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Manual & Observation Book

Advanced Concrete Lab

(Code: CE – P21PW802CE)

M.E. Structural Engineering– I Semester

Department of Civil Engineering

M.V.S.R. Engineering College

Nadergul, Hyderabad – 501 510

Prepared during may, 2021

Advanced Concrete Lab
(CODE: P21PW802CE)

Name : …….…………………………………………………………………………………

Roll No : ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Semester : ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Year : ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of the student :

Class : M.E.
Roll No:
Academic Year :

S.No. Name of the Experiment Conducted on Initial of incharge


Objectives of the courseLearning outcomes of the course:

After completing the course the student can:



1. To design the mix for High Strength Concrete.

2. To determine fresh properties of High Strength Concrete.

3. Study of stress-strain curve of high strength concrete, correlation between cube strength, cylinder
strength, split tensile strength and modulus of rupture.

4. Behavior of beams under flexure and shear.

5. Mix proportion on FRC for compressive strength.

6. Cube compressive strength of fly-ash and geo polymer concrete

7 Split tensile strength and modulus of rupture for fly-ash concrete/geo-polymer concrete.

8. To Design mix for self compacting concrete and determine 7days,28 days and 56 days compressive

9. Development of correlation between Non-Destructive and Destructive Tests using Rebound Hammer and
UPV instruments

10. To design mix for self compacting concrete


Program: Master of Technology (M. Tech)

Program Outcomes

Independently carry out research / investigation and development work to solve

practical problems.

PO2 Write and present a substantial technical report / document.

Capable to apply the core, multidisciplinary knowledge for understanding the

problems in structural engineering and allied fields.

Apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern engineering and Information

PO4 Technology (IT) tools including predictions, modeling of complex structural

engineering activities.

Able to identify and analyze the impact of Structural Engineering in development

projects and find a suitable solution from number of alternatives.

Conceptualize and design civil engineering structures considering various socio-

economic factors.

Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Structural Engineering and build

capability to apply that knowledge to real problems.

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Concrete Mix Design-High strength Concrete

Concrete mix design is a procedure of selecting the suitable ingredients of concrete and their relative
proportions with an objective to prepare concrete of certain minimum strength, desired workability and
durability as economically (value engineered) as possible.

Designing high strength concrete – HSC (Grades M60 and above) become a challenges in terms of selecting
right proportions of conventional concrete ingredients (cement, sand and aggregate) and necessary
inclusions of Chemical admixture (one or more) and Mineral admixture (one or more).

High strength concrete (HSC) has been feasible with latest generation High Range water Reducing
admixture (HRWRA) and high reactive mineral admixtures like Silica Fumes, Mata kaolin etc. High
strength concrete becomes high performance concrete with right concrete mix design.

Applications of High Strength concrete are high rise building (typically above 30 story), high strength
concrete made such projects feasible due to enhance load carrying capacity, it also allowed for the reduction
of column and beam sizes. Lower dead loads result in reducing the loads connected with foundation design.
Also, end user if benefitted economically since the amount of rentable floor space, increases as the space
occupied by the columns decreases. It is estimated that for a 50-story structure with 1.2m diameter columns
using M30 concrete can reduce column diameters by approximately 33% by using M60 concrete.

Production of HSC has to be cautiously monitored at site level to ensure the required end results.

Mix Design of M60 Grade Concrete

We are going to illustrate a M60 concrete incorporating silica fume, fly ash, a HRWRA with other
conventional conventional ingredients.

 Role Of Silica fumes: Pore Refinement (high performance) High early age and ultimate compressive
strength etc.

 Role of Fly Ash: Pore Refinement (high performance), long term strength etc.

 Role Of HRWRA: water content limiting w/cm to 0.32 , *cm = cementitious content

Note here we will be using the term total cementitiuos content (Cement + flyash + Silica fume) instead of
cement content
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Primary Data for Mix Design

As we decide to go for a high strength concrete mix design, collect the following data before hand as few
design stipulation are freeze on the basis of these data.

Purely governed on the local conditions, were the concrete need to be applied

a. Exposure Conditions of the structure: The general environment to which the concrete will be
exposed during its service life, is categorized into five class to severity, as per IS 456.

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The exposure condition limit the minimum cement content content (with flyash & Silica fumes it is total
cementitious content – “cement + flyash”), maximum water – cement ratio (with flyash & flyash it is total
water – cementitious ratio) and minimum grade of concrete.

As per exposure condition, you have the above data for working the first trial and arriving its mix

b. Minimum thickness of member: Size of aggregate should not be more than one-fourth of the minimum
thickness of member, mostly 20 mm nominal size aggregate is suitable for most works. It is always
suggested to go the maximum nominal size of aggregate to save on quantity of cement per unit of concrete.

c. Cement Grade: Cement type/grade locally available that can be made available throughout construction

d. Workability: Placing condition of concrete governs its workability, low – slump of 25-75 mm (lightly
reinforced sections in slab, beam, column) to high – slump of 100-150 mm (slip form, pumped concrete) .

