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( Nomor 1 – 50 )

1. To measure the students' learning achievement, the teacher can asess the students using tests that are
developed based on some principles. The degree to which the test actually measures what it is intended to
measure belongs to the principals of...
A. validity
B. reliability
C. authenticity
D. practicality

2. Students are able to respond (criticize) news reports orally. To evaluate it, teachers can use ....
A. responsive answer
B. multiple choice
C. cloze test matching
D. speech

3. At the time of learning, a teacher provides image of the human digestive system. Then the teacher ask
the students to mention the organs of digestion system according to the picture. This learning activities
comes into the dimension of ……. Knowledge.
A. Factual
B. Conseptual
C. Procedural
D. Metacognitive

4. Teachers are obliged to have empathy for others, tolerance for others, have a positive attitude and
personality and attached to every other competence, and be able to cooperate with others. This includes
the type of …..
A. Pedagogic Competence
B. Professional Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence

5. Mastering the concepts, structures, scientific, technological, artistic methods that overshadow coherent
with teaching materials. It includes the type of ….
A. Pedagogic Competence
B. Professional Competence
C. Personality Competence
D. Social Competence

6. It is very useful as feedback about the learning process that has been done, so that through information
from the implementation of this evaluation teachers will always improve the learning process.
A. Summative Evaluation Function
B. Formative Evaluation Function
C. Diagnostic Evaluation Function
D. Selective Evaluation Function

7. Melati planned to improve her speaking skill. One day, she went to an English Course. The
management of the English course asked her to do a test to assess her present speaking ability level. They
want to make sure that Melati will get the most appropriate treatment when she is learning English in the
course. The test that Melati faced was ..
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Norm-referenced assessmeent
D. Ipsative assessment

8. It is currently thought that most of the universe matters is in the form of stars. based on the clauses in
the sentences, the new information is...
A. the form
B. stars
C. the universe matters
D. the universe

9. Worms eat organic material and produce what is known as worm castings. Based on the sentence, the
new information is ….
A. organic material
B. worm castings
C. worm
D. material

10. Once upon a time, there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants
crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the home of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to
death. Then the king of the rats decided to approach the elephant, chief and request him to guide his herd
through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephants’ king, apologized and agreed to take
another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved. One day elephant- hunters came to the jungle and
trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered, the king of the
rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the
king and told him about the trapped elephants
The text above is a kind of…….
A. An anecdote text
B. A description text
C. A recount text
D. A narrative text

11. He is saving her money so that She can take a vacation to Lombok.
The sentence uses adverbial clause of …
A. Time
B. Comparison
C. Purpose
D. Condition

12. The definition of action research in learning English is …

A. effort to improve the English learning process is to find many facts in learning practices that are
considered the most effective for improving the quality of English learning.
B. a systematic discovery effort that focuses on the process of learning English to find many facts in
learning practices that are considered more effective in overcoming problems in learning English.
C. research efforts that focus on the process of learning English to find many facts in learning practices
that are considered many effective and efficient.
D. a systematic discorery effort that focuses on the process of learning English to find many facts in
learning practices that are considered most effective through classroom research.

13. The following topic that can be done with class action research is …
A. The relationship between learning achievement and communicative approach in learning English
B. Can role playing activities improve English speaking skills of 11th graders of SMA V?
C. Is there any influence of study habits with student achievement?
D. Student learning success and the factors that influence it.

14. “The students now show positive responses to the English lesson. They are also eager to use English
voluntary. However, the grammatical mistakes the make even in very simple sentences can be cleary
detected. How can I keep them interested in using English without letting them ignore the grammar?
What steps need to be taken?”
Contoh diatas merupakan ilustrasi aktivitas PTK/ CAR dalam tahap ….
A. Plan
B. Act and Observe
C. Reflect
D. Revised Plan

15. Leanne, ……. , is coming over this weekend.

A. the maid of honor from my wedding
B. which the maid of honor from my wedding
C. in which the maid of honor from my wedding
D. at the maid of honor from my wedding

16. Janita : __
Amina : Are you kidding? It’s only December now.
Janita : What’s wrong with December?
Amina : Don’t you know that you should trim your maple trees only in the mid-summer. At that time, the
leaves will expand fully and have turned into a dark green.
Janita: I see.
A. Can you help me trim the maple trees in the garden tomorrow?
B. Do you know what’s the right time to trim maple trees?
C. You know so much about gardening
D. Should I do anything special to keep the maple trees fresh during winter?

