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just the bottom line.

Social responsibility has become increasingly important

Q n02Different Types of Investments…Investments generally fall under two
to investors and consumers who seek investments that not only are
broad umbrellas – growth-oriented investments and fixed-income
profitable but also contribute to the welfare of society and the environment.
investments. A growth-oriented investment option aims at increasing
While critics have traditionally argued that the basic nature of business does
the value of the capital over time, whereas a fixed-income investment
not consider society as a stakeholder, younger generations are embracing
option aims at providing a steady (and sometimes rising) stream of
social responsibility and driving change.
income that can either be paid to the investors or re-invested while
seeking to maintain the original value of the investment
Also known as shares or equities, stocks are among the most popular growth-
oriented investments. When you purchase a share, you become part-owner of • Social responsibility means that besides maximizing
a publicly-traded company and stand to gain a part of the profits. The risk- shareholder value, businesses should operate in a way that
reward ratio with equity investments is often higher than most other forms of benefits society.

Socially responsible companies should adopt policies that
promote the well-being of society and the environment while
Current Investments • A current Investment is an investment that is by its nature lessening negative impacts on them.

readily realizable and is intended to be held for not more than one year from the date
on which such investment is made. • The carrying amount for current investments is Companies can act responsibly in many ways, such as by
the lower of cost and fair value. • Fair Value is the amount for which an asset could be promoting volunteering, making changes that benefit the
exchanged between a cknowledgeable, willing buyer and a knowledgeable, willing environment, engaging in ethical labor practices, and engaging
seller in an arm’s length transaction. Under appropriate circumstances, market value in charitable giving.
or net realizable value provides an evidence of fair value. • Market Value is the
amount obtainable from the sale of an investment in an open market, net of expenses
• Consumers are more actively looking to buy goods and
services from socially responsible companies, hence impacting
necessarily to be incurred on or before disposal. • Any reduction to fair value and any their profitability.
reversals of such reductions are included in the profit and loss statement.
• Critics assert that practicing social responsibility is the opposite
of why businesses exist.
Long Term Investments • A long-term investment is an investment other than a
current investment. • Long term investments are usually carried at cost. • If there is a
permanent decline in the value of a long term investment; the carrying amount is
Understanding Social Responsibility
reduced to recognize the decline. • The reduction in carrying amount is charged to the
profit and loss statement. • The reduction in carrying amount is reversed when there is
a rise in the value of the investment, or if the reasons for the reduction no longer exist
Social responsibility means that individuals and companies must act in the
best interests of their environment and society as a whole. As it applies to
. The cost of an investment includes acquisition charges such as brokerage, fees and business, social responsibility is known as corporate social responsibility
duties. 2. If an investment is acquired, or partly acquired, by the issue of shares or (CSR) and is becoming a more prominent area of focus within businesses
other securities, the acquisition cost is the fair value of the securities or asset issued. due to shifting social norms.The crux of this theory is to enact policies that
The fair value may not necessarily be equal to the nominal or par value of the promote an ethical balance between the dual mandates of striving for
securities issued. If an investment is acquired in exchange, or part exchange, for profitability and benefiting society as a whole. These policies can be either
another asset, the acquisition cost of the investment is determined by reference to the commission (philanthropy: donations of money, time, or resources) or
fair value of the asset given up. It may be appropriate to consider the fair value of the omission (e.g., “go green” initiatives such as reducing greenhouse gases or
investment acquired if it is more clearly evident. 3. A separate Investment Account abiding by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations to limit
should be made for each scrip purchased. The scrips purchased may be broadly pollutionMany companies, such as those with “green” policies, have made
divided into two categories i) Fixed income bearing scrips ii) Variable income bearing social responsibility an integral part of their business models, and they have
scrips. done so without compromising profitability.Additionally, more investors and
consumers are factoring in a company’s commitment to socially responsible
practices before making an investment or purchase.3 As such, embracing
Fixed income Bearing Securities: The investment in Government securities or social responsibility can benefit the prime directive: maximization of
debentures comes under this category. In this type of scrip, the interest accrued from shareholder value.There is a moral imperative as well. Actions—or the lack
the date of last payment to the date of transaction can be easily calculated. In case the thereof—will affect future generations. Put simply, social responsibility is just
transaction is on ‘Ex-interest’ basis i.e., the amount of interest accrued to the date of good business practice, and a failure to do so can have a deleterious effect
transaction has to be paid in addition to the price of security. The following entries are on the balance sheet.Social responsibility can also boost company morale,
made in the books of Purchaser: Debit: the amount of price settled as on ex-interest especially when a company can engage employees with its social causes.
basis is entered in the Capital Column. Debit: the interest accrued to the date of
transaction in the Income Column. In case the transaction is on cum-interest basis, a
part of purchase price is related to the interest accrued from the date of the last interest Social responsibility includes companies engaging in environmental
paid to the date of transaction. And hence in this case the cost of investment has to be preservation efforts, ethical labor practices, philanthropy, and promoting
calculated by subtracting the amount of accrued interest from the Purchase Price. The volunteering. For example, a company may change its manufacturing
following entries are made in the books of Purchaser: Debit: the interest accruing process to reduce carbon emissions.
from the date of last payment to the date of purchase is entered in the Income Column.
Debit: balance i.e., Purchase Price - Interest Accrued, in the Capital Column. When
the interest amount is actually received, it is entered in the Income Column credit Benefiting society and lessening the negative impacts on the environment
NOTES ON INVESTMENT are among the main benefits of social responsibility. Consumers are
increasingly looking to buy goods and services from socially responsible
companies, which can have a positive impact on their bottom line.
Investments are assets held by an enterprise for earning income by way of dividends,
interest, and rentals, for capital appreciation, or for other benefits to the investing
enterprise. Assets held as stock-in-trade are not ‘investments’.

