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1. Prepare the tools and materials to be

The tools used are:
1. Test tube ( 3 pieces)
2. Thermometer ( 1 pieces)
3. Spatula (1 pieces)
4. place for film rolls (2 pieces)
5. analytical balance (1 pieces)
6. watch glass (1 pieces)
7. beaker glass (1 pieces)
8. tube rack (1 pieces)
The materials used are :
1. Solid NaOH
2. NH4Cl
3. Ba(OH)2
4. Solid KNO3
5. aquadest
6. 0.1M HCL solution
7. Mg metal

2. 10 ml of water is put into the test tube

3. Measure and record the water

temperature as T1

4. The solid NaOH was weighed using an

analytical balance and then the mass
was recorded

5. Put solid NaOH that has been weighed

into test tube 1

6. Then shaken until dissolved

7. Then measured the temperature as T2

8. 10 ml of water is put into the test tube

9. Measure and record the water

temperature as T1

10. The solid KNO3 was weighed using an

analytical balance and then the mass
was recorded

11. Put solid KNO3 that has been weighed

into test tube 2

12. Then measured the temperature as T2

13. 5 ml HCL 0,1 M is put into the test tube

14. Measure and record the water

temperature as T1

15. The Metal Mg was weighed using an

analytical balance and then the mass
was recorded

16. Put Metal Mg that has been weighed

into test tube 3

17. Then shaken until dissolved

18. Then measured the temperature as T2

19. The solid Ba(OH)2 was weighed using

an analytical balance and then the mass
was recorded

20. The solid NH4Cl was weighed using an

analytical balance and then the mass
was recorded

21. Ba(OH)2 and NH4Cl were put into the

roll film box and then the temperature
was measured and recorded as T1

22. Then shaken until mixed

23. Then measured the temperature as T2

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