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Good evening,

My name is Madison Hamlyn, I am second year OTA/PTA student from Durham College. I was
provided your contact information from Joycelyn Kelly, our Field Placement Advisor. Firstly, I
would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to work with you and your staff in my
upcoming level III placement from April 3 to May 12, 2023, 5 days a week x 8 hours. I am really
looking forward to this placement and I also look forward to getting to know you. Before my first
day is there anything you would like me to touch upon that will better prepare my understanding
for this placement? In addition I was hoping to confirm my schedule for the upcoming weeks if
possible. I understand I am required to bring my Criminal Reference Check, my updated Entry
Immunization Form and my CPR- C First Aid Certification, if I am missing anything please let me
know. My Resume and Cover Letter is attached to this email, should you need to contact me
prior to my first day I can be reached by email at or by phone at
Thank you again for this amazing opportunity. I am very excited to begin this placement and
expand further into my clinical knowledge. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing
from you.

Kind Regards,

Madison Hamlyn


OTA/PTA Student Durham College

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