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The shocking story of
the world's
Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history. The
most recent evidence, linking it to leukaemia and lymphoma,
has added substantial fuel to the ongoing protests of doctors,
scientists and consumer groups who allege that this artificial
sweetener should never have been released onto the market
and that allowing it to remain in the food chain is killing us by

loss, mood swings, seizures, multiple sclerosis

and Parkinson's-like symptoms, tumours and
even death.
Concerns over aspartame's toxicity meant
that for eight years, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) denied it approval,
nce upon a time, aspartame effectively keeping it off the world market. This
was listed by the Pentagon as a caution was based on compelling evidence,
biochemical warfare agent. Today brought to light by numerous eminent
it's an integral part of the modern scientists, litigators and consumer groups,
diet. Sold commercially under that aspartame contributed to serious central
names like NutraSweet and Canderel, aspartame nervous system damage and had been shown to
can be found in more than 5,000 foods, cause cancer in animals. Eventually, however,
including fizzy drinks, chewing gum, political muscle, won out over scientific rigour,
table-top sweeteners, diet and diabetic and aspartame was approved for use in 1981
foods, breakfast cereals, jams, sweets, vitamins, (see timeline for details).
prescription and over-the-counter drugs. This The FDA's about-turn opened the floodgates
means that there is a good chance that you and for aspartame's swift approval by more than
your family are among the two thirds of the 70 regulatory authorities around the world.
adult population and 40 per cent of children But, as the remarkable history of the sweetener
who regularly ingest this artificial sweetener. shows, the clean bill of health given to it by
Because it contains no calories, aspartame government regulators — whose raison d ' etre
is considered a boon to health-conscious should be to protect the public from harm — is
individuals everywhere; and most of us, if si mply not worth the paper it is printed on.
we think about it at all, think it is safe. But
independent scientists say aspartame can
produce a range of disturbing adverse effects
in humans, including headaches, memory


AUTU MN 1967
GD Searle approaches eminent
biochemist Dr Harry Waisman, Searle applies for FDA
1965 director of the University of approval and submits over
While working on an ulcer drug, Wisconsin's Joseph P Kennedy Jr 100 studies it claims support
a chemist at pharmaceutical Memorial Laboratory of aspartame's safety. Neither the
manufacturer GD Searle Mental Retardation Research dead monkeys nor the mice with
accidentally discovers aspartame, and a respected expert in the holes in their brains are included
a substance that is 180 times toxicity of phenylalanine in the submission.
sweeter than sugar, yet has no (which comprises 50 per cent
calories. of the aspartame formula), to
conduct a study of the effects Before aspartame can reach the
of aspartame on primates. Of marketplace, Dr John Olney, James Turner (attorney,
seven monkeys fed aspartame consumer advocate and former 'Nader's Raider' who
mixed with milk, one dies and was instrumental in removing the artificial sweetener
five others have grand ma/ cyclamate from the US market), and the group Label
epileptic seizures. Inc (Legal Action for Buyers' Education and Labeling)
file a formal objection to aspartame's approval with the
FDA, citing evidence that it could cause brain damage,
particularly in children.


SPRING 1967 Searle

begins safety tests, necessary for FDA commissioner Dr
FDA approval. Alexander Schmidt grants
In a memorandum, Dr Martha aspartame its first approval as
M Freeman of the FDA Division a 'food additive' for restricted
of Metabolic and Endocrine use in dry foods. This approval
Drug Products criticises the comes despite the fact that
Dr John Olney, professor of inadequacy of the information his own scientists found
neuropathology and psychiatry submitted by Searle with serious deficiencies in the data
at Washington University in St particular regard to one of the submitted by Searle.

Dr John Louis School of Medicine, whose compound's toxic breakdown

research into the neurotoxic products, diketopiperazine
Olney shows food additive monosodium (DKP). She recommends that
glutamate (MSG, a chemical marketing of aspartame be Concerns about the accuracy of
that Aspartic cousin of aspartame) was contingent upon the sweetener's test data submitted to the FDA
responsible for having it proven clinical safety. by Searle for a wide range of
acid, one of removed from baby foods, products prompt Schmidt
aspartame's informs Searle that his studies to appoint a special task force
show that aspartic acid, one to examine irregularities in 25
main of the main constituents of key studies for aspartame and
aspartame, causes holes in Searle drugs Flagyl, Aldactone
constituents, the brains of infant mice. One and Norpace.
of Searle's researchers, Ann
causes holes in Reynolds, confirms Olney's
the brains of findings in a similar study.

infant mice
Searle agrees to an inquiry into While the grand jury investigation is underway, Sidley &
aspartame safety concerns. Austin, the law firm representing Searle, begins recruitment negotiations with Samuel
Searle withdraws aspartame Skinner, the US attorney in charge of the investigation. Skinner removes himself form the
from the market pending its investigation and the case is passed to William Conlon.
results. The sweetener remains
off the market for nearly 10
years while investigations into its The Bressler Report is
safety and into Searle's alleged released. It focuses on three key aspartame studies
fraudulent testing procedures conducted by Searle. The report finds that in one study
are ongoing. However, the 98 of the 196 animals died but weren't autopsied
inquiry board does not convene until later dates, making it impossible to ascertain the
for another four years. actual cause of death. Tumours were removed from live
animals and the animals placed back in the study. Many
other errors and inconsistencies are noted. For example,
a rat was reported alive, then dead, then alive, then
The FDA forms a new task force, dead again. Bressler comments: 'The question you have
headed by veteran inspector got to ask yourself is: why wasn't greater care taken?
Jerome Bressler, to further Why didn't Searle, with their scientists, closely evaluate
investigate irregularities in this, knowing full well that the whole society, from the
Searle's aspartame studies youngest to the elderly, from the sick to the unsick...
uncovered by the original will have access to this product.'
task force. The findings of the The FDA creates yet another task force to review the
new body will eventually be Bressler Report. The review is carried out by a team at
incorporated into a document the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
known as the Bressler Report. and headed by senior scientist Jacqueline Verrett.


