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"18 years old Tsubaki Hibino "

Many men during their days as a Professional hairstylist and knows better than to judge a book by its
cover. All of her closest friends, who have boyfriends of their own, are always trying to get her to
finally date someone just so she can experience the seemingly wonderful feeling of being loved. He
laughed because of that. "Guys seriously, stop trying to make me settle with strangers you see on the
street." Siri grinned and patted her friend on the back, "And my friend, that's why you don't have a
Girlfriend, you're too picky! "Her head turned, giving him a fierce look, "The last man you hired
threatened to kill me! "She half screamed, remembering how hard she had dragged him into an empty
bathroom with the intention of punishing him by being a blatant tease. "Oh, I remember him," Siri said
casually, sitting on top of him of the counter, "she's cute "

"Are you kidding me?" Hibino sighed, "He pushed me into the bathroom and tried to come with me!"
"Yes, you're lucky, he kicked out She was sorry before it happened. Miyu laughed, ruffling Hibino's
hair playfully. She pulled away from him further and sat on a black leather chair, fixing her hair in front
of the mirror. "I'll kick you if I try to set myself up again. Tsubaki warned. It wasn't because she didn't
want to date, it was more of the fact that she didn't want to date anyone, it had to be someone she
really liked and continued will fall in love with the natural process that will eventually lead to love. Miyu
rolled her eyes, "Maybe if you gave them another chance they would." "His words were cut off when
Hibino's horrified gaze caught him. He quickly grabbed a nearby broom that was leaning against the
side of the wall and swept up all the freshly cut hair that was scattered on the floor. If a look kills, he
thinks Hibino is deadly! She laughed at the display in front of her, "Actually, I think Hibino's right. "At
that time, Tsubaki perked up, "About what the fact that you two are crazy? Then, yes, I'm right. "No,
no, I mean you're right about us setting you up all the time and, "And, " Miyu said, cutting Seri off,
"look at that handsome boy across the street! Seri turned her attention to the large window where the
world outside could be seen, her eyes scanning the throng of people before they landed on the said
boy. A moment later, he was still staring at her, watching her. Why does he seem so familiar? The way
her hair was styled, the familiar sly smiled and charming face.

He really looks like him. He smiled evilly. "He's way out of his league, " he teased, "I'll bet you a
hundred push-ups that he'll never get someone like this. "Hibino turned the chair in Seri's direction, "I
know what you're trying to do," he said, his voice stern, "and I'm not taking the bait. So stop it, that's
not going to happen! "Of course, Hibino's hostile reaction only helped Seri's smile increase. "He looks
quite well. "He twisted his body to get a better view, "I just can't seem to put my finger in it. " From the
corner of her eye, she caught Tsubaki trying to sneak a peek. Miyu, who had finished sweeping, went
to the counter, her arms folded here. He looked at the boy who was casually leaning against the wall
with his male friends. His eyes narrowed slightly;he's seen him before. "He looks familiar, Seri?"
"Before he could answer, Yuzuru opened the door with such force, it hit the wall hard and jumped
back on his face. Yuzuru flinched back, hurt and was shocked. "My God, Hibino!" "miyu and seri both
sweatdrops. Yuzuru is just too much sometimes. "You won't believe it? " Yuzuru exclaimed, eyes
shine. Hibino stared at him, "I wouldn't believe what? ,"Kyouta! "He shouted loudly, grabbed Hebino's
hand and pulled him into his feet. "He's back! Kyouta is back! Seri snapped her fingers together, a
triumphant smile spreading across her features, "I know! This is Kyouta! "He gestured across the
street from their Salon,

"Look Hibino, it's your lover-boy! " Hibino stiffened. Unbelievable! It was really him, the same man who
left her three years ago! She felt her heart constrict painfully in her chest, she was the reason why he
didn't flirt. Because he still has lingering feelings for his childhood-friend. His face turned pale and he
went limp, falling towards Yuzuru who by now, panicked and shook his friend. He really came back. ~
Here are you Again. Hey Hibino, are you still awake? Hibino groaned, one hand holding his head. His
spare hand reached out to grab anything sturdy for support as he stood. He looked at Seri with misty
eyes and softly asked him what happened. "You passed out, that's what happened. " Seri said, patting
him on the back. "Yes, Yuzuru almost had a heart attack!
Miyu laughed and fanning Yuzuru with a magazine. He sighed, "I had the strangest dream that Kyouta
had really come back and.
He didn't finish his sentence because before him in all his pride was Kyouta. He was standing, sleek
in his black jeans and white polo shirt. His hair has grown a lot since they were fifteen years old,
almost like how it was when they first met. It's annoying, really annoying! "You! "He half shouted,
pointing an accusing finger at the boy. "Why are you there? Kyouta shrugged, his hazel-green eyes
looking up at her, drinking in her newly acquired figure that had grown over the years of her absence.
A teasing smile played on his lips as he stepped closer to her, "I'm here to get you back, no matter

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