No. 17 - 18
17. What is the event of the invitation above?
A. Anniversary of Crystalriver School
B. Grand Reunion of class of 1999
C. Annual meeting of class 1999
D. 20th Partneship meeting

18. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To make a party about 20th of Class 2019
B. To invite the students of 1999 come to the Grand Reunion
C. To ask students of 2019 to come to The Royal Orchad
D. To ask everyone come to the Grand Reunion


19. From the text we know that ....

A. The meeting will discuss about Multimedia room
B. Deswinta is the chairperson of the committee
C. Paula is expected not to be late the meeting
D. Paula should give confirmation her attendance to Deswinta


20. From the text we can conclude that ….

A. The event will last for three day
B. Mr. Hidayat Putra will call Andien to inform his attendance
C. The exhibition will only be held in the morning at 10 a.m
D. The exhibition is about heavy duty machinery and truck

21. …………. were very expensive.

A. The doll sold along Malioboro street
B. The dolls, that were sold along Malioboro street
C. The doll that was sold along Malioboro street
D. The dolls that were sold along Malioboro street

22. Combine the following two sentences into a good sentence containing an adjective clause.
Mary won the competition. She was awarded the prize.
A. Mary who won the competition was awarded the prize.
B. Mary whom won the competition was awarded the prize.
C. Mary which won the competition was awarded the prize.
D. Mary whose won the competition was awarded the prize.

23. Mrs Wina instructs the students to follow the short dialogue. Then students guess the meaning of the
dialogue from the expression, poses, and various things that are practiced by the teacher. Students are
forced to think and understand the content of the dialogue and momorize it in a short time. After students
memorize, then they are given the words in the dialogue then write it down. The learning method applied
by Mrs Wina is …
A. Audio Lingual Method
B. Grammar Translation Method
C. Total Physical Response Method
D. Natural Method

24. Mr Tatang teaches English by using certain techniques. With this technique, it can arouse students’
curiosity, students become interactive, learning is more interesting and learning can be done anywhere
and anytime. The learning technique implemented by Mrs Dewi is …
A. Audio Lingual Method
B. Teaching English by using games
C. Total Physical Response Method
D. Teaching English by using stories

25. The following is one of the indicators in learning English, such as presenting oral transactional texts
that involve the act of giving and asking for information related to imperative, prohibitions, and
suggestions. Based on these indicators, the forms of assessment that can be used by teachers is ….
A. Portofolio
B. Multiple choice test
C. Performance test
D. Oral test

26. Learning objective ; the students are expected to be able to do transactional dialog involving asking
information expression. A teacher can do the following to reach this learning objective, EXCEPT …
A. Provide a model dialog using asking information expression
B. Provide examples of asking information expression
C. Ask the students to do any dialog they want to.
D. Ask the students to search for more language expression through exploring other learning sources.

27. In teaching writing, Mr Tono often uses Think-Pair-Share strategy. Recently, during remote teaching
he wants to involve whatsapp application with this technique. What step of Think-Pair-Share do you think
whatsapp can be intergrated?
A. Think and Pair
B. Pair and Share
C. Think
D. None

28. An English teacher will teach material about advertisement with image media that he previously
made himself using canva, After showing the picture, the teacher will ask students to have a group
discussion related to the picture shown earlier. At the end of learning students are expected to be able to
design their own advertisement using menus such as canva, corel, photoshop. In this case teacher has
applied ….
A. Technological Knowledge
B. Content Knowledge

29. English teacher will teach recount text materials using discovery learning, because it is considered
suitable for students and will improve their understanding of the material. If the teacher wants to use
TPACK in learning, then in the illustration above, the thing that needs to be added is ….
A. content
B. pedagogy
C. technology
D. knowledge

30. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____ that motor
phenomena have an essential role in psychology.
A. who she believed
B. who believed
C. believed
D. who did she believe

31. The extinction of animals… unbalanced ecosystem in the forest.

A. due to
B. since
C. results in
D. because of

32. According to this title, “Why plants need sunlight”, which of the following is the correct genre of the
A. Report text
B. Descriptive text
C. Exposition text
D. Explanation text

33. Which of the following is not exactly true about an exposition text?
A. Mostly using present tenses, only other tenses if needed.
B. Talking about an unpopular and new topic we want to introduce to readers.
C. Consisting of thesis statement, arguments and conclusion or recommendation in the structure.
D. Using some transition words that tell order e.g. first, second, third.

34. Do you know that ..., until the age of eighty, you will witness the population triple in your lifetime.
The best option to complete the sentence is.....
A. if you live another nineteen years
B. because you live in nineteen years' time
C. your nineteen years of being alive
D. although you would not live nineteen years more

35. If we want to conduct a listening test, we should provide a room that is very comfortable for the
listening environment The noise coming from outside of the room cannot be heard in the room, the audio
system should be cloar to all testees the lighting and the condition of the desks and chairs should also be
good These all are prepared to fulfill the criteria of
A test administration reliability
B. rater administration validity
C test rater reliability
D. student-related reliability
36. Teachers construct a test with the test items are likely to be used or applied in the real contexts of
daily life. It is prepared to fulfill the criteria of ….
A. Authenticity
B. test rater reliability
C Content Validity
D. student-related reliability

37. Dear Dr. Post,

It is with great pride that I fully endorse Amy Allen as your next prenatal Nurse for Redwood Hospital. I
worked side by side with Amy for many years and can tell you that she has a strong sense of dedication
and responsibility to her patients. As a nurse, Amy exudes professionalism that affects her patients and
everyone around her. She is respected and well-liked by the nursing staff here and she has often been used
as a resource by other nurses for difficult cases.

Amy has enough education and experience to be a great prenatal nurse. If you need any more details,
please feel free to call me at 555-222-4221.
Sincerely Yours,

Dr. B. W. Gorde

37. From this email, we may conclude that ....

A. Dr. Post accepts Dr. Gorder on Amy's recommendation
B. Dr. Gorder offers a good recommendation about Amy
C. Amy is accepted to work for Dr. Post due to Dr. Gorder's letter
D. Dr. Post considers to accept Amy on Dr. Gorde's recommendation

38. We note that students from some education traditional cannot reading efficiently even in their mother
The sentence can be revised to become ....
A. We noted students from some education traditional cannot read efficiently even in their mother
B. We noted that students from some traditional education cannot read efficiently even in their mother
C. We noted that students from some education traditions cannot reading efficiently even in their mother
D. We note that students from some education traditional cannot reading efficiently even in their mother

39. Assessment .... learning uses a task or an activity for the purpose of determining students progress
during a unit or block of instruction.
A. Assessment for Learning
B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning
D. Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning

40. Overall curriculum expectations are assessed in ...

A. Assessment for Learning
B. Assessment of Learning
C. Assessment as Learning
D. Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning

41. This week, Mrs. Yanti taught students of grade 7A how to ask about time give information about time
in English orally and in writing. She used a spoken model in a Youtube, in the beginning of the lesson,
she asked the students to watch the video over and over again so that they could repeat the expressions to
ask for time in English and to give time in English by themselves. When they finished with their Youtube
videos, students were asked to video recod themselves repeating the expressions using the Flipgrid
application, and post to the class account. When the class was over, she checked students’ uploads o
flipgrid. She was surprised to find that students’ ways of using the expressions in the uploaded video
sound very Indonesian. She was wondering what went wrong with her instruction this week. She wanted
to solve this problem in the coming lessons.
By planning a classroom action research study, Mrs Yanti can…
A. Employed her TPACK to her studenets
B. Improve Grade 7 students motivation
C. Solve her students’ problems
D. Improve Grade 7 students’ pronunciation
E. Improve her instrtuctional skills