FDA task force completes its 500- FDA chief counsel Richard Samuel Skinner leaves the US
page report on Searle's testing Merrill formally requests the Attorney's office and takes a job
procedures. The final report US Attorney's office to begin with Searle's law firm. Conlon
notes faulty and fraudulent grand jury proceedings to takes over Skinner's old job.
product testing, knowingly investigate whether indictments
misrepresented product testing, should be filed against Searle
knowingly misrepresented and for knowingly misrepresenting
' manipulated' test data, and findings and 'concealing
instances of irrelevant animal material facts and making false
research in all the products statements' in aspartame safety
reviewed. Schmidt says: '[Searle's tests. This is the first time in the
studies were] incredibly sloppy FDA's history that it requests
science. What we discovered a criminal investigation of a
was reprehensible.' manufacturer.

Searle hires prominent

Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld
The FDA describes the science as its new CEO to try to turn the beleaguered

of aspartame's manufacturer as company around. A former member of

Congress and defence secretary in the Ford
'i ncredibly sloppy', saying: 'What we administration, Rumsfeld brings several
of his Washington colleagues in as top
discovered was reprehensible' management.


Searle CEO Donald Rumsfeld
The FDA publishes a Ronald Reagan is sworn in as
report exonerating Searle of vows to 'call in his markers' and president of the US. Reagan's
any wrongdoing in its testing transition team, which includes
procedures. Jacqueline Verrett use political rather than scientific Rumsfeld, nominates Dr Arthur
will later testify to the US Senate
that her team was pressured
means to get the FDA on side Hull Hayes Jr to be the new FDA
into validating data from
experiments that were clearly
a 'disaster'. In spite of the
uncertainties over aspartame's
safety in the US, aspartame
becomes available, primarily
in pharmaceutical products,
The journal Medical in France. It is sold under the
World News reports that the brand name Canderel and
methanol content of aspartame manufactured by the food
is 1,000 times greater than most corporation Merisant.
foods under FDA control. In high
concentrations methanol, or
wood alcohol, is a lethal poison.

The FDA's PBOI votes unanimously

against aspartame's approval, pending further investigations of
brain tumours in animals. The board says it 'has not been presented
with proof of reasonable certainty that aspartame is safe for use as a
food additive'.

Despite complaints from The FDA Canderel is now

the Justice Department, finally establishes a public board marketed throughout much of
Conlon stalls the grand jury of inquiry (PBOI), comprising Europe (but not in the UK) as a
prosecution for so long that three scientists whose job it is low-calorie sweetener.
the statute of limitations on to review the objections
the aspartame charges runs of Olney and Turner to the
out and the investigation approval of aspartame and rule
is dropped. Just over a year on safety issues surrounding
later Conlon joins Searle's the sweetener.
law firm, Sidley & Austin.

Despite complaints from the

Justice Department, federal
attorney William Conlon stalls a
grand jury prosecution of Searle
for so long that the statute of Rumsfeld states in a Searle sales
meeting that he is going to make a big push to get
li mitations runs out and the aspartame approved within the year. Rumsfeld vows to 'call
in his markers' and use political rather than scientific means
investigation is dropped to get the FDA on side.


One day after Reagan's The FDA approves aspartame as Aspartame is approved for use
inauguration, Searle re-applies a tabletop sweetener and for in carbonated beverages and
to the FDA for approval to use use in tablets, breakfast cereals, syrup bases in the US and, three
aspartame as a food sweetener. chewing gum, dry bases for months later, Britain. Before the
beverages, instant coffee and end of the year Canderel tablets
tea, gelatines, puddings, fillings, are launched in the UK. Granular
dairy -product toppings arid Canderel follows in 1985.
as a flavour enhancer for
Arthur Hull chewing gum.
Hayes Jr, appoints a five-person
commission to review the PBOI's
decision. Three of the five FDA
scientists on it advise against
approval of aspartame, stating
on the record that Searle's tests The FDA announces that
are unreliable and not adequate Searle has filed a petition for
to determine the safety of aspartame to be approved as
aspartame. Hayes installs a sixth a sweetener in carbonated
member on the commission, and beverages, children's vitamins
the vote becomes deadlocked. and other liquids.


An FDA commissioner's panel The aspartame-based

is established to review issues sweetener Equal, manufactured
raised by the PBOI. by Merisant, is launched in
the US.

Three out of five FDA Hayes

ignores the recommendations
scientists on a special of his own internal FDA team,
overrules the PBOI findings Searle attorney Robert Shapiro gives
commission advise and gives initial approval for aspartame its commercial name, NutraSweet.
aspartame to be used in dry The name is trademarked the following year.
against approval of products on the basis that it has Shapiro later becomes president of Searle.

aspartame, stating been shown to be safe for its

proposed uses.
He eventually becomes president and then
chairman and CEO of Monsanto, which will
on the record that buy Searle in 1985.