3.2 A current investment is an investment that is by its nature readily realisable and is Q NO9 SOCIAL ACCOUNTING
intended to be held for not more than one year from the date on which such
investment is made.
Business is a socio-economic activity and it draws its inputs from the society,
hence its objective should be the welfare of the society. It should owe a
3.3 A long term investment is an investment other than a current investment. 3.4 An responsibility towards solving many of the social problems. In the present age
investment property is an investment in land or buildings that are not intended to be of growing technological, economic, cultural and social awareness, the
occupied substantially for use by, or in the operations of, the investing enterprise. accounting has not only to fulfill its stewardship function for the owners of the
enterprise, but also accomplish its social function.Changing environments and
social parameters have compelled business enterprises to account and report
3.5 Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between a information with regard to discharge of their social responsibilities. The
knowledgeable, willing buyer and a knowledgeable, willing seller in an arm’s length boundaries of the principles, practices and skills of conventional accounting
transaction. Under appropriate circumstances, market value or net realisable value have been extended to such areas for social disclosure and attestation with
provides an evidence of fair value. regard to the measures of social programmes.

3.6 Marketvalue istheamountobtainablefromthe saleofan investment in an open The concept of ‘Social Accounting’ has gained importance as a result of high
market, net of expenses necessarily to be incurred on or before disposal level industrialization which has brought prosperity as well as many problems
to the society. It has necessitated the corporate sector, with huge amounts of
funds at their disposal, to invest substantial amounts in social activities so as
to nullify the adverse effects of industrialization. “In modern times,
accounting efforts have been extended to the assessment of the state of society
and of the social programmes not for the satisfaction of any individual or
group but for the application of evaluative procedures in the allocation of
QNO4…Social Responsibility?
resources towards better social well being as a whole.”Social accounting is
concerned with the study and analysis of accounting practice of those activities
of an organisation. The concept of socialistic pattern of society, civil rights
Social responsibility means that businesses, in addition to movements, environmental protection and ecological conservation groups,
maximizing shareholder value, must act in a manner benefiting society, not increasing awareness of society towards corporate social cont.
Features of Social Accounting: Q NO What Is Inflation Accounting?Inflation accounting is a special
(i) Social accounting is an expression of a company’s social responsibilities. technique used to factor in the impact that soaring or plummeting
costs of goods in some regions of the world have on the reported
figures of international companies. Financial statements are adjusted
(ii) Social accounting is related to the use of social resources. according to price indexes, rather than relying solely on a cost
accounting basis, to paint a clearer picture of a firm’s financial position
in inflationary environments. This method is also sometimes referred to
(iii) Social accounting emphasize on relationship between firm and society. as price level accounting.

(iv) Social accounting determines desirability of the firm in society.

• Inflation accounting is the practice of adjusting financial
statements according to price indexes.
(v) Social accounting is application of accounting on social sciences. • Numbers are restated to reflect current values in
hyperinflationary business environments.

