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Yuanliang Lyu

925-375-9545 | | Los Angles, CA |
Full Stack Software Engineer
• Programming Languages: Python 3, JavaScript ES6+, SQL, HTML5, CSS
• Front-End Technologies: DOM manipulation, WebSockets, React, React Hooks, Redux Toolkit
• Back-End Technologies: Django 4, Postgre SQL, MongoDB, FastAPI, RabbitMQ
• System Design Tools: Monoliths, Microservices, Domain-driven design, Message passing, Event sourcing
• Interests: Travelling, Photography, Video clip, Volunteering, Snowboarding, Singing


Scrumptious Recipes Nov. 2022
• Created a full stack project by using Django, HTML and CSS to build a recipe compilation website
• Launched functions such as demonstrating different recipes with lists, details of the recipe, create individualized
CarCar Feb. 2023
• Built a full-stack project CarCar, using Python, React, Django, Bootstrap, Docker, HTML, and Javascript
• Implemented domain-driven design concepts for microservice-based applications with a Django back-end and React
front-end using a RESTful API framework
• Implemented Docker containerization to ensure the portability, scalability, and continuity of the web application
Narrative Ninja Mar. 2023
• The project involved creating a React front-end and FastAPI back-end that were easy for children to use, allowing
them to create their own storybooks with custom images generated using the DALL-E 2 API.
• The project utilized SQL to build a strong data storage system that saved users' stories, including text and generated
images, making it easy for users to edit and retrieve their work.
• demonstrated proficiency in a wide range of skills, including React, FastAPI, API integration, SQL, teamwork,
communication, and deployment using CapRover. Also gained experience with CI/CD pipelines during the
deployment process.

Yiyang Frozen Food Trading Jun. 2019 – Aug. 2019
Sales Assistant Haikou, China
• Visited different markets with the Sales Manager, promoting different products to hundreds of customers
• Communicated with different parties, assisted in department meetings, executing 3 marketing plans
Basketball Games, CAS of Diablo Valley College Sept. 2019 – May. 2020
Member, Planning Department Pleasant Hill, CA
• Proposed event schedules, managed venue plans and budgets, and developed event rules with the team
• Contributed to other events planning tasks assigned to the department

Hack Reactor March 2023
Certificate in Advanced Software Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles June 2022
Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese Los Angeles, CA
Diablo Valley College, CA June 2020
College Certificate of Media Study Pleasant Hill, CA

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