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Learning Area Science Grade Level 4

W7-8 Quarter 3 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Properties and Characteristics of Light and Sound

Investigate properties and characteristics of light and sound
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Light and Sound their Characteristics and Properties
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 In your previous lesson, you were able to describe how light, sound and
Panimula heat travel. Light travels in a straight line. Sound travels in waves and heat is
transferred by conduction, convection and radiation.
Read the statement below:
Just as heat and sound travel, so does light. Light travels in straight lines.
Sometimes it bounces back into the direction of the source. We call this
reflection. Water, windows, shiny metal and mirrors are just some of the
many objects that reflect light. However, when light passes from one
material into a second material like mirror or water, the light path is either
bent or reflected back.
On the other hand, sound has its own properties. The loudness of a sound
refers to how strong the sound seems to us when it reaches our ears. Loud
sound also means intense sound. Sound loses intensity as it spreads outward
in all directions from the source. So the loudness of a sound decreases
between a person and the source of the sound. The softness or loudness of
sound is called volume. If the volume of the sound is controlled there will be
varying degree of loudness. A sound wave travels at different speed
through different media. As it travels, it often bumps into objects it
encounters. It hits a hard smooth surface, the waves reflect. That means that
the sound bounces back. The sound wave that bounces back is called an
B. Development Day 2-4 The activities that you are going to perform will help you investigate
Pagpapaunlad properties and characteristics of light and sound.
Learning Task 1. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: “Can you complete me?”
Small mirror Old colored magazines Book
Bond paper Crayons
Marker Scissors
(Note: Handle the materials with care especially the sharp/delicate
1. Draw or cut out magazine pictures that have symmetry (two halves
that perfectly mirror each other) – star, faces, flowers, butterflies etc.
Cut the pictures into half.
2. Put the mirror next to the half and see its reflection in order to
complete the picture. (Be careful in handling the mirror)
3. Now, draw shapes and designs, cut them in halves, and repeat #2.
4. Next, hold up a printed copy of a text from a book or magazine to
your mirror.
1. What did you observe when you placed the halves of the cut outs
beside the mirror?
2. What did you observe with the halves of the drawings were placed
beside the mirror?
3. Can you do this with other drawings or cut outs that are not
symmetrical? Explain your answer.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
4. What will happen when you cut the drawings crosswise instead of
lengthwise, and place them beside a mirror? Will you get a full view of
the picture?
5. What difference do you observe on printed text when placed beside
the mirror? Can you read it?
Learning Task 2 Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: “Is it really broken?”
Transparent glass Pencil water
(Note: Handle the materials with care especially the sharp/delicate
1. Half-fill the glass with water
2. Place the pencil in the glass of water. View the pencil, first on top, by
placing your face above the mouth of the glass, and then view the
pencil at the side. Record your observation for each position.
3. Take out the pencil from the water. Look at it. Feel it. Is it straight or
1. Describe the appearance of the pencil when you viewed it from the
2. Describe the appearance of the pencil when you viewed it from the
3. Did the appearance of the pencil change when you took it out of
the glass?
4. What do your observations show about the way light travels through
different media?
C. Engagement Day 5-7 Now that you are familiar with the properties of light, in the succeeding
Pakikipagpalihan activity you will be able to investigate the properties and characteristics of
Learning Task 3. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: Do Water Ripples Behave Like Sound Waves?”
Materials: large basin Water
Medicine dropper Small marble (or any alternative)
1. Fill a large basin with water. Wait for water to settle or calm down
before doing the next step.
2. When the water is already very calm, use a medicine dropper to
allow single drop of water to fall onto the surface of the basin.
Observe what happens. Record your observation.
3. Allow the water to be calm again. This time, try using a small marble.
Drop the marble into the water and observe the waves that will be
formed. Record your observations.
4. Let the water be clam again. Get a pencil. Tap the pointed end
lightly on the surface of the water. Observe what happens.
1. What happened to the water in the basin when you placed a drop
of water on it?
2. What was formed in the basin of water when a small marble was
dropped into it?
3. What was formed in the water when it was tapped lightly with a
4. How do you describe the motion of the ripples formed in the water?
5. What do the ripples represent?
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Learning Task 4. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: Do Water Ripples Behave Like Sound Waves?”
Materials: lively music from cellphone or radio
Enclosed area (preferably your bedroom or toilet)
Observation sheet
1. Find an enclosed area in your house preferably your bedroom or
2. Play an upbeat music. Set the volume to the softest level that is
clear enough for you. Record it in your data sheet like the one
shown below. Copy the table.
Use thumbs up for tolerable (ok)
Use thumbs down for intolerable (not ok)
Volume Level Tolerance Level
3. Adjust the volume level at a constant rate, like for example from the
original volume reading of 1, adjust it up to 2.
4. Repeat #3 until you reach the maximum level of the cellphone or
radio. Fill out the corresponding rows on your data table
1. What do you observe with the loudness of the music as you adjust
the volume of the cellphone or radio?
2. How does the volume of the sound affect your hearing?
3. Do you still love to hear the music as the volume level increase?
Justify your answer.
Noise is any undesirable sound which disturbs the activities of human or
animal. People react to sounds in different ways. Some sounds can distract
us and break our concentration. When this happens, the sound becomes
unwanted noise.
Learning Task 5. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.

