Written Examination For Ship

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Written Examination for Ship’s Cook

Multiple Choice: Select the best answers. Write your answer for the space provided.

1. What do you call the meal adult domestic sheep or more than year old sheep?
a. Veal
b. Mutton
c. Cow
d. Sheep
2. Overweight and obesity risk factors for diseases such as:
a. Colon cancer
b. Diabetes
c. Lung cancer
d. Thyroid
3. It is a method of mixing yeasted bread wherein all ingredients are combined in mixing bowl .
when using yeast , the yeast is mixed separately with water
a. Modified straight dough
b. Laminated dough
c. Straight dough method
d. Cut -in method
4. Identify the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground
a. 155 F ( 68C )
b. 145 F ( 63 C )
c. 165 F ( 74 C )
d. 135 F ( 57 )
5. Functions of fat in the body
a. Provides a backup energy for the body that can be used when carbs are low
b. Supplies essential nutrients in the form of fatty acids to the body which are necessary for
proper functioning
c. Increases one is feeling of fullness after eating
d. All the above
6. It means to soak meat, fish, and veggies in a cold seasoned liquid
a. Blanch
b. Marinate
c. Marinade
d. Boil
7. What temperature must cook vegetables reach to be safety hot-held for services?
a. 135 F ( 57 C )
b. 145 F ( 63 C )
c. 155 F ( 68 C )
d. 165 F ( 74 C )
8. The list below are foods a lactose- vegetarian person does not eat except for:
a. Lettuce, kale, tofu, milk
b. Spinach, carrots, egg
c. Cabbage, tofu, salmon , beans
d. Mung beans, chicken breast, lettuce apple
9. In slam , the Koran outlines the foods which can be eaten , which is called as…
a. Haram
b. Kosher
c. Halal
d. to rah
10. The sum of body processes that change our food energy from three energy
a. Anabolism
b. Catabolism
c. Metabolism
d. Alcoholism
11. Mirepoix consists of the following ingredients
a. Carrots, onion, turnips
b. Carrots , potatoes onions
c. Onions , celery carrots
d. Onions , celery potatoes
12. A cake is done baking if….
a. The center of the cake springs back when touched
b. When cooking time is done
c. When a toothpick is inserted and removed and is dry
d. Both A and C
13. A food handler comes to work with diarrhea . what should the manager tell the food handle to
a. Do not work with food
b. Go home
c. Only bus tables
d. Clean the toilet after each use.
14. Are abnormal response of the body’s immune system to certain foods or food ingredients
a. Food intolerance
b. Food poisoning
c. Food intoxication
d. Food allergen
15. A type of sauce that belongs to emulsion wherein one substance is suspended in another
a. Hollandaise sauce
b. Moray
c. Velouté
d. Espagnole
16. What practice should be used to prevent seafood toxins from causing a foodborne illness?
a. Purchasing food from approved , respectable suppliers
b. Cooking food the correct internal temperature
c. Handwashing throughout the day
d. Microwaving fish to the served raw for 15 seconds
17. In this diet , dairy products are used to complement basic diet of plants foods
a. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian
b. Lacto-vegetarian
c. Ovo-vegetarian
d. Vegan
18. To prevent chronic disease , you need to engage in physical activity of _____ on most days
a. 90 min
b. 80 min
c. 30 min
d. 15 min
19. Sauce allemande is a velouté sauce derivative with ingredients such as :
a. Velouté+ veal stock + butter + lemon
b. Velouté + veal stock + egg yolk + cream + lemon
c. Velouté + fish stock + shallots + white wine
d. Velouté + Chicken stock+ cream + lemon
20. All of the choices below are examples of food high in saturated fat, except for one, which is
a. Coconut oil
b. Ice cream
c. Avocado
d. Pizza
21. You are the manager of a food place where egg salad was implicated in an outbreak of foodborne
a. You tell food handlers to bandage cuts and to wear disposable plastic gloves over the
bandage when
b. You require all employees to be treated with antibiotics to reduce the possibility of
c. You exclude egg salad and all other offerings containing eggs from your menu
d. You purchase eggs only from approved, reputable suppliers who provide refrigerated
22. When it comes to alcohol beverages, drinking should be done in moderation where the
maximum drinks per day should be
a. 1 for women, 2 for men
b. 2 for women, 3 for men
c. 2 for women, 1 for men
d. Man and woman should drink the same
23. Cream soups are often thickened by adding
a. Acid
b. Milk
c. Roux
d. Pasta
24. What rule for serving bread should food handlers practice?
A. Do not re-serve uneaten bread
B. Reheat uneaten bread before serving to other customers?
C. Recycle unused, uncovered butter for use in other food items?
D. Clean and sanitize bread baskets between each customer.
25. Stuffed bells, stuffed pork chops, stuffed squirrels and Cornish hens etc. must be cooked with to
an internal temperature of at least:
A. 155 F for at least 15 seconds
B. 145 F for at least 15 seconds
C. 165 F for at least 15 seconds
D. 130 F for at least 15 seconds
26. How often should waste be removed from the kitchen area?
A. Once a day
B. When a bin a bag is full
C. When the kitchen porter gets around to it
D. After each meal
27. A white sauce derivative called moray sauce is made of:
A. Béchamel + cheddar cheese + Worcestershire + mustard
