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Pratik Tibdewal
Rx MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM -
Reg Id : MMC - 2010052004
Rx ID : 491521649
Name Kundan Singh Date 12-03-2023
Age 26 Years Pat Id 20169995
Gender Male

Irritable bowel syndrome

Additional diagnosis comments

4 years

S.No. Prescribed Medicines Dosage Instructions

7 Days; Before Meal; antibiotics 1 hr

before food for infection and gas ;

7 Days; After Meal; preprobiotic, 1

2. TABLET VIZYLAC CAPSULE LACTOBACILLUS(-) 1-0-1 hr after food to build up healthy
bacteria in the stomach and for IBS;

7 Days; After Meal; to decrease the

3. TABLET CIZASPA X CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE(-) Daily: 1-0-1 urge to go to motions and to reduce

cramps ;

Drug Allergies
No known Allergies

Lab Test
1. Stool Examination R/M
2. Fecal Calprotectin
3. Colonoscopy

Follow Up

1 Week

Doctor's Advice

1. 1.
2. diet and lifestyle modification as advised
3. avoid oily fried spicy stuff to a minimum, avoid choclates, peppermint, tea, coffee,
citrus fruits
4. advised low FODMAP diet
5. take 4 to 5 meals in small quantities
6. gap of 4 hours between sleep and dinner
7. high fiber diet
8. regular exercise and walk
9. stop smoking and drinking
10. decrease stress and anxiety

Substitute medicine brand if above unavailable unless Doctor says not to.

Dr. Pratik Tibdewal

MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Gastroenterology

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