1. Effective utilization of natural resources • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) defines
hyperinflation as prices, interest, and wages linked to a price
index rising 100% or more cumulatively over three years.
Main objectives of making social accounting is to determine whether
company is properly utilize their natural resources or not • IFRS and U.S. GAAP have different requirements for inflation
2. Help to employees
Company can help employees by providing the facility of education to children
of employees, providing transport free of cost and also providing good How Inflation Accounting Works
working environment conditions
3. Help to society
Because companies' factories spread the pollution in natural society which is When a company operates in a country where there is a significant amount
very harmful for society . So , enterprise can help to society by planting the of price inflation or deflation, historical information on financial statements is
trees , establishing new parks near factory area. and also opening new no longer relevant. To counter this issue, in certain cases, companies are
hospitals permitted to use inflation-adjusted figures, restating numbers to reflect
4. Help to customers current economic values.International Accounting Standard (IAS) 29 adopted
In social accounting this the part of benefits given by company to society , if by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is the guide for
entities whose functional currency is the currency of
company provides goods to customers at lower rate and with high quality .
a hyperinflationary economy. IFRS defines hyperinflation as prices, interest,
5. Help to investors
and wages linked to a price index rising 100% or more cumulatively over
Company can help to investors by providing transparent accounting
three years.1 Companies that fall under this category may be required to
information to investors . update their statements periodically in order to make them relevant to
Because of many objectives are related to safeguarding of natural resources current economic and financial conditions, supplementing cost-
so this accounting is also known as Social and Environmental Accounting, based financial statements with regular price-level adjusted statements.
Corporate Social Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting, Non-
Financial Reporting, Sustainability Accounting
Current Purchasing Power (CPP) method
Under this method, money and non-monetary elements are separated to only
The important benefits of social accounting are as follows: record net profit or loss. In addition, non-monetary components are updated into
(1) A firm fulfills its social obligations and informs its members, the figures using a conversion factor equivalent to a specific price index. The
government and the general public to enables everybody to form correct formulas under this method are:

(2) It counters the adverse publicity or criticism leveled by hostile media and Conversion Factor (under CPP Method) = Price at Current Period / Price at
voluntary social organisations. Historical Period

(3) It assists management in formulating appropriate policies and

programmes. CPP Value = Conversion Amount or Historical Value x Conversion Factor

(4) Through social accounting the firm proves that it is not socially unethical 2. Current Cost Accounting (CCA) method
in view of moral cultures and environmental degradation. This method evaluates assets at their Fair Value Market (FMV) rather than their
historical cost during the fixed asset purchase. However, this method restates
both monetary and non-monetary elements to their current values.
5) It acts as an evidence of social commitment.

(6) It improves employee motivation. 3. Current Value Method

This method measures and reinstates all assets and liabilities at their current
cost structure.
(7) Social accounting is necessary from the view point of public interest
groups, social organisations investors and government.
4. Replacement Cost Accounting Method
(8) It improves the image of the firm. This method records the replacement cost, which is a parameter under all assets
and liabilities in a balance sheet.

(9) Through social accounting, the management gets feedback on its policies
aimed at the welfare of the society. The main advantages of inflation accounting are:

(10) It helps in marketing through greater customer support.

1. Inflation accounting reflects the current balance sheet of a
company and not the historical one
.CONCLUSION: The conclusion drawn is that social accounting is not a means of, 2. It is helpful during general inflation or hyperinflation, as during
nor an alternative to, but rather a framework methodology into which impact such cases, it delivers a lot of benefits to its customers
assessment can fit. Incorporate world social accounting has been one of the major 3. It enables more realistic and comparable statistical analysis of the
stepping stones in improvement in corporate social responsibility. The ultimate goal financial statements of other companiesProfit and loss in inflation
of social accounting is measurement and reporting resources, costs and social benefits accounting reflect the true condition of a companyIt provides
in the corporate world, genuine social accounting has been one of the first major meaningful financial ratios with current value adjustments
stepping stones in improvements in corporate social responsibility. We may conclude The limiting disadvantages of inflation accounting are:
that the social responsibility of accounting is to fulfill the function attributed to it
within the total soc ial division of labor. The responsibility of accountants and
corporate managers tasked with preparing accounting
1. Inflation accounting is a complicated process, making it more
difficult to reinstate the figures of the company and present these
to the investors.
2. It creates moral hazard issues for businesses that deceive
customers with their finances.
3. It leads to many restatements and financial statements that are
continuously changing.
4. During deflation, the depreciation cost will be low, which does not
reflect the actual financial situation of an entity

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