Searle's tests are

unreliable and The NutraSweet Company

not adequate to
determine the safety
of aspartame
The CDC review of
James Turner, on behalf of public complaints relating to aspartame culminates in
himself and the Community a report, Evaluation of Consumer Complaints Related
Nutrition Institute, and Dr to Aspartame Use, which review, 213 of 592 cases
Woodrow Monte, Arizona and notes that re-challenge tests show that sensitive
State University's director of individuals consistently produce the same adverse
food science and nutritional symptoms each time they ingested aspartame. The
laboratories, file petitions with reported symptoms include: aggressive behaviour,
the FDA objecting to aspartame Public disorientation, hyperactivity, extreme numbness,
approval based on possible complaints about the adverse excitability, memory loss, loss of depth perception, liver
serious adverse effects from effects of aspartame begin to impairment, cardiac arrest, seizures, suicidal tendencies
the chronic intake of the come in. The FDA requests that and severe mood swings. The CDC nevertheless
sweetener. Monte also cites the US agency the Centers for concludes that aspartame is safe to ingest. On the
concern about the chronic Disease Prevention and Control same day that the CDC exonerates aspartame, Pepsi
intake of methanol associated (CDC) begins investigations announces that it is dropping saccharin and adopting
with aspartame ingestion. of a select number of cases of aspartame as the sweetener in all its diet drinks. Others
adverse reactions to aspartame. quickly follow suit.

The first carbonated beverages

containing aspartame go on sale
in the US.


The FDA A study

Hayes resigns as FDA approves aspartame for use in by the state of Arizona
commissioner under a cloud of multivitamins. Department of Health into
controversy about his taking aspartame is published in
unauthorised rides aboard a the Journal of Applied
General Foods jet (General Nutrition. It determines
Foods was and is a major that soft drinks stored at
purchaser of aspartame). He elevated temperatures
serves briefly as provost at promote more rapid
New York Medical College, deterioration of aspartame
and then takes a position as into poisonous methanol.
senior scientific consultant with
Burston-Marsteller, the chief
public relations firm for both
Searle and Monsanto.

The FDA denies Turner and Monte's On the same day that the US
requests for a hearing, noting that aspartame's critics had not
presented any unresolved safety questions. Regarding aspartame's agency the CDC exonerates
breakdown components, the FDA says that it has reviewed
animal, clinical and consumption studies submitted by the
aspartame, Pepsi announces
sweetener's manufacturer, as well as the existing body of scientific it is adopting it as the
data, and concludes that 'the studies demonstrated the safety of
these components'. sweetener in all its diet drinks
UPI reports that 10 federal officials
The FDA approves aspartame
involved in approving aspartame have for non-carbonated frozen or
refrigerated concentrates and
taken private sector jobs linked to the single-strength fruit juice, fruit

product's manufacture drinks, fruit-flavoured drinks,

imitation fruit-flavoured drinks,
frozen stock-type confections
and novelties, breath mints and
tea beverages.
Monsanto, the producer Turner files another citizen's
of recombinant bovine petition, this time concerning
growth hormone, genetically the risk of seizures and eye
engineered soya beans, the damage from aspartame. The
pesticide Roundup and many petition argues that medical
other industrial and agricultural records of 140 aspartame
chemicals, purchases Searle for users show them to have
$2.7 billion. suffered from epileptic An FDA
seizures and eye damage after report on adverse
consuming products containing reactions associated
the sweetener and that the with aspartame states
FDA should ban aspartame as the majority of the
an 'imminent hazard to the complaints about
public health'. aspartame, now
numbering 3,133,
refer to neurological

The US Supreme Court, headed The FDA declares aspartame safe

by Justice Clarence Thomas, for use as an inactive ingredient,
a former Monsanto attorney, provided labelling meets certain United Press International,
refuses to consider arguments specifications. a leading global news-
from the Community Nutrition syndication organisation,
Institute and other consumer reports that more than 10
groups that the FDA has not federal officials involved
followed proper procedures in NutraSweet's aspartame in the decision to approve
approving aspartame, and that patent runs out in Europe, aspartame have now taken
the liquid form of the artificial Canada and Japan. More jobs in the private sector
sweetener may cause brain companies are now free to that are linked to the
damage in heavy users of produce aspartame sweeteners aspartame industry.
low-calorie soft drinks. in these countries.

The FDA denies Turner's new

petition, saying: 'The data and information supporting the safety
of aspartame are extensive. It is likely that no food product has
ever been so closely examined for safety. Moreover, the decisions
of the agency to approve aspartame for its uses have been given
the fullest airing that the legal process requires.'


A US Senate hearing is held to
address the issue of aspartame safety and labelling. The hearing
reviews the faulty testing procedures and the 'psychological
strategy' used by Searle to help ensure aspartame's approval.
Other information that comes to light includes the fact
that aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of prospective
biochemical-warfare weapons.
Numerous medical and scientific experts testify as to the toxicity
of aspartame. Among them is Verrett, who reveals that, while
compiling its 1977 report, her team was instructed not to
comment on or be concerned with the overall validity of the
studies. She states that questions about birth defects have not 20 JULY 1990 The
been answered. She also states that increasing the temperature Guardian publishes a major
of the product leads to an increase in production of DKP, a investigation of aspartame and
substance shown to increase uterine polyps and change blood delivers to government officials
cholesterol levels. Verrett comments: 'It was pretty obvious that 'a dossier of evidence' that
somewhere along the line, the bureau officials were working up draws heavily on the transcripts
to a whitewash.' of the Bressler Report and
demands that the government
review the safety of aspartame.
No review is undertaken. The 1992 NutraSweet signs
Guardian is taken to court agreements with Coca-
by Monsanto and forced to Cola and Pepsi stipulating
apologise for printing its story. that it is their preferred
supplier of aspartame.


