Ace Your Interview - KeyTakeAways - NUS Business School

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Ace Your Interview!

– Key Points
A workshop presented for students @ NUS Business School
He or she who gets hired is not necessarily the one who can do that job best ;
but the one who knows the most about how to get hired.’ Robert N. Bolles

1. Key Factors in Interview

a. Personality
b. Experience
c. Qualifications / position
d. References
e. Enthusiasm / the company & the position
f. Degrees & technical trainings
g. Ability to evolve
h. Compatibility with the team
i. Intelligence & ability to learn
j. Work capacity

2. Tell Me About Yourself (Practice, practice, practice!) What is your Perceived Value?

3. Your Self-intro should include:

a. Talent/Skills
b. Attitude
c. Relevancy

4. Think about …
a. Where do you plan to go ultimately?
b. What is your purpose?
c. What are your guiding principles?
d. How do you maintain relevance to your employer?
e. What differentiates you from your competitors?
f. How do you express your brand?
g. Do you have a tagline?

5. Interview Stages
a. Introductory Stage – Initial impression
b. Employer Questions – Attitude/Skills Fit
c. Applicant Questions – Your level of interest/knowledge of company
d. Closing Stage

6. What’s the goal of interviews?

a. The interview…it’s a two-way street
b. Level of experience and skill – Can you do it?
c. Behaviors critical to the job – Will you do it?
d. Personality / Cultural fit /Chemistry – Will you fit in?
e. Use Social Media Platforms carefully. Build your reputation with blogs and tweets
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f. Personal Branding – How much will you cost me?

7. What % of Employers hire potential employees based on the following?

a. 45 % on appearance and impression
b. 35% being reliable and punctual
c. 10% on your work experience
d. 10% on your education and training
Do YOU make a good first impression?

8. 7-38-55 Rule… 7% of impact from overall communication. The rest 93% is coming from non verbal communication
with 55% of body language and 38% of tonality

9. Pay attention to…

a. Visual Tool kit
b. Verbal Tool kit/Strengths
c. Non-Verbal Tool kit

10. Types of Interviews

a. One on one Interviews
b. Behavioral Based Interviews
c. Online Interviews
d. Group/Panel Interviews
e. Telephone Interviews

11. Common interview questions, Interview Questions for the Employer/Recruiter (Refer to Activity Book)

12. Prepare…so you don’t freak out

a. Research…
b. History of the organization
c. Mission, vision and values
d. Purpose of the organization
e. Products and services
f. Organizational chart/Social Media Presence
g. Speak/Discuss with your network
h. Start working on your social media real estate (LinkedIn, contribute to discussions, how are you
redefining your visibility for your next interview?)
i. Work on your online interview etiquette with your Career Advisor/Schedule Mock Interview
j. Case Coach: Refer to the useful information online (reach out to your Career Advisor for log in details)

13. The Arrival

a. Preparation for the interview ahead of time
b. Take a few minutes to relax and check your appearance
c. Review your notes before the interview
d. Ensure your ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ is customized

14. Tools for interviewing

a. S – Face the person SQUARELY
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transmission in any manner or any means, in English or any other language is strictly prohibited without written permission from the respective
organization and/or its author. All rights reserved.
b. O – Adopt an OPEN posture

c. L – LEAN forward for active listening (watch your online presence)

d. E –- Maintain good EYE contact

e. R – Practice RELAXATION techniques

15. Power up your image

16. Common Factors for Most Jobs…Ability to:

a. Communicate orally/relate well with others – customer service
b. Organize, plan and prioritize
c. Bring enthusiasm to the position – self-motivated
d. Maintain a positive image – composure in stressful situations
e. Evaluate information and make judgment decisions/problem-solving
f. Initiate and motivate others – team player/leadership
g. Adapt to changing situations
h. Integrity

17. Be a S.T.A.R. with your answers - Funnel Technique…

a. Answering behavior based questions head on
b. STAR/CAR example
c. Task/Challenge… Practice all the questions in the Activity Book!

18. Situational Interview Questions (Practice all the questions in the Activity Book!)

19. Identifying Interviewing Techniques …

a. Typical Question: Yes or No
b. Behavior Based Question – Tell me about a time when you….Describe a time when you….
c. Situational Interview Question – A future scenario-based question given to the candidate

20. Tips to Answer…

a. Use a humorous approach to lighten the situation
b. Smile/gently laughing at the question
c. Take your time
d. Pause.. Smile to buy some time to consider the question
e. Say: ‘That’s an interesting question, (smile, softly laugh) hmmm…. what I would do is…

21. Remember – Succinct Answers over long-winded ones…

22. In Summary…
a. Know Yourself
b. Plan to Your Strengths
c. Entrance/Handshake/Eye contact
d. Sitting position
Please note that all materials and/or additional handouts provided to you are subjected to 17 March 2021 Alvo Connexions Pte Ltd. Reproduction or
transmission in any manner or any means, in English or any other language is strictly prohibited without written permission from the respective
organization and/or its author. All rights reserved.
e. Personal space
f. Open Body Language
g. Matching your style
h. Watch the interviewer’s body language while you speak
i. Show interest
j. Be definite (use the hands to emphasize points you are speaking, do NOT use aggressive gestures
such as making a fist or punching the air)
k. Leakage (rehearse answers so that your body language is in sync)
l. End interview with a smile and eye contact
m. Be Positive and Believe in Yourself

23. Remember: Persistent, polite & perk up their ears (3 P’s)

If you can hire people whose passion intersects with the job, they won't require any supervision at all. They will manage
themselves better than anyone could ever manage them. Their fire comes from within, not from without. Their motivation is
internal, not external." Stephen Covey

Please note that all materials and/or additional handouts provided to you are subjected to 17 March 2021 Alvo Connexions Pte Ltd. Reproduction or
transmission in any manner or any means, in English or any other language is strictly prohibited without written permission from the respective
organization and/or its author. All rights reserved.

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