Illustrated example of M60 Grade Fly Concrete, concrete exposed to Severe Conditions

(i) Stipulation for Proportioning Concrete Ingredients

(a) Characteristic compressive strength required in the field at 28 days grade designation — M 30

(b) Type of Cement : OPC 53 Grade confirming to IS 12269

(c) Type of Fly Ash : Class F

(d) Silica fumes : 20000 m2/kg (Surface area)

(e) Maximum Nominal size of aggregate — 20 mm

(f) Shape of CA — Angular

(g) Workabiltiy required at site — 125 mm (slump)

(h) Type of exposure the structure will be subjected to (as defined in IS: 456) — Severe

(i) Method of concrete placing: pump able concrete

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(ii) Test data of material

The following materials are to be tested in the laboratory and results are to be ascertained for the design mix

(a) Cement Used : OPC 53 Grade Confirming to IS 12269

(b) Fly Ash : Class F

(c) Specific Gravity of Cement : 3.15

(d) Specific gravity of Fly Ash: 2.2

(e) Specific gravity of Silica Fume : 2.2

(f) Chemical admixture(HRWRA) : Super plasticizer confirming to IS 9103

(e) Specific gravity of HRWRA : 1.1 ,solid content = 42 %

(g) Specific gravity of Aggregates

Specific gravity of Fine Aggregate (sand) : 2.70

Specific gravity of Coarse Aggregate : 2.80

(g) Water Absorption

Coarse Aggregate : 0.4%

Fine Aggregate : 1.0%

(h) Free (surface) moisture

Coarse Aggregate : Nil

Fine Aggregate : Nil

Aggregate are assumed to be in saturated surface dry condition usually while preparing design mix.
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(g) Sieve Analysis

Fine aggregates : Confirming to Zone I of Table 4 IS – 38

Step-By-Step Procedure for High Strength concrete Mix Design of M60 grade concrete

Step-1 : Determining the target Strength for Mix Proportioning

F’ck = fck + 1.65 x S


F’ck = Target average compressive strength at 28 days

Fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days

S = Assumed standard deviation in N/mm2 = 5 (Considered same as M55 grade for High Strength

= 60 + 1.65 x 5.0 = 68.25 N/mm2

Note : Under control conditions if Target average compressive strength is achieved then at field ,the
probability of getting compressive strength of 60 MPa is very high

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Step-2 : Selection of Cementitious Content

As per IS 456 Table 2, the note 2 highlights that “for concrete of compressive strength greater than M55,
design parameters given in the standard may not be applicable and the values may be obtained from
specialized literatures and experimental results”.

We will consider the following contents to initiate first trial referring specialized literatures and our

Cement = 400 kg/m3

Fly Ash = 80 kg/m3 (20% by weight of cement)

Silica Fume = 40 kg/m3 (10% by weight of cement)

Total Cementitious content = 520 kg/m3

Step-3 : Selection of Water-Cementitious ratio

Please note a High strength concrete need to have very low w/cm, to the tune of <0.35

Here we will restrict water – cementitious ratio to 0.32 (w/cm)

Water Content = (w/cm ) * cm = 0.32 * 520 = 166.4 say 166 kg.

Step-4 : Finalizing Dosage of HRWA

To make a concrete workable with such a low w/cm ratio ,we need to have a HRWRA ,we will initially fix
a dosage of 1% by weight of total cementitious content.

HRWRA Content = 0.01*520 = 5.2 kg/m 3

Step-5 : Correction for Water Content for Water Present in HRWA

Water content plays a very critical role in HSC, so water present in any concrete ingredient need to be
corrected to maintain chosen w/cm ratio

We have 42 % solid content in chosen HRWRA, water present is 56 %

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Water contributed by HRWRA is 0.56*5.2 = 2.912 say 2.9 kg.

Water Content arrived at Step 3 to be reduced by 2.9 kg.

Corrected water content = 166 – 2.9 = 163.1 say 163 kg.

Step-6 : Proportion of Volume of Coarse Aggregate and Fine Aggregate required

From Table 3 of IS 10262- 2009, Volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size and fine
aggregate (Zone I) = 0.60

Note 2: Incase the coarse aggregate is not angular one, then volume of coarse aggregate may be required to
be increased suitably based on experience.

Step-7 : Estimation of Concrete Mix Calculation

The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows:

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a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3

b) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Specific gravity of cement) x (1/1000) = (400/3.15) x (1/1000) =
0.127 m3

c) Volume of flyash = (Mass of flyash / Specific gravity of flyash) x (1/1000) = (80/2.2) x (1/1000) = 0.036

d) Volume of silica fume = (Mass of Silica fume / Specific gravity of Silica fume) x (1/1000) = (40/2.2) x
(1/1000) = 0.018 m3

e) Volume of HRWRA = (Mass of HRWRA / Specific gravity of Silica fume) x (1/1000) = (5.2/1.1) x
(1/1000) = 0.005 m3

f) Volume of water = (Mass of water / Specific gravity of water) x (1/1000) = (163/1) x (1/1000) = 0.163 m 3

g) Total Volume of Aggregates = 1- (b+c+d+e) =1- (0.127+0.036+0.018+0.005+0.163) = 0.651 m 3

h) Mass of coarse aggregates = Total volume of Aggregates X Volume of Coarse Aggregate X Specific
Gravity of Coarse Aggregate X 1000 = 0.651 X 0.60 X 2.80 X 1000 = 1094 kgs/m 3

h) Mass of fine aggregates = Total volume of Aggregates X Volume of Fine Aggregate X Specific Gravity
of Coarse Aggregate X 1000 = 0.651 X 0.40 X 2.70 X 1000 = 703 kgs/m 3

Step-8 : Final Concrete Mix Proportions for M60

Cement = 400 kg/m3

Fly Ash = 80 kg/m3

Slica fume = 40 kg/m3

HRWRA = 5.2 kg/m3

Water = 161 kg/m3

Fine aggregates = 703 kg/m3

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Coarse aggregate = 1094 kg/m3

Water-cementitious ratio = 0.32

Note-1: Aggregates should be used in saturated surface dry condition. If otherwise, when computing the
requirement of water, allowance shall be made for the free (surface) moisture contributed by coarse
aggregate and fine aggregate. On the other hand, if the aggregates are already dry, the amount of water
mixed should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates.
Necessary adjustments are also required to be made in the mass of the aggregates. The surface water and
percentage water absorption shall be determined according to IS 2386.

