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ba tue ui tara Papas 7 plication for pret atthe gente Intron Registration Information 1905 Replacement Copy of Certcate of Registration! Update January 2000 (ENCS) Replacement Copy of IN Cora! Cessation o Registration! Cancellation of TIN/ Other Update of Registration Information Tin applicable spaces, Mark all appropriate boxes with an 7 TTARPAYER INFORMATION i oo | | 655, | | 595, 900 Eeeee 098 Taal Regan Vo a r DEPED DIVISION OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL | TREASON FOR REGISTRATION NFORMATION UPONTE = way seni Cancellation of ‘8 JReplacement of Lost/ Oamaged (Te Tchange in Tax Type Datals \Conesponcence TN Gee aisatReestc CTirlenance in trae Name Ha rel nacshis- [Te Jeessation ot Registration np ey CT lopenincrscine acct “ C1 leenclation orn ae i ty(ies) x x (Tehange in Accounting Period Is CTE Jehanga in Recistored Accross Rea oo i it Te lotennin reared actin Se cn ; fie [erraRegistration | | DE TAIS OF REGISTRATION FORMATION UPDATE v7 sTION OF OUTBOUND CORRESPONDENCE ; “OF REGISTRATION DBS Keone ht JGancelaion duo cosure of busin [Treltost contcte of Registration. aeare Jinfommation, iF eee I PISANI NVOGES z Tate | ae ted by the taxpayer 4 [Czelhost Authority to ernt © lela ntematon nth Autoren c Ne ODERPERMTNO/ONTomimmwen] OCSCS*~C~C«d SE CERTIFICATE FOR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY(ES) (TCL 2 GERTIFICATE AUTHORIZING REGISTRATION TEAR) norma tessa ie to as (eanstot3) ‘CARINo/ OLD OCN (Tote eiup by IR) TCA FOR TAKLABLITIES CCL 1) Ere formation fees | ieate Meena FTOAMRGEDTINGARD INCard SIRTel ih et ISTRATION” manent closure otbusiness (head otfes) ofan msivauall_T 2 loners Speci) Re EERE i CRE ano A euranycate i TELEPHONE | oon tidiohn a NUMBER Lo TTMUNGIPALIFY CODE TELEPHONE: fens me i ; aa roti oe z r | | | ee BIR Revenue Regulation No.1-2013 env ats trpa |e rE = J | declare, under the penalies of prin, that this application has been madein good faith, verted by \* ime, and tothe best of my knowledge and bel, s rue and carec. pursuant tothe provisions ofthe ne ‘amended, andthe regulation issued under authority thereat L bs CHERRY MAPT-LIMBACO, Ph.0., CESOV Schools Division Superintendent oe ny Forpayeiatorized Agent “TuePositon of Signatory iN (Signature over Prited Name) i: TRS ATTACHMENT A Reptcemen of Cents Repstaton NoN:NONOUAL Dis Cornet Regan, lr elacerent Matos o Daten of Business 1 Araavt of toes ost 2. Dssouton Papers (bard resoliton,bankuply decaraton) © Proof f pment of Certeaton Fee and 5. Inventory tt of unused voces and ects ‘Documenta Stamp Tax: tobe submited befor the Issuance 4 Unused ieee ane esate cancelation ofthe new Gerteate of Regiaton 5. Entra SIR Coifests of Reaistraton 2 Replaeren/Cancelaion of Author) fo Pint Recep and vices 6 Proof of payment of ecsra labitos 2. Ofainal Aufoiy to Pet Recaois and votes, 7. SEC tsued Cera ofthe Fang of th Aricies of MergeConsoldaton, 1 Now Apoaton Form 1908, #appeatio 8. Replacerent of Tax Clerance Cereal fr Tax Labes a" Afcavt of Losses Tapptcabe . Change in Regiired Adress 8 Proot of payment of Certeaton Fee and ‘Documentary Stamp Tato be smite befor thelesuarce ofthe new Tox Garance Ceete of Los Damaged TIN Cars Afi f Lose, ost 2 OTN Gad Freplacerentis de to damaged car) ©. Cessaton ot Renisation "Let eget or cessation of elstaion 2 Enising BIR Coricate of Rensvaton (or surender) 5 Inventory stot unused nvoes ae recoits 4 Unused rvoioes and rece fo: eanceaion ‘5 Same equterants an Canesiaton TIN, appcabe 2. Cancaason of TN NOMDUAL 1 Death Coreeate 2 Esato Tax Rat 3. root of payment of exiting bites, ny 5 iver Into unosed inoies and recaps 6. Unused maces and recs foreancoaion ‘Orginal Cereal of Reistraon Inverter tet of unused voles! recaps Unused ineices and ree fr r-taing Lest 07 Carat! SEC Resiavaon Latest Mayor's perme ‘Sketch Of pace of production i taxoayeris subject to Excise Tae) F. Change in Registered Actos "Qeainal Centeate ot Replsaton 6. Change n Regisered Name! Trade Name t 2 "Amonded, SEC Registrar DTi Cericate (GrainalConteate a Retaton 4. Change in Tax Type Detas “Gena Cortona 6 Repitaton |. Update of Books of Accounts rotecony of bast page fhe previous approved books 4.-Changein Accounting Pood TBI witen approval ote change 2 Photocopy ofahor pated flu fled

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