The FDA has received 230 JANUARY 199

more than 4,000 complaints The FDA approves aspartame
from consumers about adverse 1991 Britain's National for use in malt beverages,
reactions to the sweetener. Institutes of Health publishes breakfast cereals, and
Adverse Effects of Aspartame: refrigerated puddings and
January '86 through December fillings and in bulk form (in
'90, a bibliography of 167 studies large packages like sugar)
documenting adverse effects for tabletop use. NutraSweet
Dr HJ Roberts, director of associated with aspartame. markets these bulk products
the Palm Beach Institute for under the name 'NutraSweet
Medical Research, claims that Spoonful'.
several recent aircraft accidents
involving confusion and
aberrant pilot behaviour were 14 DECEM
caused by ingestion of products It is reavealed during a Senate BER 1992 NutraSweet's US
containing aspartame.
hearing that aspartame was once patent for aspartame expires,
opening up the market for
on a Pentagon list of prospective other companies to produce
the substance.
biochemical-warfare weapons


APRIL 1995 Consumer activist, and founder of anti-
19 APRIL 1993 aspartame group Mission Possible, Betty Martini uses the
The FDA approves aspartame for use US's Freedom of Information Act to force the FDA to release
in hard and soft candies, an official list of adverse effects associated with aspartame NOVEMBER 1996
non-alcoholic flavoured ingestion. Culled from 10,000 consumer complaints, the list Drawing on data compiled
beverages, tea beverages, fruit includes four deaths and more than 90 unique symptoms, a by the US National Cancer
juices and concentrates, baked majority of which are connected to impaired neurological Institute's Surveillance,
goods and baking mixes, and function. They include: headache; dizziness or problems with Epidemiology and End Results
frostings, toppings and fillings balance; mood change; vomiting and nausea; seizures and programme, which collects
for baked goods. convulsions; memory loss; tremors; muscle weakness; abdominal and distributes data on
pains and cramps; change in vision; diarrhoea; fatigue all types of cancer, Olney
and weakness; skin rashes; deteriorating vision; joint and publishes peer-reviewed
musculoskeletal pain. research in the Journal
By the FDA's own admission, fewer then 1 per cent of those who of Neuropathology and
have problems with something they consume ever report it to Experimental Neurology.
the FDA. This means that around 1 million people could have It shows that brain-tumour
been experiencing adverse effects from ingesting aspartame. rates have risen in line with
aspartame consumption
and that there has been a
27 JUNE 1996 significant increase in the
The FDA removes all restrictions conversion of less deadly
from aspartame use, and tumours into much more
approves it as a 'general- deadly ones.
purpose sweetener', meaning
that aspartame can now be used
in any food or beverage.

28 FEBRUARY 1994 12 JUNE 1995 The FDA DE CEMBER 1996 The results of
Aspartame now accounts announces it has no further a remarkable study conducted by Dr Ralph
for the majority (75 per plans to continue to collect G Walton, professor of clinical psychology
cent) of all the complaints adverse reaction reports or at Northeastern Ohio Universities, are
in the US adverse-reaction monitor research on aspartame. revealed. Commissioned by the hard-hitting
monitoring system. The US US national news programme 60 Minutes,
Department of Health and it sheds some light on the absurdity of
Human Services compiles a aspartame-safety studies. Walton reviewed
report that brings together 165 separate studies published in the
all current information on preceding 20 years in peer-reviewed medical
adverse reactions attributed journals. Seventy-four of the studies were
to aspartame. It lists 6,888 industry-funded, all of which attested
complaints, including 649 to aspartame's safety. Of the other 91
reported by the CDC and non-industry funded studies, 84 identified
1,305 reported by the FDA. adverse health effects. Six of the
seven non-industry funded studies
that were favourable to aspartame were
from the FDA, which has a public record
John Olney shows that brain-tumour rates have of strong pro-industry bias. To this day,
the industry-funded studies are the ones
risen in line with aspartame consumption and that are always quoted to the press and
in official rebuttals to aspartame critics.
that there has been a significant increase in the They are also the studies given the greatest
conversion of less deadly brain tumours to much weight during the approval process and in
official safety reviews.
more deadly ones
10 FEBRUARY 1998 20 JUNE 1999 An investigation by The Independent
Monsanto petitions the on Sunday reveals that aspartame is made using a genetic
FDA for approval of a new engineering process. Aspartame component phenylalanine
tabletop sweetener called is naturally produced by bacteria. The newspaper reveals
Neotame. It is around 60 times that Monsanto has genetically engineered the bacteria to
sweeter than aspartame and make them produce more phenylalanine. Monsanto claims
up to 13,000 times sweeter that the process had not been revealed previously because
than sugar. Neotame is less no modified DNA remains in the finished product, and insists
prone to breaking down OCTOBER 1998 The that the product is completely safe; though scientists counter
in heat and in liquids than UK's Food Commission publishes that toxic effects cannot be ruled out in the absence of long-
aspartame because of the two surveys on sweeteners. The term studies .
addition of 3,3-dimethylbutyl, first shows that several leading A Monsanto spokeswoman says that while aspartame for
a poorly studied chemical with companies, including St Wei, the US market is often made using genetic engineering,
suspected neurotoxic effects. Muller and Sainsbury's, have aspartame supplied to British food producers is not. The
Strengthening the .bond ignored the legal requirement extent to which US brands of low-calorie products containing
between aspartame's main to state 'with sweeteners' next genetically engineered aspartame have been imported into
constituents eliminates the need to the name of the product. The Britain is unclear.
for a health warning directed at second reveals that aspartame
people suffering from PKU. not only appears in 'no-sugar
added' and 'light' beverages An investigation by The
but also in ordinary non-dietetic
drinks because it's three times
Independent on Sunday reveals
cheaper than ordinary sugar. that aspartame is made using a
genetic engineering process

December 10 2001
Independent scientists from13MAY98 the
Monsanto 8 1999
files a petition with The UK's Food
University of Barcelona publish a the FDA for approval of the Standards Agency requests
landmark study clearly showing general use of Neotame. that the European Commission
that aspartame is transformed Scientific Committee on Food
into formaldehyde in the bodies conducts an updated review
of living specimens (in this case of aspartame. The committee
rats), and that this formaldehyde is asked to look carefully
spreads throughout the at more than 500 scientific
specimens' vital organs, papers published between
including the liver, kidneys, eyes 1988 and 2000 and any other
and brain. The results fly in the new scientific research not
face of manufacturers' claims examined previously.
that aspartame does not break
down into formaldehyde in the
body, and bolster the claims of MAY 2000 Monsanto, under pressure
aspartame critics that many of - not least from the worldwide resistance to
the symptoms associated with genetically manipulated food and ongoing
aspartame toxicity are caused by lawsuits - sells NutraSweet to JW Childs
the poisonous and cumulative Associates, a private-equity firm comprised
effects of formaldehyde. of several former Monsanto managers, for
$440m. Monsanto also sells its equity interest
in two European sweetener joint ventures,
NutraSweet AG and Euro-Aspartame SA.