Correction in water content due to absorption or moist aggregates should incorporated.

The slump shall be measured and the water content and shall be adjusted for achieving the required slump
based on trial, if required. The mix proportions shall be reworked for the actual water content and checked
for durability requirements.

Two more trials having variation of +/- 10% of water cementitious ratio shall be carried out and a graph
between three water-cementitious ratios and their corresponding strength shall be plotted to work out the
mix proportions for the given target strength for field trials. However, durability requirement shall be met.

Two more trials having variation in fly ash % of 15 & 25 and Silca Fumes % of 7.5 and 12.5% shall be
carried out to optimise flyash and silica fume content

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Determine fresh properties of High strength Concrete-SLUMP CONE TEST(IS:1199-1959)

1. Aim of the Expt : Determination of workability by using slump cone apparatus

2. Theory:

2.1 Purpose: The purpose of this test is to know the workability of fresh concrete. It is used while
designing of concrete mix during trial mixes. The main purpose of the test is really to check uniformity of
concrete in field by making regular tests on concrete.

2.2 Workability:

 Workability is the case with which concrete can be handled, deposited or placed and spread
into its final location and compacted. Depends on the fluidity or wetness, plasticity, and
cohesiveness or harshness of concrete.

 Workability to be adopted depends on the thickness of structural member where concrete is

to be placed. Thus for thin members more fluid concrete is required, while for massive work
a stiffer mix can be used.

 Workability to be adopted also depends on the crowdedness or sparseness of concrete is

required so as to ensure that no hollows remain. In lightly reinforced structure a less
workable concrete can be placed.

 Workability to be adopted also depends on the method of compaction. Concrete which is to

be compacted by vibrator can be less fluid than concrete which is compacted manually.

1.3 Slump Test:

It is the simplest of all tests of workability. Slump is the vertical subsidence of fresh concrete after
removal of a certain mould called a slump cone in which concrete is filled and compacted.

2.4 Significance and limitations of a slump test:

 It is a simple test and is useful in controlling uniformity of water content relatively in

concrete mix in field. It thus determines the consistency of concrete. It is however not useful
for stiff or drier mixes. If the mix is the plastic, cohesive, fairly fluid and not very stiff, then
only the slump test is useful.

 Also when there is considerable amount of coarse aggregate over 40mm size, the test cannot
be used.

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 For proper control on work truly representative samples should be taken for test just before
depositing the concrete in place.

3. Apparatus:

1. Weights and weighing device.

2. Tools and containers for mixing, or concrete mixer.

3. Tamper ( 16 mm in diameter and 600 mm length)

4. Ruler

5. Slump cone which has the shape of a frustum of a cone with the following dimensions:

Base diameter 20 cm

Top diameter 10 cm

Height 30 cm

Materials thickness at least 1.6 mm

4. Procedure:

a. Prepare a clean, wide, flat mixing pan.

b. Place the dampened slump cone on one side of the pan. It shall be held firmly inplace during filling
by the operator standing on the two foot pieces.
c. Place the newly mixed concrete (prepared as in test No. 3) in three layers, eachapproximately one
third the volume of the mould.
d. In placing each scoopful of concrete, move the scoop around the top edge of the mould as the
concrete slides from it, in order to ensure symmetrical distributionof concrete within the mould.
e. Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the tamper, distribute the strokes in a uniformmanner over the
cross section of the mould, each stroke just penetrating into theunderlying layer.
f. For the bottom layer this will necessitate inclining the rod slightly and makingapproximately half of
the strokes spirally toward the center, tamp the bottom layer throughout its depth.
g. In filling and tamping the top layer, heap the concrete above the mold beforerodding is started.
h. After tamping the top layer, strike off the surface of the concrete with a trowel,leaving the mould
exactly filled.
i. While filling and tamping, be sure that the mold is firmly fixed by feet and can’tmove.

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j. Clean the surface of the base outside the cone of any excess concrete. Thenimmediately remove the
mould from the concrete by raising it slowly in a verticaldirection.
k. Measure the slump immediately by determining the difference between the heightof the mold and
the height of the vertical axis (not the maximum height) of thespecimen.
l. Clean the mould and the container thoroughly immediately after using.
m. If the pile topples [when raising the mold out of concrete ] sideways, it indicatesthat the materials
have not been uniformly distributed in the mould and the testshould be remade.

5. Result :

Measuring the Slump Different possible slump test results

6. Short Answer Questions :

a. Write slump values for concrete used in roads works, dams, slabs, beams, columns, heavily
reinforced members.

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Determine fresh properties of High strength Concrete-COMPACTING FACTOR TEST(IS:1199-


1. Aim of the Expt : Determination of workability of concrete

2. Theory:
2.1 Purpose: The purpose of this test to know workability of concrete of very low slumps, i.e., stiffer
mixes both is laboratory and are in the field.

2.2 Compaction factor test:

 This test was developed by the road research laboratory of U.K, it is considered to be useful
for both stiff mixes and wet mixes.

 The test is based on the principle that the workability of concrete is reflected or indicated by
its compaction by a standard amount of work done on it by allowing it to fall under gravity
through a standard height in a standard cylinder. The ratio of the density of this concrete to
the compaction factor. Compaction factor = density of partially compacted concrete / density
of fully compacted concrete.

3. Equipments:

Compaction Factor apparatus, tray, balance and weights, tampering rod.

4. Procedure:

The apparatus consists of two hopper vessels A and B with hinged bottoms, and a cylinder of internal
diameter 15cm and height 30cm. with fastenings at bottom to prevent it from moving.

The fresh concrete is filled into vessel A. The hinged door is let open to make the concrete fall into
vessel B. Next, the hinged door of vessel B is opened to let the concrete fall into cylinder. After striking
level at the top of the cylinder, the concrete is weighed (W 1).

