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Origin of Life
Invertebrate Diversity
Ashiq Haripershad 18 Aug 2022
1. List the following items in the order that they evolved: aerobic respiration, water-splitting photosynthesis, fermentation,
intracellular organelles.

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2. The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that frogs and insects spontaneously generated from moistened earth.
Design an experiment to prove/disprove this theory.

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3. How do you think mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved? Provide evidence to support your theory.

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4. Sea anemones belong to which phylum _____________? 5. Sponges belong to which phylum _____________?

A) Nematoda A) Nematoda
B) Cnidaria B) Cnidaria
C) Anthozoa C) Rotifera
D) Porifera D) Porifera

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6. Fill in the table below with numbers corresponding to each phylum’s characteristics:

1. Nematocysts
2. Gut (with mouth and anus)
3. Some parasites
4. Choanocytes
5. Bilateral symmetry
6. Some sessile
7. What is the evolutionary significance of a coelom?

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8. What is the main difference between deuterostomes and protostomes? List two phyla that exhibit each trait.

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