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Instructions: Review each item below and determine your current level of proficiency and the importance the

item has for your career succes

1, Item 1 below for an example, and then overwrite the sample ratings with your own ratings for this item. The gap for each item will b

Interpreting your results: In the example, the gap is -5. The large negative number indicates an item where current proficiency is low and care
gap represented by a large positive number (e.g., 5) indicates that current proficiency is relatively high and career importance is relatively low
Part 1: Personal Leadership Assessment, Goal-Setting, and Implementation

1 I am able to formulate a good long-term career goal.
2 I am able to analyze my personal knowledge proficiency.
3 I am able to analyze my personal skill proficiency.
4 I take actions to address self-identified areas of strength or weakness.
5 I am able to formulate goals that meet the SMART criteria to help me address
areas of weakness or strength.
6 I monitor, critically analyze, and record my progress in taking actions and achieving
7 I seek timely support and feedback from others to help track my progress and
achieve my goals.

8 I know my areas of personal strength in the workplace.
9 I understand how to leverage my strengths to achieve success.
10 I know what I need to improve to be an effective leader.
11 I understand what I need to do to make the improvements I believe are important
for my career success.
12 I recognize actions I can take to help improve my leadership competencies.
13 I recognize how my behaviors may impact others.

Awareness of Others
14 I have a good understanding of the needs of the people I work with.
15 I have a good understanding of how others perceive me at work.
16 I am interested in learning about the people I work with.

17 I handle criticism without becoming defensive.
18 I am calm under pressure.
19 I use personal failures as an opportunity for further growth and development.
20 I manage stress well.
21 I typically have a positive outlook.
22 I try to see and understand matters from others' perspectives.
23 I am a good listener.
24 I wait to form judgments until I have all the needed information.
25 When I make a mistake I am not afraid to say so.

Management of Others
26 I am able to relate well with peers in the workplace.
27 I have good working relationships with those I supervise.
28 I have good working relationships with those I report to.
Gap for Leadership: Use your gap analysis to identify your gap for leadership and select one of the above to work on this semester.

Gap 1 : Self Awareness 8, I know my areas of personal strength in the workplace.

Part 2: Situation Audit

Organizational Strategy and Objectives

1 I am able to explain my organization's mission, vision, values, and core goals to
people who are new to the organization.
2 I am able to evaluate my organization's mission, vision, values, and core goals and
make recommendations for improvements if needed.
3 I understand the concept of valuable, rare, inimitable, and nonsubstitutable
resources (VRIN) and can identify them within my organization.
4 I am able to explain my organization's current strategy to others.
5 I am able to critically evaluate my organization's strategy.
6 I am able to explain the pros and cons of alternative strategies my organization
might want to consider in light of its current situation.
7 I am able to accurately explain my organization's current structure.
8 I can discuss my organization's size and understand the possible implications for
organizational performance.
9 I am able to explain the pros and cons of the current organizational structure for
achieving the mission, vision, values, and core goals.
10 I am able to explain the strategic and financial objectives my organization is using
to help achieve its strategy.
11 I am able to critically evaluate my organization's strategic and financial objectives
and offer recommendations for possible improvements.
12 I can identify and explain my organization's core competencies.
13 I can explain how and why each of my organization's core competencies might
serve as a source of competitive advantage.
14 I am able to explain how and why resource-based theory is useful in understanding
my organization's critical resources.

Human Resources
15 I am able to describe my organization's human resource management system to
those who are new to the organization.
16 I am able to evaluate the human resource management system and identify some
aspects that may need improvements.
17 I am able to explain my organization's performance management (PM) system
(including talent recruitment, onboarding, development, and evaluation) to those
who are new to the organization.
18 I am able to identify potential strengths and weakness in the PM system and make
recommendations for possible improvement.
19 I am able to analyze and explain the extent to which my organization views its
people as a source of competitive advantage.

Financial Resources
20 I understand how and why the information contained in my organization's publicly
available financial statements is helpful in explaining its financial situation.
21 I know how to find the information I need to identify typical accounting and financial
management issues when analyzing an organization's financial statements.
22 I can explain the process used to develop my organization's operating budget.
23 I can evaluate the extent to which my organization's master and unit level budgets
appear to align with and support its mission, goals, vision, values and objectives
Technology Resources
24 I can evaluate the extent to which my organization leverages the Internet as a
source of competitive advantage.
25 I am able to evaluate my organization's use of an Intranet (or alternative tools for
internal collaboration and communication) and identify areas of potential strength
and weakness.
26 I can explain the process used to develop my organization's strategic technology
plan and evaluate its alignment with the MGVOs.
27 I am able to explain and evaluate my organization's technology governance
28 I am able to summarize my organization's current situation with respect to the
effective use of advanced technologies.