The cylinder is emptied and the fresh concrete is filled in the cylinder in 6 layers, compacting each layer
25 times with compacting rod. After leveling the top, the weight of the compacted concrete is found

Compacting Factor = W1


5. Result:

(N.B. Compacting factor test is a better method compared to slump, to assess the workability of fresh
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Theory: The stress-strain curve for hardened cement paste is almost linear as shown in the
figure. The aggregate is more rigid than the cement paste and will therefore deform less (i.e.
have a lower strain) under the same applied stress.

Fig. 1. Stress strain curve for different materials

The stress strain curve of concrete lies between those of the aggregate and the cement paste.
However this relationship is non-linear over the most of the range. The reason for this non-
linear behavior is that micro-cracks are formed.

 At the interface between aggregate particles and cement paste as a result of the
differential movement between the two phases, and
 Within the cement paste itself.

These cracks are formed as a result of changes in temperature and moisture and the
application of load. Concrete taken through a cycle of loading and unloading will exhibit a
stress-strain curve as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 2. Stress strain curve for concrete under cyclic loading

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The concrete will not return to its original length when unloading mainly due to creep and micro-crackling,
in other words, there will be a residual strain at zero load. This is known a hysteresis loop which is largely
related to micro-cracking.

Aim: To determine the stress strain curve for concrete.

Apparatus: Testing machine, Extensometer, Test
specimen. Procedure:

1. Prepare test specimen cylinder.

2. After curing, take out the specimen and place the specimen in Extensometer.
3. After setting, the specimen is placed in a testing machine.
4. Apply the load “Q” gradually on the specimen.
5. Now Extensometer gives the change in length of the specimen.
6. Now note down the applied load and change in the length of specimen.
7. Calculate the stress and strain of the specimen.

Observations and calculations:

1. Stress = Load / Area
2. Strain = Change in length / Original Length
Area of the specimen =𝜋𝑑
S. No. Load (kN) Change in length Stress Strain

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Result: Stress strain curve for concrete

Viva Questions:

1. What is the specimen size for the test to find the stress strain curve?
2. What is the least count of dial gauge?
3. What is the name of the fixture used to find the stress strain curve?

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Theory: The compressive strength of standard specimen is determined in two different ways
is to be: Cubes and Cylinders. In Great Britain, Germany and Europe cubes are used. In the
United States of America, France, Australia, and Canada cylinders are used as standard
specimens. The restraining effect of platens of the testing machine extends over the entire
height of the cube but leaves unaffected a part of a test cylinder. According to the expression
for conversion the strength of the cores in to equivalent cubes in BS 1881: part 120:1983 the
strength of the cylinder is equal to 0.8 times the strength of the cubes but in reality, there is
no definite relation between the strengths of the specimens of these two shapes.

Apparatus: Cube specimen (150x150x150mm), Cylinder specimen (150x300mm),

compression testing machine.

1. Prepare the 10 samples of cube and cylinder specimen’s.
2. Cast and cure the specimens properly.
3. After 28 days, specimens are tested for strength.
4. Now specimens are placed one after the other and apply the load.
5. Note down the load at which the specimen is failed.
6. Now calculate the compression strength of the cube and cylinder specimen’s.
7. Compare and obtain a relation between cube and cylinder specimen’s.
8. The main difference between cube and cylinder specimen is capping.
9. Usually cylinder ends are not plane with platens of compression testing machine.

So they should be clamped with suitable material for proper distribution of the applied load.

Observations and calculations:

S. No. Cube strength Cylinder strength

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Result: The relation between cube strength and cylinder strength is .

Cube strength / Cylinder strength = .

Viva Questions:

1. Define characteristic compressive strength of concrete.

2. What is the difference between cube strength and cylinder strength?
3. As IS which is mould should use to find the compressive strength.

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Concrete is a material, which is weak in tension. So it becomes very important to know

tensile strength for concrete used in designing structures. Finding tensile strength for
concrete is done by using two methods (1) Direct methods (2) Indirect methods. The direct
method is not more suitable to determine design tensile strength of concrete, because it
represents holding difficulties of specimen in testing machine. Sometimes there is greater
possibility of load being applied eccentrically on the specimen of concrete. In the indirect
method, compressive force is applied to the concrete sample to make the specimen fail after
the development of tensile stresses in concrete. Tensile stress developed in the concrete at
which the failure will occur is known as tensile strength in concrete.

Aim: To determine split tensile strength of concrete specimen.

Apparatus: Compression testing machine, cylindrical moulds (150 x 300mm), Cylindrical


1. Prepare cylindrical concrete specimen of size 150mm diameter and 300 long
2. After dry curing keep cylindrical specimen for 24 hours in water before testing.
3. Keep casted specimen on the base plate of Compression Testing Machine after marking
along horizontal axis direction.
4. Place wooden placing in specimen and apply the load 1.2 N/mm 2 /min till specimen fails.
5. Note down maximum applied load and splitting tensile of cylindrical specimen is
calculated by formula:

Fct = 2p/πld

l= Length of Cylinder specimen

d=Diameter of cylinder specimen
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Observations and calculations:

Load = 150 KN
τ = 2p/π l d

Result: The splitting Tensile strength of specimen is .

Viva Questions:

1. Define tensile strength of concrete.

2. How will you perform the experiment?
3. What are the different methods for finding the tensile strength of concrete?

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Theory: The flexural strength would be the same as the tensile strength if the material
were homogeneous. In fact, most materials have small or large defects in them which act to
concentrate the stresses locally, effectively causing a localized weakness. When a material is
bent only the extreme fibers are at the largest stress so, if those fibers are free from defects,
the flexural strength will be controlled by the strength of those intact 'fibers'. However, if the
same material was subjected to only tensile forces then all the fibers in the material are at the
same stress and failure will initiate when the weakest fiber reaches its limiting tensile stress.
Therefore, it is common for flexural strengths to be higher than tensile strengths for the same
material. Conversely, a homogeneous material with defects only on its surfaces (e.g., due to
scratches) might have a higher tensile strength than flexural strength.