42. A basic competence says, “ understanding contextual meaning that is related to the social function ,
the text structure, and the linguistic features of spoken and written explanation texts on natural or social
The appropriate IT-based instructional material to achieve the basic competence is a text on…
A. The Biography of Anton Chekhov
B. The Occurrence of rainbow
C. The story of Robinson Crusoe
D. The family tree of Napoleon
E. The origin of Balinese Dances

43. Mr Candra is an English teacher in a remote junior high school in North Maluku. He has been
teaching there for five years. He moved to this school from Palembang in 2017 after graduating from a
teacher education in its provincial capital. He love his job and has ever returned to his home town since 4
years ago. One reason is that he will leave his students without an English teacher if he returns to
Palembang. He teaches his students at the school in the morning until the school is over and opens
additional English lessons at his house in the afternoon for those need. He is proud of his students as the
number of students who can speak English incrases year by year.
This shows Mr Candra is….
A. Loving his homeland
B. Firm
C. Authoritative
D. Disciplined
E. Caring

44. Do not forget to look both ways … you cross this busy street. Fill in the blanks (…) with the words
given below.
A. Since
B. As soon as
C. Because
D. Until
E. Before

45. A basic competence in the English Curriculum for the Senior High School says, “ The students are
able to distinguish the social function, text structure, and linguistic features of specific texts in the form of
official invitations by asking and giving information about school/working activities along with its social
One of the appropriate achievement indicators of the above basic competence is:
“ By the end of learning process the students are able to ….”
A. identify the linguistic components of an official invitation
B. show the important points of an official invitation
C. explain the textual structure of an official invitation
D. assess the significance of mailling an official invitation
E. evaluate the reasons for writing an official invitation

46. James is late to work today because he doesn’t get his bus to town on time.
In other words, ….
A. Unless James didn’t get the bus on time, he wouldn’t be late at work
B. James weren’t late at work unless he got the bus on time
C. Even if James got the bus on time, he would be late at work
D. If James were late at work, He wouldn’t get the bus on time
E. If James got the bus on time, He wouldn’t be late to work

47. A basic competence for high school says “ Distinguisting social funtions, textual structure, and
linguistic features of some spoken and written analitycal exposition texts by asking and giving to actual
issues, in line with its functional context.”
A. Comparing and contrasting the basic competences of exposition texts
B. Evaluating the leaners’ matery of an analitycal exposition text
C. Applying the linguistic features of an analitycal expositions
D. Assessing the use of analitycal exposition texts in interaction
E. Analyzing the social function of particular exposition texts

48. Do not be confused with unproven findings that may be misleading and …..
A. totally unprofessionalism
B. total unprofessional
C. total unprofessionalism
D. totally unprofession
E. totally unprofessional

49. Suatu ketika guru mengajak siswa-siswanya untuk mengamati panen kayu di hutan yang tidak jauh
dari sekolah. Pemahaman yang paling penting untuk disampaikan kepada siswa terkait dengan kegiatan
itu dari upaya pelestarian lingkungan adalah …..
A. kayu hasil panen itu sebaiknya diolah menjadi produk ekspor berkualitas
B. kayu hasil panen itu perlu dihemat penggunaanya agar tidak cepat habis
C. kayu hasil panen itu dijual dalam bentuk produk olahan yang bermanfaat
D. perlu dilakukan peremajaan tanaman di hutan setelah kayu dipanen
E. perlu dilakukan panen kayu secara bertahap supaya lahan tidak gundul

No. 50
Date : August 21, 2022

To : All Staff

From : Andy Law, Director, Merketing Dept.

I am writing to inform you of a baby shower we are planning for Anne.

Before she leaves the office maternity leave and mother training program, we will hold a party. The party
will be held on the 2nd floor, in Conference Room 27, on Friday, August 25, 2022. The Vice Director
will also be invited. Food will be provided br the company.

See you there.

50. The structure of the above text can be identified as …

A. introduction, greeting, message, summery
B. date, recipient, sender, content
C. information, objective, content, conclusion
D. header, introduction, body, closing
E. identity, subject, message, ending

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