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OFAD 40023 Internet and Web Design with Laboratory for Administrative


Esteban, Eljohn Joshua G, 2020-00002-PQ-0

November 22,, 2022

Virtual Lesson # 3:
Knowledge Skills and Function
videolink presentation:
1. Discuss the importance of leadership and the management of meaning in the
internet management system.
 Creating a structure for a task so that group members know how to finish it is
an example of leadership conduct. "Motivation" is a word that is frequently
used to describe leadership, as in the capacity to inspire people to complete
tasks. Along with these, leadership traits include motivation, influence, and
agreement to accomplish specific group or organizational goals. Organizational
leadership has become crucially important. The primary method for achieving
an organization's strategy and objectives is now information technology. As a
result, relying on IT is necessary to implement corporate strategy, facilitate
innovation, and establish operational stability. As a result, IT leadership needs
to possess expert technical abilities and knowledge of market trends and best
practices guarantee continuous service delivery and operational stability.

2. How internet connection can affect the entire IT system particularly the web
technology in the lives of people
 Today, using the internet in our daily lives is no longer an option. When used
properly, the internet makes life quick, easy, and uncomplicated. The internet
provides us with information, knowledge, and data that are useful for our
personal, social, and economic growth. Although there are numerous benefits
for the internet, how we utilize it in our everyday lives depends on our own
needs and objectives.

3. How can web system affects performance of the plantilla in the workplace
 Never underestimate the benefits of templates. Though creativity is limitless,
there are occasionally limits to it. When a writer has "writer's block," it can cost
them their entire lives. Templates can reduce our workload and stress levels
while also boosting productivity. A writer might occasionally labor nonstop for
days or even years.The audience is more attentive while using templates.

4. Discuss how poor internet connection affects the management meaning of the
 A company's success is largely dependent on how well its people perform.
Employees are unable to do their work and communicate with clients due to
unreliable and delayed connectivity. Employee morale is eventually impacted
by these problems, which diminish production and efficiency. Companies
experience higher turnover rates and will need to invest more resources in
finding replacements if management is unable to give them the tools they need
to do their jobs.
OFAD 40023 Internet and Web Design with Laboratory for Administrative

Esteban, Eljohn Joshua G, 2020-00002-PQ-0

November 22,, 2022

5. Create a 300 word essay as your takeaway in the lesson

 Every person has the capacity to succeed at work since they are
equipped with certain talents. You will be more able to match your skill set with
the career path you want to pursue if you take the time to consider your skill
set and which skills can be advantageous to the company you are applying to
or currently working for. Workplace skills help you carry out your daily tasks on
behalf of the company you work for.
For instance, your abilities can help you develop an annual strategy,
settle a quarrel amongst employees, or maintain your composure when
finishing a task with a short deadline. With your skills, you can influence a
workplace in a variety of ways. You can develop your technical abilities through
internships or experience you get in the classroom. Since you can relate these
abilities to your experience and the outcomes you achieved while working for
your prior employer, they might be helpful when looking for employment. Make
sure to do your study on the abilities you must acquire so you can take the
appropriate steps to follow your professional path. Employees with technical
skills are more productive, self-assured, and valuable to businesses.

Technical expertise will help you become more confident when applying
for jobs in particular industries. The same technical knowledge may enhance
your multitasking skills, providing you the self-assurance to take on
increasingly difficult and demanding responsibilities.

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