Aim: To determine the modulus of rupture of concrete specimen.

Apparatus: Moulds of 15cm x15cm x70cm, Tamping rod, Trowel, Testing

Machine. Procedure:

1. Weigh the material (cement, Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) as per mix design and
mix the material uniformly till we obtain uniform color.
2. Add the water in dry mix and mix it till we get Homogenous mix.
3. Pour the concrete in moulds, compact it and level it.
4. Cover with wet cloth to mould and allow dry curing for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours remove the specimen from mould and keep in curing tank which contains
fresh water at temperature 24⁰C to 30⁰C.
6. Remove the specimen from curing tank and keep steel roller of flexural testing machine
as per two point loading.
7. Now apply load on the specimen till specimen fails.
8. Note down the failure load „p‟ distance between line of fracture and nearer support „d‟
and depth in cm of specimen at point of failure.
9. Flexural strength of specimen is expressed as modulus of rupture.

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Fb = pl/bd2 If, a >20cm for 15cm specimen a> 13.3cm for 10cm specimen

Fb = 3Pa/bd2 If, a < 20cm for 15cm specimen

a< 13.3cm for 10cm specimen


P = Maximum load.

l = length in cm.

b = measured width in cm.

d = measured depth in cm.

Observations and calculations:

S. No. Load Modulus of rupture

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Result: Modulus of rupture of concrete is .

Viva Questions:

1. Define modulus of rupture of concrete.

2. What is the need of modulus of rupture?
3. What are the dimensions of specimen used for modulus of rupture?

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Theory: Flexural strength, also known bend strength or transverse rupture strength is a
material property. Defined as the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test.The
transverse bending test is most frequently employed, in which a specimen having either a
circular or rectangular cross-section is bent until fracture or yielding using a three point
flexural test technique. The flexural strength represents the highest stress experienced within
the material at its moment of yield. It is measured in terms of stress, here given the symbol

„ σ’. The flexural strength is stress at failure in bending. It is equal or slightly larger than the
failure stress in tension. When an object formed of a single material, like a wooden beam or a
steel rod, is bent. It experiences a range of stresses across its depth. At the edge of the object
on the inside of the bend (concave face) the stress will be at its maximum compressive stress
value. At the outside of the bend (convex face) the stress will be at its maximum tensile
value. These inner and outer edges of the beam or rod are known as the 'extreme fibers'. Most
materials generally fail under tensile stress before they fail under compressive stress, so the
maximum tensile stress value that can be sustained before the beam or rod fails is its flexural

Aim: To determine the flexural strength of concrete specimen.

Apparatus: Moulds of 10cm x10cm x50cm, Tamping rod, Trowel, Testing Machine.

1. Weigh the material (cement, Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) as per mix design and
mix the material uniformly till we obtain uniform color.
2. Add the water in dry mix and mix it till we get Homogenous mix.
3. Pour the concrete in moulds, compact it and level it.
4. Cover with wet cloth to mould and allow dry curing for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours remove the specimen from mould and keep in curing tank which contains
fresh water at temperature 24⁰C to 30⁰C.
6. Remove the specimen from curing tank and keep steel roller of flexural testing machine
as per two point loading.

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7. Now apply load on the specimen till specimen fails.

1. Note down the failure load „p‟ distance between line of fracture and nearer support „d‟
and depth in cm of specimen at point of failure.
2. Flexural strength of specimen is expressed as modulus of rupture.

Fb = pl/bd2 If, a >20cm for 15cm specimen

a> 13.3cm for 10cm specimen

Fb = 3Pa/bd2 If, a < 20cm for 15cm specimen

a< 13.3cm for 10cm specimen

where, P = Maximum load.

l = length in cm.

b = measured width in cm.

d = measured depth in cm

Observations and calculations:

S. No. Load Flexural strength

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Result: Flexural strength of concrete is _.

Viva Questions:

1. What is the specimen size used in the experiment.

2. How to calculate the flexural strength of concrete.
3. Which type of loading used in experiment.

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Theory: To know the behavior to shear of structural elements in reinforced concrete, such as
columns and beams in tangential action, it is necessary to consider the pure shear acting
either alone or with tension. Indeed, the major difficulty lies in developing an experimental
procedure sufficiently reliable to adequately represent the shear behavior of concrete and
relatively easy for industrial purpose. Different methods developed in this context are used to
explain the mechanism of shear transfer. This ratio is an important parameter for the
calculation method. Methods based on direct shear are practically applicable to the advanced
calculation of reinforced concrete beams, curved structures and foundations. This research
focuses on the mechanism of shear transfer in concrete alone by developing an experimental
procedure to determine the influence of the orientation of the surface of shear failure on the
force-slip relationship. The experimental study is intended to develop a test on a concrete
specimen where a surface of shear failure is created following an off-axis loading.

Aim: To determine the shear strength of concrete specimen.

Apparatus: L shape moulds, Tamping rod, Trowel, Compression Testing Machine.

1. Prepare the L shaped concrete specimen and curing is done for 28 days.
2. Measure the specimen dimensions (L – Shape).
3. Place the concrete specimen in compression testing machine.
4. Set the dial gauge to zero.
5. Apply the load gradually till the specimen fails.
6. Record the load when the specimen failed.
7. Repeat the procedure for four specimens and take the average value.

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Observations and calculations:
Specimen surface area =

S. No. Load Shear strength

Result: Shear strength of concrete is .