MAY 2004 The feature-length documentary Sweet Misery
is released on DVD (see www.soundandfuryproductions.
9 JULY 2002 The FDA com). Part-documentary, part-detective story, it includes
approves the tabletop and interviews with people who have been harmed by aspartame,
general use of Neotame. The as well as credible testimony from advocates, doctors, lawyers
'fast-track' approval raises and long-time campaigners, including James Turner, Hi Roberts
eyebrows because, historically, and renowned neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock. (UK orders:
the FDA takes at least 10 years Namaste Publishing,
to approve food additives.
Neotame is also approved
for use in Australia and New
Zealand, but has yet to be SEPTEMBER 2004 US consumer group the
approved in the UK. National Justice League files a $350m class action
lawsuit against the NutraSweet Corporation (the
19 FEBRUARY 2003 Members of the current owner of aspartame products), the American
European Parliament's Environment, Public Health Diabetes Association and Monsanto. Some 50 other
and Consumer Policy Committee approve the defendants have yet to be named, but mentioned
use of sucralose (see page 50) and an throughout the lawsuit is the central role of Donald
aspartame-acesulfame salt compound (manufactured in Rumsfeld in helping to get aspartame approved
Europe by the aspartame-producing Holland through the FDA. The plaintiffs maintain that this
Sweetener Company and sold under the name litigation will prove how deadly aspartame is when
Twinsweet), agreeing to review of the use of both it is consumed by humans. Little progress has been
in three years' time. At the same time, a request by made so far in bringing the action to court.
European greens that the committee re-evaluate
the safety of aspartame and improve the labelling
of aspartame-containing products is rejected.


10 DECEMBER 2002 The European Commission Scientific 2005

Committee on Food publishes its final report on aspartame. The 24-page The Ramizzini Institute in Bologna,
report largely ignores independent research and consumer complaints, a non-profit, private institution
relying instead on frequently cited articles in books and reviews put set up to research the causes of JULY
together by employees or consultants of aspartame manufacturers. cancer, releases the results of
When independent research is cited, it is generally refuted with industry- a very large, long-term animal
sponsored data. An animal study showing aspartame's disruption of study into aspartame ingestion.
brain chemistry, a human study linking aspartame to neurophysiological Its study shows that aspartame
changes that could increase seizure risk, another linking aspartame use causes lymphomas and leukaemia
with depression in individuals susceptible to mood disorder, and two in female animals fed aspartame at
others linking aspartame ingestion with headaches are all dismissed. doses around 20 milligram
The report's conclusion amounts to a single sentence: 'The committee per kilogram of body weight, or
concluded that... there is no evidence to suggest that there is a need to around half the accepted daily
revise the outcome of the earlier risk assessment or the [acceptance daily intake for humans.
intake] previously established for aspartame.'
As with the FDA, there are concerns about the neutrality of some of
the committee's members and their links with the International Life
Sciences Institute (ILSI), an industry group that funds, among other MARCH 200 5 The NutraSweet Company
things, research into aspartame. ILSI members include Monsanto, Coca- reopens its plant in Atlanta, Georgia, (dormant
Cola and Pepsi. since 2003) in order to meet increased demand
for its sweetener. Aspartame, sold commercially as
NutraSweet, Equal, Equal-Measure, Spoonful, Canderel
and Benevia, is currently available in more than 100
countries and used in more than 5,000 products by
at least 250 million people every day. Worldwide, the
aspartame industry's sales amount to more than
$1 billion yearly. The US is the primary consumer.