Building and Equipment

29 I am able to summarize my organization's physical plant and equipment.
30 I can evaluate whether the plant and equipment are used effectively.
31 I am able to evaluate whether there are physical assets within the organization that
need to be retired or replaced.
32 I can explain the process used to develop my organization's facilities plan and
evaluate its alignment with the MGVOs.
33 I am able to evaluate the adequacy of the physical plant budget.
34 I am able to determine whether there are bottlenecks within my organization's

Leadership Effectiveness
35 I am able to identify the common managerial style within my organization.
36 I can determine the possible causes of the dominant managerial style, and discuss
the likely consequences of this style for my organization's MGVOs.
37 I am able to identify the types of support provided by my organization to its
managers to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
38 I am able to identify issues with managerial effectiveness within my organization (if
they exist).
39 I am able to recommend possible courses of action that my organization's
leadership might consider if issues with managerial effectiveness are identified.
40 I am able to identify the potential costs and benefits of my recommended courses
of action.
41 I am able to identify the major management control systems in place within my
organization and determine whether they help the organization achieve its

Organizational Leadership
42 I am able to identify the roles and responsibilities of my organization's leader.
43 I am able to identify the power sources upon which my organization's leader relies.
44 I am able to analyze the implications for the organization of the power sources
used by my organization's leader.
45 I am able to identify the major factors that limit the ability of my organization's
leader to exercise his or her power.
46 I am able to identify the influence tactics upon which my organization's leader
usually relies and discuss the implications for his or her performance.
47 I am able to recognize how my organization's leader handles organizational politics
and discuss the implications for his or her performance.
48 I am able to identify the approaches to conflict (organizational and/or interpersonal)
used by my organization's leader, and discuss the implications.
49 I am able to analyze whether my organization's leader is an effective decision
50 I am able to assess the ability of my organization's leader to create and nurture
relationships with peers and followers that contribute to success, both individual
and organizational.
51 I am able to identify whether my organization's leader uses a transactional or
transformational leadership style and discuss the implications.
52 I am able to assess whether the behaviors, decisions, and actions of my
organization's leader contribute positively to the MGVOs and reputation of the

53 I am able to describe the governance structure in place within my organization.
54 I am able to determine whether the current structure ensures independent and
expert oversight and review of major organizational decisions.
55 I am able to determine whether my organization has provided appropriate
protection against arbitrary, capricious, and/or unethical behavior on the part of
leaders and managers.
56 I am able to assess whether the current management, leadership, and governance
are effective.
57 I am able to assess whether any recent changes (management, leadership or
governance) within my organization have had positive measurable effects.

Learning Organizations
58 If they exist, I am able to describe the metrics related to my organization's
commitment to learning.
59 I am able to determine whether the metrics (if present) align with and support the
organization’s MGVOs.
60 I am able to determine the extent to which the metrics are being used to review
performance and to make needed changes.
61 I am able to assess whether my organization is committing the resources and
leadership attention required to create a sustainable learning organization.
62 I am able to describe my organization's experience with implementing significant
changes over the past five years.
63 I am able to determine which change model(s) best describe my organization's
experience with implementing significant change.
64 I am able to determine the lessons my organization’s leaders and managers
should take from past change experiences to help ensure success for the future.
65 I am able to complete a preliminary situation audit for my organization and to
identify specific aspects of the organization that require leadership attention.

Gap for Situation Audit: Use your gap analysis to identify and select one of the above to work on this semester.

Gap 2 25, I am able to evaluate my organization's use of an Intranet (or alternative tools for internal collaboration and communication) and ide

Part 3: Organization Culture, Climate, and Ethical Decisions

Research and Analytical Skills

1 I am able to find good research sources and then create an annotated resource
2 I am a strong critical thinker and use this skill consistently in my work and writing.
3 I understand the concept of evidence-based management and am able to
determine whether my organization uses this approach.

Organizational Culture
4 I am able to define organizational culture.
5 I can evaluate my organization's culture.
6 I am able to assess the effects culture has on my organization’s ability to achieve
its MGVOs.
7 I understand how country cultural differences may affect my organization.

Organizational Climate
8 I can explain the characteristics of a healthy organizational climate.
9 I can objectively evaluate my organization's climate and recommend changes if
10 I can recognize the types of conflict organizations experience and how they may
affect my organization's success.

Business Ethics
11 I am able to assess whether my organization's leaders make ethical decisions.
12 I am able to determine whether my organization places sufficient emphasis on
ethical and caring behavior.

Organizational Behavior
13 I understand how and why the study of organizational behavior contributes useful
information for managers and/or leaders.

Gap for Culture, Climate, and Ethical Decisions: Use your gap analysis to identify and select one of the above to work on this semes

Gap 3 9, I can objectively evaluate my organization's climate and recommend changes if needed.

Part Four: Virtual Teams

Team Organization
1 I know how to structure a virtual team (or teams) for optimal effectiveness.
2 I am able to manage a virtual team (or teams) for optimal effectiveness.
3 I can discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using virtual teams.
I understand the principles that should be applied in creating an effective team
4 agreement.
I know how to create a project work plan to support the successful completion of a
5 team project.