Viva Questions:

1. Define shear strength.

2. How to calculate the shear strength of concrete.
3. Define shear modulus.

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Cube compressive strength of fly-ash and geo polymer concrete

Theory: The value of tensile strength of concrete affects the performance of structures,
such as the shear force resistance and the load-bearing capacity of anchors with concrete
cone failure as decisive failure mode. Hence, as concrete compressive strength, tensile
strength is another critical mechanical property, which should be appropriately
considered in structure design. The real value of the in situ tensile and compressive
strengths of concrete deteriorated under authentic service environments for long time
provide a necessary basis for the evaluation of structures, especially for those, which
have existed for long period already. Considering the complexity, cost, and time-
consuming nature of performing tensile tests, many researchers and building guidelines
are interested to predict the tensile strength from compressive strength and their
relationship in a simplified method with satisfactory accuracy. Most correlations
proposed by building codes or literatures are based on normal curing conditions and
testing age of 28 days. In reality, there are many different time, load and environment-
dependent impacts on concrete existing in real service conditions for long term.

Aim: To determine the relation between compressive strength concrete

Apparatus: Compressive testing machine, cube moulds of 150mm size,

Compression strength test:

1. First prepare the cube samples with proper mix ratio.
2. Cast the samples for 24hrs and leave it in room temperature.
3. After 24hrs remove the samples from mould and place them in water.
4. After 7 days or 28 days the samples are taken out from water and dry the surface.
5. The specimen is placed in the compression testing machine and load is applied on the
axis of specimen.
6. Note down the maximum load at which the sample gets failure.
7. Compressive strength = Maximum load / cross sectional area.

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Observations and calculations:

S. No. Compressive strength

Result: The compressive strength is

Viva Questions:

1. Define split tensile strength of concrete.

2. What is the relation between compressive strength and split tensile strength?
3. What are the dimensions of specimen used for split tensile strength?

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Split tensile strength and modulus of rupture for fly-ash concrete/geo-polymer


Theory: The value of tensile strength of concrete affects the performance of structures, such as
the shear force resistance and the load-bearing capacity of anchors with concrete cone failure
as decisive failure mode. Hence, as concrete compressive strength, tensile strength is another
critical mechanical property, which should be appropriately considered in structure design. The
real value of the in situ tensile and compressive strengths of concrete deteriorated under
authentic service environments for long time provide a necessary basis for the evaluation of
structures, especially for those, which have existed for long period already. Considering the
complexity, cost, and time- consuming nature of performing tensile tests, many researchers and
building guidelines are interested to predict the tensile strength from compressive strength
and their relationship in a simplified method with satisfactory accuracy. Most correlations
proposed by building codes or literatures are based on normal curing conditions and testing
age of 28 days. In reality, there are many different time, load and environment- dependent
impacts on concrete existing in real service conditions for long term.

Aim: To determine the split tensile strength of concrete

Apparatus: cube moulds of 150mm size,

1. Prepare cylindrical concrete specimen of size 150mm diameter and 300mm long.
2. After dry curing keep cylindrical specimen for 24hrs in water before testing.
3. Keep casted specimen on the base plate of compression testing machine after marking
along the horizontal axis.
4. Place wooden placing on specimen and apply the load 1.2N/  2/min to 2.4 N/  2/min
till specimen fails.

5. Note down maximum applied load and splitting tensile of cylindrical specimen is
calculated by formula
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Where l = length of cylinder specimen.

d = diameter of cylinder specimen.

Failure plane

Plywood strip

Observations and calculations:

S. No. Split tensile strength

Result: The relation between compressive strength and split tensile strength is

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Modulus of rupture:

Aim: To determine modulus of rupture of concrete.

Apparatus: beam or prism moulds of 150mm x150mm x700mm.

Modulus of rupture test:
1. Weigh the material (cement, Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) as per mix design and
mix the material uniformly till we obtain uniform colour.
2. Add the water in dry mix and mix it till we get Homogenous mix.
3. Pour the concrete in moulds, compact it and level it.
4. Cover with wet cloth to mould and allow dry curing for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours remove the specimen from mould and keep in curing tank which contains
fresh water at temperature 24⁰C to 30⁰C.
6. Remove the specimen from curing tank and keep steel roller of flexural testing machine
as per two point loading.
7. Now apply load on the specimen till specimen fails.
8. Note down the failure load „p‟ distance between line of fracture and nearer support „d‟
and depth in cm of specimen at point of failure.
9. Flexural strength of specimen is expressed as modulus of rupture.

Fb = pl/bd2 If, a >20cm for 15cm specimen

a> 13.3cm for 10cm specimen

Fb = 3Pa/bd2 If, a < 20cm for 15cm specimen

a< 13.3cm for 10cm specimen

where, P = Maximum load.

l = length in cm.

b = measured width in cm.

d = measured depth in cm.

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Observations and calculations:

S. No. Modulus of rupture

Result: The relation between compressive strength and modulus of rupture is .

Viva Questions:

1. Define compressive strength of concrete.

2. What is the relation between compressive strength and modulus of rupture.
3. Define modulus of rupture.

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Theory: Recent development in concrete is high strength concrete, which is mixture of

cement, sand, aggregate, water and admixtures. The compressive strength of concrete is its
one of the most valuable property. To determine compressive strength of concrete is a major
task of engineers/researchers for existing concrete structures. There are two aspects of
determination of compressive strength of concrete which are destructive tests (DT) and non-
destructive tests (NDT). The DT of concrete is not always appropriate method to find
compressive strength of concrete and concrete structures because it affects the durability and
lifespan of concrete. Hence, the NDT method is only one predominant method to find the
strength of existing concrete and concrete structures, and to judge the quality of concrete.
The NDT method is direct and easy tool to find in situ compressive strength of concrete. The
NDT test methods include rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, penetration test,
radiography test, sonic integrity tests etc. There are two distinct areas in civil engineering
works where it has to be relied on NDT for practical and theoretical purposes. The first ones
are the old monumental structural systems like ancient temples and edifices. The second ones
are the buildings which are coming up so fast in the urban areas as the result of burgeoning
housing industry, which badly needs quality control for mass safety and security of the

Aim: To determine the compressive strength and quality of concrete using non-destructive

Apparatus: Rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity equipment, cubes of 150mm size.