B. Velouté + cheddar cheese + Worcestershire + mustard
C. Bechamel + gruyere cheese + butter
D. Velouté + gruyere cheese + butter.
28. All the following are risk factors for developing osteoporosis except
A. Cigarette smoking
B. Sedentary lifestyle
C. African - American ancestry
D. Early menopause
29. The following list below tells you when wash your hands except for one.
A. After putting on hand gloves
B. After handling water bins
C. After coughing
D. Before starting food preparation
30. Which item should be rejected.
A. Shell egg at ab air temperature of 45 F (7 C).
B. Bags of organic cookies in torn packaging
C. Bottled milk at 45 F (5 C).
D. Live oysters at 50 F (10 C)
31. A cooking term which is to brown quickly over high heat before it is cooked in moist heat.
A. Fry
B. Sear
C. Steam
D. Bake
32. Why do we store some long-life foods in the fridge after opening.
A. After Opening they are treated as fresh foods
B. It is Easier to find them again when we need them
C. They look better in the fridge than in the cupboard
D. It fills the fridge up making it more Economical to run
33. A function of carbohydrates in the diet is to:
A. Absorb and transport vitamins
B. Promote growth and repair of tissues
C. Supply energy
D. Allow for enzyme action
34. Choose which of the ship’s cook actions spread pathogens
A. George has a small cut on his cheek. It’s not bleeding, but he has a bandage on it.
B. Roger had a headache but no fever. He gets a lot of headaches but he always comes to work
C. Larry, has allergies, sometimes he needs to spit so he spits in the garbage can next to the
D. Henry feels dizzy because he is drunk from last night party.
35. These are condition that yeast need to live.
A. Dark place, moisture, flour
B. Water, flour, sugar
C. Sugars for food, warmth, moisture
D. Dark place, water, and sugar
E. Rolled- in fat dough
36. Limit all the following in your diet except.
A. Saturated and Trans fats
B. Sugar and salts
C. Cholesterol
D. Fiber
37. What must a food handler with an effected hand wound do to work safety with food?
A. Cover the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single- use glove
B. Avoid working with raw food until the wound is completely dry
C. Place a bandage on the wound
D. Apply hand sanitizer to the wound
38. Dietary fiber is an indigestible ______ that serves separately as a body regulatory agent.
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrates
D. Acid
39. The following list below tells you when to wash your hands except for one.
A. Before putting on gloves and handling food
B. After sneezing
C. Before using the restroom
D. Before starting food preparation
40. When baking powder reacts with water, it forms a compound called
A. Carbon
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Carbonaceous
41. The basic difference between a beef-based white stock and a beef- based brown stock is that the
bones for a __.
A. Brown stocks are blanched
B. White stock thoroughly washed in very hot water.
C. Brown stocks are roasted in an oven.
D. White stock is dried out in an oven
42. Means to rub the inside of a baking dish or pan with fat to keep contents from sticking:
A. Brush
B. Grease
C. Wash
D. Line
43. Types of waster that will not break down easily by the action of some microorganisms (or won’t
for many years).
A. Medical Waste
B. Non – Biodegradable
C. Recyclable
D. Blood
44. The process of creaming fat and sugar together is to incorporate air.
A. Mixing
B. Creaming
C. Blending
D. Stirring
45. It is the most reliable way to tell when a loaf of bread is baked:
A. Color
B. Sound
C. Baking time
D. Internal Temperature
46. A food handler has just finished storage a dry food delivery. Which step was done correctly.
A. Stored food 4 inches off the floor
B. Stored food underneath stairwell
C. Stored food 3 inches away from the well
D. Stored food in an empty chemical container
47. What should you NOT do it there’s a grease fire in the kitchen?
A. Smother it
B. Dump as much water on it as you can
C. Douse it with fire extinguisher
D. Turn off the exhaust
48. Foods that spoils easily
A. Potentially hydrogenated food
B. Potentially hazardous foods
C. Potentially modified foods
D. Potentially contaminated food
49. Why it is necessary that hypodermic needles, syringes and lancets are all called “sharps” must be
disposed in a separated trash bin.
A. Can cause forborne diseases
B. Can transmit blood borne pathogens such as HIV and hepatitis B and C
C. Can be washed head, sanitized and then re-use
D. All of the above
50. If Lasagna was removed from hot holding for service at 11:00 am, until what time it can be
served safe?
A. 2:00 PM
B. 2:30 PM
C. 3:00 PM
D. 3:30 PM
51. Which of the following should you avoid marinating overnight?
A. Fish
B. Pork
C. Lamb
D. Chicken
52. What type of flour has the highest protein content (gluten)?
A. Whole wheat flour
B. Pastry flour
C. Rye flour
D. Bread flour
53. The most common used liquids in baking
A. Water and Egg
B. Egg and Milk
C. Water and Milk
D. Water and Juice
54. Health condition/symptom that will excuse food handler from the operation?
A. Sore Throat
B. Coughing
C. Jaundice
D. Stomachache
55. You have just finished Raw Chicken; your next task is to cut onions for a raw salad using the same
cutting board. What