a significant spike in blood- misty or blurry vision, retinal TIME FOR ACTION
plasma levels of aspartate after damage and blindness. Other The story of aspartame is the story of the triumph of corporate
the administration of aspartame symptoms include headaches, might over scientific rigour. It shines a spotlight on the archaic
in liquids. Too much aspartate in tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and unbalanced procedure for approving food additives.
the brain produces free radicals,. gastrointestinal disturbances, We ingest food additives daily, yet their approval does not
unstable molecules that damage weakness, vertigo, chills,. require the same scientific thoroughness as drug approval; and,
and kill brain cells. memory lapses, numbness unlike drugs, there is no requirement for surveillance of adverse
H umans are five times more and shooting pains in the effects that crop up once the additive is in use.
sensitive to the effects of extremities behavioural Approval does not involve looking at what people are
aspartic add (as well as glutamic disturbances, and neuritis. already eating and whether the proposed substance will interact
acid, found in MSG) than The EPA tightly controls with other additives. Nor does it take into account whether
rodents, and 20 times more methanol exposure, allowing the additive exacerbates damage caused by other aspects of the
sensitive than monkeys, because only very minute levels to modern lifestyle (for instance, the neurological damage caused
we concentrate these excitatory be present in foods or-in by pesticide ingestion or exposure). Nor does it look for subtle
amino acids in our blood at environmental exposures. But chronic effects (for instance, the gradual build-up of methanol
much higher levels and for a Blaylock says: 'The level allowed in the body with regular aspartame ingestion).
longer period of time. Aspartic in NutraSweet is seven times the There are other problems. Most studies into aspartame
acid has a cumulative harmful amount that the EPA will allow are animal studies; which are notoriously difficult to relate to
effect on the endocrine and anyone else to use.' humans. So why bother performing them in the first place? The
reproductive systems. Several answer is, manufacturers and regulators use animal research as
animal experiments have shown FORMALDEHYDE a double-edged sword. If an animal study reveals no evidence of
that excitotoxins can penetrate The methanol absorbed from harm, the manufacturer can use it to support its case. If it reveals
the placental barrier and reach aspartame is converted to harm, however, the manufacturer is free to flip-flop into the
the foetus. formaldehyde in the liver. argument that the results of animal studies are inconclusive in
In addition, as levels of aspartic Formaldehyde is a neurotoxin relation to humans. Faced with inconclusive evidence regulators
acid rise in the body so do levels and known carcinogen. It will always err on the side of the manufacturer, who has after
of the key neurotransmitter causes retinal damage and all demonstrated proper bureaucratic procedure by funding and
norepinephrine (also known birth defects, interferes with submitting its animal tests for consideration.
as noradrenaline), a 'stress DNA replication, and has been The approval process for any substance that humans put in
hormone' that affects parts shown to cause their mouths on a daily basis should be based on solid human
of the human brain where squamous-cell carcinoma, a form of skin data and on the precautionary principle when such data is not
attention and impulsivity cancer, in animals. Several available. But, as it stands, the regulation of food additives in the
are controlled. Excessive human studies have found that US, the UK and elsewhere leaves the burden of proof of harm
norepinephrine is associated chronic, low-level formaldehyde on average people, despite the fact that most of us are either
with symptoms such as anxiety, exposure has been linked with a too detached or too timid to complain or simply don't have the
agitation and mania. variety of symptoms, including energy to take on multinational corporations.
headaches, fatigue, chest The history of aspartame is all the more remarkable because
METHANOL tightness, dizziness, nausea, of the number of motivated people who have refused to accept
Methanol (wood alcohol) poor concentration and seizures. the mantra 'if it's approved by the government it must be safe'.
comprises 10 per cent of Nearly every piece of independent research shows the outrage
aspartame. It is a deadly poison FORMIC ACID of these people, who have had to withstand threats of litigation
that is liberated from aspartame Formic acid is a cumulative and being vilified in the media as 'hysterics', is justified.
at temperatures in excess of poison produced by the After 30 years of aspartame's commercial success, it would
86° Fahrenheit (30° centigrade) breakdown of formaldehyde. be easy to conclude it is too late to act. And yet earlier this year
– for instance, during storage It concentrates in the brain, hundreds of products were swept off supermarket shelves on the
or inside the human body. The kidneys, spinal fluid and other chance that they might have contained minuscule amounts of
US Environmental Protection organs, and is highly toxic to a potentially carcinogenic dye, Sudan 1. No studies existed to
Agency considers methanol a cells. Formic acid can lead to show that Sudan 1 could cause cancer in humans. The likelihood
'cumulative poison due to the accumulation of excessive acid of any one person's exposure to Sudan 1 being high enough to
low rate of excretion once it is in the body fluids – a condition produce a tumour was minute. Nevertheless, on the basis of the
absorbed', meaning that even known as acidosis. The small precautionary principle, action was taken.
small amounts in aspartame- amounts of formic acid derived Aspartame is not a life-saving drug. It is not even a very
containing foods can build up from the methanol absorbed effective diet aid, as shown by widespread obesity in the West.
over time in the body. from aspartame may or may Until the many concerns about it have been examined in
The most well known problems not be dangerous; there are no 'corporate-neutral', large-scale, long-term, randomised, double-
from methanol poisoning are human or mammalian studies to blind, placebo-controlled human trials (the gold standard of
vision disorders, including enlighten us. scientific proof) it should be taken out of our food.


Aspartame should never have reached the marketplace.
But even if the authorities were to remove it from sale
tomorrow, how much faith should consumers place in the
other artificial sweeteners on the market? PAT THOMAS REPORTS
here is not a single artificial Splenda has had to rethink it's slogan
sweetener on the market "made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar"
that can claim, beyond all in the wake of a heated US legal challenge
reasonable doubt, to be safe and a recent ruling by the New Zealand
for humans to consume. Advertising Standards Authority that
Saccharin, cyclamate and acesulfame-K said it confused and mislead consumers.
have all been show to cause cancer in While it is true that sugar, or sucrose, is
animals. Even the family of relatively one of the starting materials for sucralose,
benign sweeteners known as polyols, such its chemical structure is significantly
as sorbitol and mannitol, can cause gastric different from that of sucrose.
upset if eaten in quantity. In a complex chemical process, the
NutraSweet sucrose is processed
believes that its new ...if sucralose is so with, among other chlorocarbons. This class of chemicals
aspartame-based things, phosgene includes a number of notorious human
sweetener, Neotame, safe, why does (a chemical-warfare and environmental poisons, including
is 'revolutionary'; but, agent used during polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
seemingly, it is only a manufacturer WW1, now a common aliphatic chlorinated carbohydrates;
more stable version of
aspartame. This leaves
Tate & Lyle have intermediary in the
production of plastics,
aromatic chlorinated carbohydrates
such as DDT; organochlorine pesticides
the market wide open such a fervent pesticides and dyes), such as aldrin and dieldrin; and
for sucralose. and three atoms of aromatic chlorinated ethers such as
Sucralose, sold need to suppress chlorine are selectively polychlorinated dioxins (PCDD) and
commercially substituted for three polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF).
as Splenda, was any criticism of it? hydroxyl (hydrogen Most of the synthetic chlorinated
discovered in 1976 and oxygen) groups compounds that we ingest, such as the
by researchers working for British sugar naturally attached to the sugar molecule. pesticide residues in our food and water,
refiner Tate & Lyle. Four years later, Tate This process produces 1,6-dichloro-1,6- bio-accumulate slowly in the body; and
& Lyle joined forces with Johnson & dideoxy-beta-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro- many cause developmental problems in
Johnson to develop and commercialise 4-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranoside the womb or are carcinogenic. How do we
sucralose under the auspices of a new (also known as trichlorogalactosucrose know that sucralose is any different?
company, McNeil Specialty Products (now or sucralose), a new chemical substance Tate & Lyle insists that sucralose
called McNeil Nutritionals). Sucralose which Tate & Lyle calls a 'water-soluble passes through the body virtually intact,
has been approved by more than 60 chlorocarbohydrate'. and that the tight molecular bond
regulatory bodies throughout the world, Accepting Tate & Lyle's classification between the chlorine atoms and the sugar
and is now in more than 3,000 products of sucralose as a chlorocarbohydrate at molecule results in a very stable and
worldwide. In the ITS, Coca-Cola has face value raises reasonable concerns versatile product that is not metabolised
developed a new diet drink sweetened about its suitability as a food additive. in the body for calories. This doesn't
with Splenda, and other major soft drink Chlorinated carbohydrates belong mean, however, that sucralose is not
manufacturers are expected to follow suit. to a class of chemicals known as metabolised in the body at all, and critics