1. Take the concrete block which is to be tested and mark one side of the surface into 9 parts to
obtain average strength of the block.
2. Do the same for minimum 4 sides of the concrete block.
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3. Press the rebound hammer on to the surface of the concrete block so that the plunger is pushed
inside the hammer.
4. When the plunger against the surface of the concrete, the mass rebound from the plunger.
5. The distance travelled by mass, is called the rebound number. It is indicated by the rider
moving along a graduated scale.
6. Hold it and lock the plunger with lock button provided on the top of the hammer.
7. Note the reading on the graduated scale present on the rebound hammer which is known as
rebound number.
8. Follow the same procedure for four sides of the block where each side is divided into 9 parts.
9. After taking reading press the hammer on to the surface and the plunger gets released due to
the spring action.
10. Take the corresponding strengths with respect to the rebound number which is present on the
table on the hammer.
11. Take the average of all the strengths and obtain average strength of the concrete block.

Rebound hammer

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Observations and calculations:

Side 1 Side 2

S. No. Rebound Strength Rebound Strength

number (kg/cm2) number (kg/cm2)

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Side 3 Side 4

S. No. Rebound Strength Rebound Strength

number (kg/cm2) number (kg/cm2)

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Average strength of the concrete= kg/cm2

Result: The average strength of the concrete is N/mm2

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Ultrasonic pulse velocity test:
Aim: To determine the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method. Apparatus:
Electrical pulse generator, transducer, amplifier, electronic-timing device and concrete
specimen (150mmX150mmX150mm).


1. Take the specimen and mark the suitable number of locations on the specimen to be
2. First take the distance between the two points on the surface for testing.
3. Before testing make sure that the surface of the concrete specimen is smooth. If the
surface of the specimen is rough apply grease to it before testing.
4. Take the UPV tester and fix the wires to it which transducers are fixed at the end.
5. Calibrate the instrument by the reference bar. The pulse time for calibration is engraved
on the reference bar.
6. After calibration place the transducers on the surface and press it hard onto the surface.
A value of pulse time in microsecond is displayed on the screen and it is noted.
7. According to the placing of transducers the respective length is also measured.
8. This is followed for number of marked points to be tested. After obtaining the pulse time
value and the distance, velocity is calculated.
9. Based on the value of velocity the quality of concrete is determined as per IS code
13311(part-1)-1992, table-2.

Ultrasonic Pulse velocity meter

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Observations and calculations:

S.No. Pulse velocity Distance Velocity

time(T)-µs (L)-mm km/s


Pulse velocity time (V) = length (L) / Pulse time (T)

As per IS code 13311 part-1Table-2: velocity criterion for concrete quality grading.

S. No. Pulse velocity by cross Concrete

probing (km/sec) quality grading

1 Above 4.5 Excellent

2 3.5 to 4.5 Good

3 3.0 to 3.5 Medium

4 Below 3.0 Doubtful

Result:The average pulse velocity of the specimen is (km/s).

Quality of the specimen is .

Viva Questions:

1. Why we need the NDT for concrete.

2. Which code used for NDT.
3. What are the different types of NDT for materials?
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Design Mix For Self Compacting Concrete

A SCC mix with 29% coarse aggregate content of concrete volume with a paste volume of 388
litre/m3 have been designed for water/ binder ratio 0.36 (by weight). Cement has been replaced with
5%,10%,15% and 20% of Metakaolin and 10%,20% and 30% of Class F fly ash and combinations of
both Metakaolin and Flyash by percentage weight of cementitious material. Coarse aggregate of sizes
16mm and 12.5mm with coarse aggregate blending 60:40 by percentage weight of total aggregate are
used in this mix. High performance superplasticizer cum retarder are used. All the material properties
and input parameters are shown in Table 1 and Table 3. Air content assumed as 2% of concrete volume.


Coarse aggregate blending : 60:40
Specific gravity of 16mm & 12.5mm : 2.66

DRUW of coarse aggregate : 1608 kg/m3

% of Coarse aggregate in DRUW : 48

Coarse aggregate weight : 1608*(48.00/100) = 771.84kg/m 3

Coarse aggregate volume :[(771.84*(60/100))/2.66] +[(771.84*(40/100))/2.66]

=290.01654135 litre/m3 or 29.00%


Mortar Volume : Concrete volume-coarse aggregate volume

: 1000-290.0165 = 709.8346 litre/m3


% of sand in Mortar volume : 45.30

Sand Volume : 709.8346*(45.30/100) = 321.5551 litre/m 3


Paste Volume : Mortar volume-sand volume

: 7098346-321.5551 = 388.2795 litre/m3

Specific gravity of cement : 3.15
Specific gravity of Metakaolin : 2.50

Air content : 2% = 20 litre/m3

Water/ binder ratio (by weight) : 0.36

% of Metakaolin by weight of binder : 5

% of SP by weight of binder : 0.9

Binder : 533 kg/m3

Metakaolin : 533*(5/100) = 26.65 kg/m3

Cement : 533-26.65 = 506.65 kg/m3

Water : 533*0.36 = 191.88 litre/m3

Volume of cement : 506.35/3.15 = 160.746 litre/m3

Volume of Metakaolin : 26.65/2.50 = 26.65 litre/m 3

SP : 533*(0.9/100) = 4.797 litre/m3

Total Paste volume : Volume of (cement+fly ash+Water+SP+ Air)


=388.0831 litre/m3

In the tool, the binder has been adjusted to 533 kg/m 3 in order to obtain the required paste volume of

388.083 litre/m3 (say 388 litre/m3).


