied and

no one really stood up for them. The direction that I would take with this topic is precisely that.

The normalization of bullying and the long time effects that it has on people. Also maybe touch a

little bit on the lack of effort by the entire school system to stop children from being bullied and

instead punishes the victims. The second topic that came to mind involves a previous workplace

of mine and a coworker who was reserved and rarely talked to anyone. This topic equally

involves discrimination and how this coworker was avoided by other coworkers simply because

of the fact that they thought his mannerisms were “too feminine” I plan to make this topic into an

analysis of rapid judgment and homophobia in the workplace specifically in people from older

generations. With this topic, I might talk about what we can do to make the workplace a better

place where no one is discriminated against. The last topic that I have in mind is an old

experience of mine when I was in Middle School and got robbed on the way back home. It is a

personal story about the first time that I was mugged and got my phone stolen while walking

through my old neighborhood close to my house. With this conflict that I experience I will focus

on the type of society that I grew up in and how these types of experiences are very common and

how they are even normalized by society.

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