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“On Dumpster Diving” Questions on Rhetoric and Style

1. What is the effect of Eighner’s attention to language in the first five paragraphs? Does this opening appeal more
to ethos, pathos, or logos? Explain. Look closely at paragraph 3 and discuss the effect of this single simple
sentence on the reader.
- The effect of Eighner’s attention to language in the first five paragraphs strongly appeals to ethos
due to his credibility because he has experienced it himself. He is constantly having an effect on
the audience that he is a ‘scavenger’ who dumpster dives. He explores the different terms that
have different meanings for “dumpster diving” and “scavengers.”

2. Look closely at paragraphs 4-5. In these paragraphs, Eighner examines his own diction. What impression does
the word “scavenger” give to the reader? Why do you think he chose to title his essay “On Dumpster Diving”?
- He uses the word scavenger to closely compare himself as someone who searches dumpsters for
trash, and how this simple word can appeal differently towards society. He took this word and
really incorporated the meaning into the story to help describe who he is and what he has
overcome. I think the title is a form of process analysis to inform the reader what he is going to be
talking about in this essay.

3. Note the technical and clinical nature of much of part one of the essay. In paragraph 19, for example, he writes
of de-emulsification and the behavior of pathogens. What is the effect of such scientific language and
- He mentions how pathogens don’t like sugary substances and how often food tends to be wasted.
For example, the chocolate being thrown away just because it’s discolored. Such scientific
language and information shows the knowledge he has developed about canned food, dry food,
crackers, yogurt, etc.

4. Several images in Eighner’s essays are particularly striking to the reader. Describe two examples of such
images and their effects.
- The way Eighner thoroughly described the different types of food he comes across when dumpster
diving was striking for me. An example was when he mentioned cheese. He cuts the mold off of
cheese and eats the rest because if you logically think about it… cheese is aged milk; it already
contains mold. It was interesting to read about the information he knew on food based on his
experience of being homeless and whether something is good or bad, and how wasteful people
tend to be. (Especially college students and how he has observed them.)

5. Describe Eighner’s tone through the beginning of the essay. How does this differ from the ending? Where does
this shift occur?
- In the beginning of the essay, he is logical. This tone however, differs from the ending because it
later on progresses into becoming more evaluative and emotional. This shift starts to occur around
the time when he is talking about his dog.

6. Identify and explain two examples of irony in the section about the students (paragraphs 25-30).
- He talks about the college students and how much food is thrown away. Mainly due to the fact that
they don’t know if the food will spoil. It’s ironic because Eighner mentions one of those foods
being peanut butter, which never actually does spoil. In another sentence, he mentions “daddy’s
money.” This is also ironic because this shows that the students don’t need to worry about being
wasteful because they aren’t the ones paying for the food themselves.
7. Examine paragraph 41. How is parallel syntax used? What is the overall effect of these sentences?
- “He can wipe the egg yolk off the found can, but he cannot erase the stigma of eating garbage out
of his mind.” The overall effect is Eighner trying to explain the challenges he has had to adapt to
and overcome as a dumpster diver that has shifted his life. It shows the survival state he has gone
through in order to get used to living off of dumpster diving.

8. Summarize the two lessons Eighner has learned through his lifestyle.
- The first lesson he has learned through his lifestyle is learning the necessary skills/truth of being a
scavenger. He has also learned a lot about food and how to manage it. These skills that he has
developed allow him to live off the life as a scavenger.

9. Explain the irony in the closing paragraph (paragraphs 78-80).

- It’s ironic because Eighner is basically describing that he enjoys when people throw away items
because it lands “right in his hands.”

10. What is Eighner’s purpose in writing this essay?

- I think after seeing the effects of a homeless lifestyle, he ultimately wanted to speak out about the
struggles scavengers face and how their lives compare with the wealthier.

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