Team Types and Principles

6 I can explain the possible types of teams that can be used.
I am aware of the general principles that are important for leading and managing a
7 virtual team.
I can identify the challenges associated with having a geographically dispersed
8 team.
I can offer potential solutions to the challenges of being a geographically dispersed
9 team.
10 I can explain the follow-the-sun work model.
I can determine whether the follow-the-sun model would be appropriate in a given
11 set of circumstances.

Team Composition
12 I can explain the benefits and issues associated with team size.
I can explain how team composition (especially homogeneity and heterogeneity)
13 effects team success.
I can discuss the various roles that team members need to fill in order for the team
14 to be successful.
I know how team leadership differs from other forms of leadership within an
15 organization.
16 I can identify the team leadership model that would work best in my organization.

Personality and Personality Assessments

I understand the effects that different personality traits can have on team
17 dynamics.
I am able to identify some assessments that might provide me with useful insights
18 into my own personality.
I am able to identify some assessments that might help team members gain a
19 better understanding of one another.
I can explain how teams develop and understand the implications for teams within
20 my organization.

Country Cultural Differences

I understand country cultural differences and can explain the impact they have on
21 an organization that operates globally.
I can make recommendations for handling cultural differences within a virtual team.

Group Decision Making

23 I have a good understanding of how decisions are made within teams.

Training and Technology

I am able to identify the best information and communication technologies for use
24 within virtual teams.
I can make recommendations for the types of training that would be most beneficial
25 to high-functioning virtual teams.
I know how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether my
26 recommendations are sound.

Team Management
I understand the options available for managing virtual teams within my
27 organization.

Gap for Virtual Teams: Use your gap analysis to identify and select one of the above to work on this semester.

Gap 4 15, I can identify the team leadership model that would work best in my organization.
tem has for your career success. Use a scale of 1 to 7 (where 1 is low, and 7 is high). See Part
m. The gap for each item will be automatically calculated.

ent proficiency is low and career importance is high—so, this might be an item to address. A
eer importance is relatively low. In this event, you would not want to pick the item as one to

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where Using the same scale, select Gap

1 is low and 7 is high, please the number that best
indicate your current level of represents how important
proficiency with each of the each item is for your career
following. success.

7 2 5
4 5 -1
6 3 3
4 3 1
4 2
7 5

5 2
5 6
1 7 -6
6 4 2
7 3 4
5 1
4 7 -3

5 2
3 6 -3
7 4 3

4 7
3 2 1
6 6 0
6 3 3
4 2 2
7 5 2
1 1 0
4 7 -3
2 6 -4
2 2
4 1
5 4 1
4 5 -1
6 4 2
ve to work on this semester.

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where Using the same scale, select Gap

1 is low and 7 is high, please the number that best
indicate your current level of represents how important
proficiency with each of the each item is for your career
following. success.

7 4 3

3 3 0

5 2 3

3 1 2
1 5 -4
3 2 1

5 6 -1
3 7 -4

6 1 5

4 3 1

6 3 3

1 3 -2
7 5 2

3 7 -4

5 3 2

3 4 -1

7 2 5

1 6 -5

2 1 1

6 7 -1

5 7 -2

6 7 -1
5 7 -2
3 1 2

5 6 -1

3 2 1

3 6 -3

2 6 -4

6 3 3
6 2 4
7 4 3

3 7 -4

6 6 0
4 2 2

1 7 -6
7 7 0

2 2 0

4 2 2

5 1 4

4 4 0

3 2 1

7 4 3
2 7 -5
1 1 0

2 1 1

2 7 -5

5 5 0

4 7 -3

3 2 1
7 4 3

7 3 4

3 2 1

2 3 -1
4 3 1

4 6 -2

2 6 -4

4 3 1

6 1 5

7 2 5

2 5 -3

1 2 -1

6 3 3

2 4 -2

1 3 -2

3 6 -3


on and communication) and identify areas of potential strength and weakness.

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where Using the same scale, select Gap

1 is low and 7 is high, please the number that best
indicate your current level of represents how important
proficiency with each of the each item is for your career
following. success.

6 5 1

2 6 -4
6 1 5
5 6 -1
7 7 0
3 4 -1

1 5 -4

2 6 -4
3 7 -4

4 7 -3

7 2 5
5 2 3

7 1 6

above to work on this semester.

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where Using the same scale, select
1 is low and 7 is high, please the number that best
indicate your current level of represents how important
proficiency with each of the each item is for your career
following. success.

7 7 0
6 6 0
1 7 -6

4 5 -1

2 4 -2

3 2 1

4 7 -3

6 3 3

4 7 -3
4 3 1

2 4 -2

5 2 3
4 2 2

1 5 -4

4 5 -1
5 4 1

6 6 0

6 2 4

6 3 3

2 4 -2

4 3 1

6 5 1

2 5 -3
3 4

3 2 1

3 4 -1

6 3 3

7 7 0


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