like HJ Roberts argue that, during |■ a series of three animal genotoxicity Will sucralose begin to appear in our
storage and in the body, sucralose studies; and water supply, in the way that certain
breaks down into among other things ■ laboratory studies using lymphoma drugs have, silently increasing our
1,6 dichlorofructose, a chlorinated tissue from mice which showed that exposure to it? And would that increased
compound that has not been adequately sucralose was 'weakly mutagenic' (capable exposure be safe?
tested in humans. of causing cellular mutations).
Tate & Lyle maintains that sucralose Clastogenic, genotoxic and mutagenic PUBLISH AND BE SUED
and its breakdown products have been substances are all potential risk factors. in In the face of emerging public criticism,
extensively tested and proven safe for the development of cancer. lawyers for Tate & Lyle are already
human consumption. The company gearing up for a battle. According to
notes that in seeking approval from the In addition to these, three studies that attorney James Turner, a key player in
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), looked at very specific 'anti-fertility' the aspartame drama, 'there's going to be
McNeil Specialty Products submitted effects of sucralose and its breakdown a huge fight about Splenda in the next
more than 110 studies that attested to products, especially with regard to sperm few months... [Tate & Lyle's] lawyers
the safety of sucralose. production were also deemed insufficient; are already on the case trying to shut
this is particularly worrying, since other everybody up'.
BUT CAN CONSUMERS TRUST THIS 'chlorosugars', such as 6-chloroglucose, It's a tactic that worked well for
RESEARCH DATA? are currently being studied as anti- Monsanto, which certainly used legal
The vast majority of studies submitted to spermatogenic drugs. pressure against anyone who criticised
the FDA were unpublished animal and Furthermore, the administration NutraSweet Recently, the publisher of
laboratory studies performed by Tate & observed that McNeil had failed to the local newspaper the Brighton Argus
Lyle itself, and therefore liable to charges explain satisfactorily a reduction in body considered it prudent to publish an
of potentially unacceptable bias. Only weight seen in animals fed sucralose and apology composed by Tate & Lyle (or
five involved human subjects, and these that 'additional study data were needed to their lawyers) or face a legal action for
were short-term, often single-dose, resolve this issue'. Ironically for a product defamation and loss of sales after printing
studies that clearly could not adequately that 'tastes like sugar', McNeil argued an article suggesting that sucralose was
reflect the expected real-world usage of that weight loss was due to the 'reduced harmful to humans.
sucralose. After questions were raised by palatability of sucralose-containing Tate & Lyle's first high-profile victim,
the FDA about the safety of sucralose for diets'. FDA reviewers also found that however, was — one of
diabetics, and prior to approval, a further at mid to high doses there was a trend the world's most visited internet health
five human studies were eventually towards 'decreasing white blood cell and sites. Run by Dr Joseph Mercola, the
submitted. On 1 April 1998 the FDA lymphocyte counts with increasing dose site has been a vocal critic of sucralose
approved sucralose for limited uses; one levels of sucralose'. This was dismissed for years. Instead of carrying freely
year later it approved it as a general- as having no 'statistical significance' by available information on sucralose
purpose sweetener. the FDA; in healthy animals and humans that might stimulate spirited public
Some questions about sucralose 's this may be so, but what happens when debate, it now carries the following
safety, arising from the data submitted already immune-compromised individuals message: 'Attorneys acting on behalf
to the FDA, remain unanswered. These ingest sucralose? of the manufacturers of sucralose,
studies included unsettling findings about Tate & Lyle says that any lingering Tate & Lyle Plc, based in London,
animals, which, when exposed to high concerns about sucralose are unfounded England, have requested that the
doses of sucralose, experienced: and that only a small amount, 15-20 per information contained on this page
cent, of sucralose is absorbed and broken not be made available to internet users
shrunken thymus and spleen; down in the human gut. The rest passes in England.'
enlarged liver and kidneys; and through the body unmetabolised and is At this point, concerned consumers
reduced growth rate in adults and excreted in urine and faeces. This in itself should be asking themselves several
newborns. provokes important questions. questions. Does the story of sucralose
sound familiar? If sucralose is safe beyond
In the FDA's 'final-rule' report, several What happens to sucralose that is any reasonable doubt, why is there such a
of the studies submitted by McNeil were flushed down the toilet? Does it remain fervent need to suppress any criticism
found to have 'inconclusive' results stable or react with other substances (for of it? Finally, whom do such tactics
or were 'insufficient' to draw firm instance, the chlorine used in water- really serve? Do they serve the consumer
conclusions from them. These included: treatment plants, or microbial life) to and the principles of choice, information,
1 a test that examined the clastogenic form new compounds? safety and redress? Or do they serve
activity (ability to break chromosomes Is sucralose or any resulting chemical the corporate machine and its need
apart) of sucralose, and a test that looked compound it may form safe for the to keep generating profits without
for chromosomal aberrations in human environment? Is it harmful to aquatic life taking responsibility for the human cost
lymphocytes exposed to sucralose'; or wild animals? of doing so?


