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College of Agriculture and Food Science

Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines

AnSc 22n

Name: Uriah Vincent B. Bulatin Date Submitted: 03/22/23

Lab. Schedule: Wednesday (10AM-1PM) Score:

Laboratory Exercise No. 2


I. Introduction
Classification and selection of swine breeds is an important aspect of modern pig farming. Swine
breeds are categorized based on their physical characteristics, performance, and breeding goals. The
selection process involves identifying the most suitable breeds for a particular purpose, such as meat
production, breeding, or exhibition. There are several factors to consider when classifying and selecting
swine breeds. These include breed size, growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality, maternal traits,
disease resistance, temperament, and adaptation to different environments. Selecting the right breed also
helps to ensure that the pig is suitable for its environment. Different breeds have varying adaptations to
various environmental conditions, and selecting the right breed for a specific location can help achieve
maximum productivity. It helps farmers to choose the most suitable breeds for their specific needs,
ensuring optimal productivity and profitability.

II. Objectives
At the end of this laboratory, the students will be able to:
1. Identify common breeds and types of swine.
2. Identify the distinguishing characteristics including the place of origin for each breed of
3. Enumerate the factors to consider in selecting a breed of swine to be raised.
4. Identify and discuss the different characteristics of good gilts/boars.

III. Procedures
1. The laboratory instructor will discuss the different breeds of swine as well as the criteria
in selecting breeds to be raised.
2. Identify swine breeds found in the locality.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
IV. Questions to Answer
1. Why should you select stocks raised from places similar to your local environment? (5
- There are several reasons in why selecting stocks based in the locality is beneficial
than the other ones. Firstly, they are more likely to be adapted to the local climate,
terrain, and environmental conditions. They may need less specialized care or
management techniques as a result of being able to better withstand local temperature
and weather variations. Animals raised in corresponding environments are also more
likely to have developed resistance to local diseases and be better prepared to handle any
health issues.

In addition, animals bred in similar environments might have akin nutritional needs
and be better suited to regional diets, which would eliminate the need for pricey imported
feed. As they require less particular care or management and are more likely to thrive in
the local conditions, choosing livestock breeds from similar environments can be more
affordable and sustainable in the long run.

2. Explain the relationship between hog soundness and longevity. (5 points)

- Hog soundness and longevity are closely related when it comes to health and
productivity. Soundness refers to the overall health and physical condition of an animal
while longevity refers to an animal's ability to live a long and productive life.

Hog longevity depends in part on soundness since hogs with soundness problems are
more likely to live shorter life expectancy and produce less. Soundness can also be
influenced by longevity. Hogs are more prone to illnesses and health issues as they age.

For instance, hogs with health issues would struggle to move around and eat properly,
which could result in weight loss and slowed growth. Hogs may not be able to effectively
absorb nutrients if they have digestive problems, which can result in poor growth and
development thus they have lower life expectancy. However, hogs bred in a safe and
healthy environment are more likely to have stronger immune systems and be more
disease-resistant, which can help them live longer.

3. Fill up the table below for the breeds of hogs identified in the farm and give its
characteristics. (30 points)


1. Landrace Crossing well with other breeds, England
Landrace often possess length of
body, a high percentage of
carcass weight in the ham and
loin and the ideal amount of
2. Hampshire Known for producing lean Southern Scotland and
muscle, high carcass quality, Northern England
minimal back fat and large loin
eyes. Females also are known
for their mothering ability, with

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
longevity in the sow herd.
3. Duroc Red pigs with the drooping ears England
are valued for their product
quality, carcass yield, fast
growth and lean-gain efficiency.
They also add value through
their prolifically and longevity
in the female line.
4. Poland China Known for their large frame, Ohio
length of body, leanness and
muscle. They also are excellent
feeders, gaining well under good
care and management. They also
are quiet in their disposition.
5. Berkshire Berkshires are known for fast England
and efficient growth,
reproductive efficiency,
cleanness and meat flavor and
6. Spotted The Spotted swine breed is United States
characterized by large, black-
and-white spots. Known for
their feed efficiency, rate of gain
and carcass quality.
7. Pietrain Pietrain is a spotted pig with Belgium
irregular dark and white spots.
The medium size head with
straight or slightly bended snout
and short and wide ears. The
neck is short, very well-muscled
without bulged chap. The chest
is wide with strongly exposed
8. Chester White These white hogs with droopy, Chester County,
medium-sized ears are known Pennsylvania
for their mothering ability,
durability and soundness.
9. Philippine Native They are predominantly black Philippines
Pigs with long face, long snout, short
and lowest body conformation,
erect ears, small size, with an
average mature body weight of
40kg only
10. Yorkshire Yorkshires are white with erect England
ears. They are known for their
muscle, with a high proportion
of lean meat and low back fat.
Soundness and durability are
additional strengths.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
4. Which of the breeds listed in the table above would likely perform well in the
Philippines? (5 points)

- There are several swine breeds that can perform well in the Philippines, depending on
the specific conditions and requirements. Here are a few examples:

Philippine Native Pigs (PNP) - These are indigenous swine breeds in the Philippines
that are known for their adaptability to local conditions and resistance to common pig
diseases. They are also known for their high-quality meat and excellent mothering ability.

Landrace - This breed is known for its high fertility rate and excellent maternal instincts.
They are also adaptable to different environments, which makes them a good choice for
Philippine pig farmers.

Duroc - This breed is known for its excellent meat quality and growth rate. They are also
adaptable to different environments and can thrive in the Philippine climate.

Hampshire - This breed is known for its lean meat and fast growth rate. They are also
adaptable to different environments, which makes them a good choice for Philippine pig

5. What could possibly be the breeds or parental breeds of the swine raised in the Department of
Animal Science. Base your assumptions on the physical traits you observed.
- Based on what I have observed, the majority of the pig breeds raised in the Department of
Animal Science are Yorkshire and Landrace. From a distance, Yorkshires almost appear to be
white pigs due to their light pink color. They have erect ears and slightly indented faces. They
also have slightly curled tails. Landrace, meanwhile, is all white. Their top edges are almost
parallel to the bridge of a straight nose, and their ears droop and lean forward. These physical
traits of the Department of Animal Science's pigs led us to the idea that they are Landraces and

V. References

-The Different Breeds of Swine - Philippine Native. Philippine Native Pig Breed. Philippine Native Gilts,
Sows and Boars - The Pig Site | The Pig Site. (n.d.).
-The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Pig | Description, Breeds, & Facts.
Encyclopedia Britannica.
-Top Eight Major Swine Breeds - Pork Checkoff. (2021, March 9). Pork Checkoff.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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