Evolution of Construction

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Mohammed Shoeb Hussain

Introduction The Cycle

Greek and Medieval Renaissance

Overview Roman Construction Construction

Industrial Modern
Construction Construction
Importance of understanding evolution of construction

1. Construction has always been a part of human society

2. Understanding the evolution of construction helps us appreciate
the immense creativity and engineering powers of past societies
3. Early humans used natural materials to build simple structures, and
Introduction over time, these structures evolved in terms of both their materials
and their functionality.
4. Technological advancements and changes in societal values have
influenced the field of architecture and construction over time.
Visual Interpretation

The Cycle
The basic lookout for every Structure

Economy Safety
 Megalithic structures, ancient temples, and pyramids: Ancient
civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and Greeks built
impressive megalithic structures such as the pyramids and
Stonehenge, and magnificent temples such as the Angkor Wat. These
structures often required the use of massive stones that had to be
quarried, transported, and fitted together with great precision.


Angkor Wat
 Materials used such as stone, mud, and wood: Ancient
civilizations used a variety of materials for construction,
including stone, mud, and wood. The Egyptians, for example,
used mud bricks and limestone to construct their pyramids,
while the Greeks and Romans used marble and granite for
their temples and public buildings.

 Sophisticated astronomical knowledge used in
construction: Many ancient structures, such as the pyramids
and Stonehenge, were built with precise astronomical
alignments, indicating that the builders had advanced
knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.

 Development of new materials such as concrete: The Greeks and
Romans were pioneers in the use of concrete, which allowed them to
create impressive structures such as the Pantheon and the
Colosseum. The Romans also developed a sophisticated system of
aqueducts to transport water to their cities.
Greek and
 Use of limestone, granite, and marble to create impressive
structures: The Greeks and Romans used a variety of stones,
including limestone, granite, and marble, to create impressive
structures with intricate carvings and sculptures.
Greek and
 Influence on later styles such as Gothic architecture: The
Constructions classical styles of the Greeks and Romans would have a
lasting influence on later architectural styles such as Gothic
Greek and
 Arch allowed for greater height and lightness in buildings and
was able to support more weight than the rounded arches
Greek and used in earlier Romanesque architecture.

Roman  The ribbed vault, which consists of a framework of pointed

arches and ribs that support the weight of the roof and
Constructions distribute it evenly across the walls. This allowed for larger,
Gothic architecture more spacious interiors and enabled builders to create more
complex and ornate ceiling designs.
 Flying buttresses are another hallmark of Gothic architecture.
These are exterior supports that counteract the outward
thrust of the ribbed vaults and allow for even greater height
and grandeur in the design of buildings.
 Castles, cathedrals, and city walls: Medieval Europe was characterized
by the construction of castles, cathedrals, and city walls. These structures
were often designed to withstand sieges and attacks and incorporated
defensive features such as moats and drawbridges.


Gravensteen Castle, Belgium Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

• Technological and aesthetic advancements such as
pointed arches and ribbed vaults: Medieval architects made
significant technological and aesthetic advancements such as
the use of pointed arches and ribbed vaults, which allowed
for greater height and grandeur in their structures.
Constructions  Development of Gothic architecture: The development of
Gothic architecture marked a departure from the more
classical styles of the Greeks and Romans, with an emphasis
on verticality, intricate ornamentation, and a sense of
lightness and grace.
• Palaces, churches, and public buildings: The Renaissance was
characterized by a renewed interest in classical forms and a focus
on humanism and rationalism. This led to the construction of
palaces, churches, and public buildings with a greater emphasis on
symmetry, proportion, and harmony.

• Break from medieval styles and embrace of classical elements:
Renaissance architects broke away from medieval styles and
embraced classical elements such as columns, pediments, and

Constructions • Use of new technologies such as perspective drawing and
engineering principles: Renaissance architects made significant
advances in the use of perspective drawing and engineering
principles, which allowed them to create more accurate and
symmetrical structures.
 Industrial revolution which began in late 18th century and continued in the 19th century had a
significant impact on the field of construction.

 The introduction of new technologies and materials revolutionized the way buildings were
designed and constructed, leading to faster, cheaper, and more efficient construction methods.

 Factories, bridges, and railroads

 Technological advancements such as steel, concrete, and
glass. These advancements led to the construction of Eiffel

 Large-scale structures such as skyscrapers and suspension

Industrial bridges

Constructions  The invention of the steam engine also had a significant

impact on construction. Steam-powered machinery, such as
cranes and steam shovels, made it possible to move and lift
heavy materials more quickly and efficiently. This led to the
construction of large-scale projects, such as railroads, canals,
and bridges, which helped to fuel the growth of industry and
• Modern industrial construction often involves the use of pre-
engineered steel buildings, which are prefabricated in a factory
and assembled on-site. This method can significantly reduce
construction time and costs while providing a high level of
durability and structural integrity.

• Modern construction, on the other hand, encompasses a
wide range of construction types, including residential,
commercial, and industrial construction. It is characterized
by the use of advanced materials and technologies, such as
concrete, steel, and automation, as well as sustainable
practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of
construction activities. Introduction of admixtures.

Modern • One of the key features of modern construction is the use of

Construction Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, which allows
architects and engineers to create 3D models of buildings
and simulate different scenarios to optimize building
performance and reduce construction costs. BIM also allows
for more efficient coordination among different parties
involved in the construction process, including architects,
engineers, contractors, and subcontractors.
• Modern construction also involves the use of advanced construction
equipment and machinery, such as excavators, bulldozers, and cranes,
which are equipped with sensors and other technology to improve
safety and efficiency. Robotics and automation are also being
increasingly used in modern construction, such as autonomous
vehicles for material transportation and drones for site surveys and

Sustainable construction practices are also an important aspect of

Modern •
modern construction, with a growing focus on the use of renewable
energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and the implementation
Construction of energy-efficient building designs, materials, and technologies.

• Overall, modern construction is characterized by a focus on efficiency,

sustainability, and safety, with the use of advanced materials,
technologies, and construction methods aimed at improving the
quality and durability of buildings while reducing construction time
and costs.
Key concepts that have revolutionized the way of construction:
 Evolution of various Building materials like stones, mud, wood,
limestone to concrete, steel, iron, pre-fabricates, use of
admixtures, etc.
Key Concepts  Evolution of tools from hand tools to bulldozers, excavators, drills,
cranes, etc.
 Copying, enhancing and upgrading of structural and architectural
concepts like arches, columns, plinths, beams, etc.
 Concepts of suspension, tension, greater heights etc.
 Right from ancient construction to modern construction there has
been a lot of changes and developments.
 Technological advancements lead to a safer, efficient, economic
Summary and a faster way of approach towards construction.
 Material advancements lead to a rapid way of approaching the
desired outcomes.
Brief Recap
As the time passes the way of
construction changes suiting the
required needs and creating
materials for achieving it.
Mohammed Shoeb Hussain

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