cooperation is needed to establish a com-
mon language and standards, said Cal
Slemp, vice-president and global leader for A member of the parliamentary select committee on food and the environment yes-
security and privacy services at IBM terday called for emergency action to ban the artificial sweetener aspartame, used
Global Services. in 6,000 food, drink and medicinal products.
The common language for exchanging The Liberal Democrat MP Roger Williams said in an adjournment debate in the
user access information is also known as Commons that there was "compelling and reliable evidence for this carcinogenic sub-
federated IAM. stance to be banned from the UK food and drinks market altogether". In licensing
" Governments have a huge part to play aspartame for use, regulators around the world had failed in their main task of protect-
in this, because they have ultimate respon- ing the public, he told MPs.
sibility for their citizens, and depending on Mr Williams highlighted new concerns about the additive 's safety, raised by a
the country they may have ultimate respon- recent Italian study that linked aspartame to cancer in rats. He said the history of
sibility for the businesses and e-commerce aspartame ' s licensing put " regulators and politicians to shame", with the likes of
as well," Slemp said. Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary and former head of Searle, the company
What's missing right now, he noted, is a that discovered the sweetener, "calling in his markers" to get it approved.
trusted third party to authenticate trustwor-
Responding for the government, the public health minister, Caroline Flint, said a
thiness. "So we've got inconsistent and
thorough independent review of safety data had been conducted as recently as 2001
incomplete implementation [in individual
and the Food Standards Agency advice remained the same: aspartame is safe for use
countries], and also no standard approach
in food. She said the government took food safety very seriously.
to the future nor a target to shoot at."
Slemp believes that now is the right time "1 am advised that aspartame does not cause cancer," she said, adding that artificial
to establish a global body that will consider sweeteners also help to control obesity.
the interests of all countries and build up a The European Food Safety Authority would be reviewing the Italian study as soon
foundation, which the individual countries as it had full data on it, but an initial review by the UK 's expert committee on toxicity
can expand upon to fulfil their unique had not been convinced by its authors' interpretation of their data.
requirements. Aspartame is now consumed on average every day by one in 15 people worldwide,
"There are organisations that work most of whom are children, according to the MP. It is used to sweeten no fewer than
together on this issue and issues like that 6,000 products, from crisps, confectionery, chewing gums, diet and sports drinks to
across borders all the time, and it can be as vitamin pills and medicines, including those for children. Yet the science that sup-
grandiose as to say the UN has a process in ported its approval was "biased, inconclusive and incompetent".
place to share information like that and cre- Mr Williams said he was using the immunity he was afforded under parliamentary
ate working groups to try to create stan- privilege to initiate a debate about aspartame's safety, which had been largely
dards or expectations and across multiple repressed since the early 1980s with the help of the sweetener industry ' s lawyers.
jurisdictions," said Slemp. "I just don't Independent research published in November by the European Ramazzini
know what the name would be." Foundation showed that moderate regular consumption of aspartame led to a repeated
(Source: ZDNet Asia, November 10, 2005) incidence of malignant tumours in rats and "should have set alarm bells ringing in
health departments around the world", said Mr Williams. "The World Health
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN Organization recognises such findings in rats as being highly predictive of a carcino-
A study , to be published in the April
genic risk for humans. The contrast between the quality of the science in the
Ramazzini study and the industry studies could not be more clear and more damaging
2006 edition of the American Journal
to the industry."
of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory
Mr Williams, the MP for Brecon and Radnorshire and a Cambridge science gradu-
Physiology, reveals that hyperbaric oxygen
ate, said he had been looking into the safety of aspartame for more than a year. At
treatments increase by eightfold the num-
first he had been unconvinced by the "internet conspiracy theories", but he said that
ber of stem cells circulating in a patient's
what he had found "truly horrified" him. Sound science and proper regulatory and
body. Stem cells, also called progenitor
cells, are crucial to injury repair. political independence had been notable by their absence in the approval of aspar-
Stem cells exist in the bone marrow of tame, he said. In addition to Mr Rumsfeld being instrumental in securing aspartame's
human beings and animals and are capable approval with the support of the then newly elected US president Ronald Reagan,
of changing their nature to become part of there had been numerous examples of decision-makers who were worried about aspar-
many different organs and tissues. In tame's safety being discredited or removed from their positions. Industry sympathis-
response to injury, these cells move from ers had been appointed to replace them and, in turn, were recompensed with lucrative
the bone marrow to the injured sites, where jobs working for the sweetener industry.
they differentiate into cells that assist in the The European Food Safety Authority said last night [December 14] that it planned
healing process. to review the safety of aspartame as "a matter of high priority" in the light of the
The movement, or mobilisation, of stem Ramazzini Foundation study. The foundation's director, Dr Morando Soffritti, said he
cells can be triggered by a variety of stim- expected to send the authority a 1,000-page dossier by the end of the month.
uli including pharmaceutical agents as well The industry's Aspartame Information Service said Mr Williams ' s material brought
as hyperbaric oxygen treatments. no new information to the public. "The minister's response was accurate and on
(Source: via point", according to a statement.
pub_releases/2005-12/cops-p sf122805.php) (Source: By Felicity Lawrence, The Guardian, UK, December 15, 2005)


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