Specific gravity of sand : 2.6
% of absorption of 20mm : 0.3

% of absorption of 10mm : 0.3

% of absorption of sand : 1.0

% of moisture in 20mm : 0.0

% of moisture in 10mm : 0.0

% of moisture in sand : 0.0
% of dry material in SP : 40

Cement : 506.35 kg/m3

Metakaolin : 26.35 kg/m3

Initial water content : 191.88 litre/m 3

Coarse aggregate : 771.84 kg/m3

16mm coarse aggregate (CA1) : 771.84*(60/100) = 463.104 kg/m 3

12.5mm coarse aggregate (CA2) : 771.84*(40/100) = 308.736 kg/m 3
Sand : 321.5551*2.6 = 836.043 kg/m 3

Adjusted water content = Initial water - [CA1*(% of moisture - % of absorption)/100]

- [CA2*(% of moisture - % of absorption)/100]
- [sand*(% of moisture - % of absorption)/100]
- [SP*(100-%of dry material in SP)/100]

= 191.88 - [463.104 *(0-0.3)/100]-[ 291.67*(0-0.3)/100]

- [836.043 *(0-1)/100]-[4.797*(100-40)/100]

= 199.6778 litre/m3

Adjusted 16mm coarse aggregate : CA1*[1+(% of moisture/100)]

463.104 *[1+(0/100)] = 463.104kg/m3

Adjusted 12.5mm coarse aggregate : CA2*[1+(% of moisture/100)]

308.735*[1+(0/100)] = 308.735kg/m3

Adjusted sand : sand*[1+(% of moisture/100)]

308.735*[1+(0/100)] = 308.735kg/m3


Coarse aggregate contribution should not be considered in the adjustment of water. The
remaining constituents are already discussed in the section 4.6.

Initial water content : 191.88 litre/m3

Adjusted water content = Initial water - [sand*(% of moisture - % of absorption)/100]

- [SP*(100-%of dry material in SP)/100]

= 191.88 - [836.043 *(0-1)/100]-[4.797*(100-40)/100]

= 197.36 litre/m3

Mix types with percentage relative proportions and mix proportions of constituent materials
are shown in Table 9 and Table 10.


Cementitious Material – OPC+5% w/cm – 0.36


Coarse Percenta Percenta Perce Percentage of

Aggregate ge of n
ge of tage Paste
Blending Coarse
Percentage By of
Mix Type aggrega Mortar
Weight te S
(20 mm and
10 By
29_60:40 a 6 40 29.0165 70.9834 32.15551 38.8279
4 6

29_60:40: where 28 is the percentage of coarse aggregate volume in a concrete

mix 60:40 is the coarse aggregate blending by percentage weight of 16mm and
12.5mm resp.


Binder Cement Metakaoli Water 16mm 12.5mm Sand SP

3 Kg/m3 l/m3 Kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 l/m
Mix Type kg/m 3 3

29_60:40 53 506.35 26.35 191.88 463.104 308.736 836.043 4.797

3 2


Designati Total Cemen Metak Flyas F.A C.A Water S.P. S.P W/
on of Mix Binder t ao lin h (Kg/m
Sl. (Kg/m3 (Kg/m3 (%) (Kg/m3 P
(Kg/m (Kg/m 3
Proportio (Kg/m
3) (Kg/m3 3 ) )
No n 3) ) o

1 MK5 533.0 506.35 26.65 ----- 836 771.84 191.88 0.9 4.79 0.3
0 7 6
2 MK10 530.0 477.00 53.00 ----- 836 771.84 190.80 0.9 4.77 0.3
0 0 6
3 MK15 527.0 447.95 79.05 ----- 836 771.84 189.72 0.9 4.74 0.3
0 3 6
4 MK20 523.5 418.80 105.0 ----- 836 771.84 188.46 0.9 4.71 0.3
0 0 2 6
5 FA10 524.5 472.00 ----- 52.45 836 771.84 188.82 0.9 4.72 0.3
0 1 6
6 FA20 513.5 410.80 ----- 102.7 836 771.84 184.86 0.9 4.62 0.3
0 0 2 6
7 FA30 502.0 351.75 ----- 150.7 836 771.84 180.90 0.9 4.52 0.3
0 5 3 6
8 MK5+FA3 499.5 324.68 25.00 149.8 836 771.84 179.82 0.9 4.50 0.3
0 0 5 0 6
9 MK10+FA 507.5 355.25 50.75 101.5 836 771.84 182.70 0.9 4.57 0.3
20 0 0 0 6
10 MK15+FA 504.0 378.00 75.60 50.40 836 771.84 181.44 0.9 4.53 0.3
10 0 6 6
11 SCC 536.0 536.00 ----- ----- 836 771.84 192.96 0.9 4.82 0.3
0 4 6
The following conclusions can be drawn on the basis of SCC mix design tool Self-Compacting
Concrete is considered to be the most promising building material for the expected revolutionary
changes on the job site as well as on the desk of designers and civil engineers.Self compacting concrete
mix design tool is developed based on the key proportions of the constituents. This tool is very
simple and user friendly for the self compacting concrete mix design. It can be used for the SCC mix
with or without blended cement and coarse aggregate with or without coarse aggregate blending. This
tool can also be enhanced for multi blended cements with more additives and also useful for Self
compacting mortar design. It displays all necessary data for SCC mix design and also displays
constituent materials for SCC or SCM for the required volume

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