Homework - Day 4 - Word Stress

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In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one word, we stress
ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly and all the other syllables very quietly.
Let's take 3 words: PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher and photoGRAphic. Do they sound the same
when spoken? No, because we stress ONE syllable in each word and it is not always the same
syllable. So the "shape" of each word is different.

B. TECHNIQUES to identify and practice word stress.

1. Use the following online dictionary which contains the definition and the pronunciation
audio. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/about/pronunciation_english.html

2. Try clapping the words as follows: For stressed syllables clap up, for unstressed syllables
clap down. Example: REfund

3. Use colors/ Capitalize

Good to know!
REfund reFUND
Noun and Verb Syllable Stress
C. PRACTICE the pronunciation of the following words.
Noun: the stress is on the first syllable e.g.
REfund, DIScount, INcrease, etc.
First Syllable Second Syllable Third Syllable
Verb: the stress is on the second syllable.
e.g. reFUND, disCOUNT, inCREASE, etc.
Oo oO ooOo -“I want my REfund!”
REfund reFUND reserVAtion
-“The hotel will reFUND the full amount”
DIScount disCOUNT inforMAtion
COUpon hoTEL compenSAtion
MOney iTInerary combiNAtion
CANcel conDOlences reconfirMAtion
4. We represent each syllable with a circle and the biggest one represents the stress of the

1 Syllable 2 Syllables 3 Syllables

O Oo oO Ooo oOo ooO

4 Syllables

Oooo oOoo ooOo

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