Title: Can You Hear the Words I Said?”

Materials: two paper towel tubes (or any alternative)
Flatwall (the wall of the house could be used)
1. Work in pairs. You may ask someone in your house to help you in this
activity. One will act as the speaker and one will act as the receiver.
2. Let the speaker hold one paper towel tube at least one ft. against
the wall.
3. Let the receiver place one end of the paper towel tube on his/her
4. Both of you must stand facing each other at an angle.
5. The speaker will say a word using the tube while he/she is facing the
wall at an angle. (Speak in a soft voice only.)
6. The receiver will focus the tube on his/her ear against the wall and
will try to listen to the word that is being said by the speaker.
7. Try speaking several words.
8. Exchange roles. This time the speaker will be the receiver and the
receiver will be the speaker. Do the steps again.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
1. What were the words you said as the speaker?
2. What were the words you heard as a listener?
3. Were you able to hear each word correctly?
4. How did the sound reach you as a listener?
5. What does this activity tell us about sound?
When sound come in contact with different materials like walls or carpets
they are either be reflected or absorbed. Some materials reflect sound and
cause echoes, hard surface like flat concrete walls are good at reflecting
sounds. The sound that is reflected or returned sound is what we call an
D. Assimilation Day 8 Learning Task 6
Paglalapat Answer the questions briefly.
1. One day, on your way to school (riding on a tricycle), you heard a
loud siren of a vehicle at your back. When the driver looks at his side
mirror, he immediately pulls to the side of the road to give way to the
approaching vehicle. What vehicle did the driver see? Why did he
pull over at the side of the road?
2. Why are lullabies advisable to use when we want babies to sleep well
rather than rock music?
3. How does an echo happen?
V. ASSESSMENT Day 9 Learning Task 7.
(Learning Activity Sheets for Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks
____________1. Light can be reflected if it is directed towards a mirror.
3 and 6) ____________2. The speed of light remains the same even if it travels from one
material to another.
____________3. Sound could be either soft or loud.
____________4. The loudness of sound decreases as it moves nearer the
____________5. Echo is the term used for the sound that is reflected back to its
VI. REFLECTION Day 10 Choose one symbol which best describes your experience while doing the
learning tasks. Then, draw it inside the box found below.
I was able to do/perform the tasks without any difficulty. The tasks
helped me in understanding the lesson.
I was able to do/perform the tasks. It was quite challenging, but it still
helped me understand the lesson.
I was able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need
additional enrichment activities.

My leaning experience while doing the task.

Reflect on what you learned on this lesson about the ability of the materials
to block, absorb or transmit light by completing the statements below.
The part of the lesson I believe I learned most about is _____________________.
The task which I found most challenging is __________ because
I realized that I can use what I have learned from this lesson when__________.
Prepared by: SYRON S. SASIS Checked by: Carmela Ezcel A. Orogo
MT-I Abner Pureza
Alabat District-SDO Quezon Province Jee-Ann Borines
References: Science Learner’s Material 4

Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance

Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the
column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below.
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.

 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.

? - I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to

do/perform this task.

Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP

Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7

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