1. What would you do to the provision during bad weather?

answer: Stew and secure them properly

2. What do you do with dented or budget canned item provisions?

Answer: Check it thoroughly for proper disposal. When in doubt throw it out for it may cause chemical
contaminations that may lead to death

3. Give at least 6 conditions that support bacteria growth








4. What do you do before ordering new provisions?

Answer: conduct actual physical inventory

5. How will you check the quality of delivered frozen food?

Answer: make sure that there is no crystal ice is a sign of thawed foods and was re freeze.

6. What are the principles in receiving provisions?


.✓Respect the old chain

. ✓Check if there is no sign of infestation

. [Check the temperature

. ✓Check the expiration date

. [No foods on the floor

7. How do you check the food temperature?


Using food thermometer

8. What are the 5 mother sauces?


✓Spagnole or gravy




Tomato sauce

9. What is the approved method of thawing or defrosting?


1.Under refrigeration of 40°F or 5°C for at least one overnight

10. What is the approved refrigeration procedure in storing of food?


✓follow first in first out basis

✓Store food in 3 inches deep pan to have even temperature and avoid spoilage

✓Maintain temperature of 40°F or below

✓Cover and label food on what and when the product has been done

11. How would you ensure if cooked chicken meet the standard internal temperature?


Internal temperature must be 165°F or above

12. How do you clean the kitchen?


✓Use 3 bucket system

✓ wash with the warm water with detergent

✓ Rinse with plain hot water

✓Sanitize with approved sanitizing solution of 50 to 100 parts per million (PPM) of chlorine equivalent to
One bucket of warm water then air dry

13. How do you avoid temperature danger zone?


✓Serve hot food hot of 140°F or 50°C

✓And cold Food cold of 40°F or 5°C

14. How do you maintain good personal hygiene?


✓take a bath

✓brush teeth every after meal

✓Fingernails are trimmed

✓Wash hand thoroughly as as frequent as you can

✓wear clean uniform.

15. How would you ensure that the program of the company meet the international environmental




✓Dispose or store in a chamber

16. What are the different categories of waste?


Biodegradable; non-biodegradable; hazardous and recyclable

17. What would you do in case of fire?


✓Check the situation

✓Raise the fire alarm

✓Try to extinguish the fire if it does not endanger your life

✓Wait to the firefighting brigade to come

18. What must you do before cleaning the electrical equipment?


: Unplug electrical equipment before cleaning?

19. What are the common accidents in the galley?




✓Slips and fall


✓Fire and explosion

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