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Casa 6 - Shatru Bhava - Enemigos - Marte y Saturno.

6 indican las áreas difíciles de la vida en donde hay obstáculos, oposición y la necesidad de hacer
grandes esfuerzos, como también las partes del cuerpo proclives a sufrir lesiones y enfermedades. Esta es
la casa del karma yoga -trabajo desinteresado- y representa también la capacidad de esforzarse, la
autodisciplina, las austeridades espirituales y, siendo una casa artha, la capacidad de alcanzar metas
Físicamente representa la región del ombligo, el sistema digestivo (especialmente el bajo vientre), el
inmunológico y los riñones.

Dificultades Enemigos deudas obstáculos lucha

servicios en trabajo diario empleados, de superar

general, trabajar en compañeros, obstáculos y
incluyendo el circunstancias competidores enfermedades
servicio o la difíciles y de
adoración en neutralizar
el altar. enemigos
médicos militares, , tíos mascotas, alimentos y
policías, maternos, restaurantes
atletas primos

Planet in Houses

The Sun

In the Sixth House: Considerable administrative efficiency usually brings well- paid positions well within reach and
success is promised in responsible posts,
preferably under the direction of others. Liability to frequent changes of occupation owing to a feeling of not
being sufficiently appreciated. There may be some constitutional delicacy and proneness to disease, with slow
powers of recuperation.


In the Sixth House : Service is likely to be the key to success and the greatest benefits tend to come from work in a
subordinate capacity. A possibility of some material gain from inferiors, although it is for initiative and
responsibility likely to be limited and the best results will tend to come from work performed under direction.


In Sixth House : Too much mental activity is likely to be the chief source of difficulties. There is a liability,
under the spur of ambition, to over-tax the physical resources and create health troubles. In particular,
disarrangement of the nervous system may result in digestive disorders. Trouble arising from dealings with
servants or subordinates also t ends to induce worry. In the main, success is likeliest to come from work
in a subordinate capacity, such as clerk or assistant. Keen interest in dietetics, however, may produce success
along these lines.

In the Sixth House : Harmony tends to prevail in occupational matters and smooth co-operation with others is
likely to facilitate the achievement of success. The good-will of both servants and superiors and popularity with
fellow workers are highly significant and most relationships will consequently tend to be beneficial. Health is
likely to be good but abuse of the physical resources would be likely to result in chronic invalidism.


In the Sixth House : Energy and industriousness facilitate promotion to responsible positions, but efforts
should be in connexion with some large concern where they are under the control of a superior. Individual effort
tends to have less chance of success. There is a liability to trouble and quarrels with the employer or with fellow
workers. The major successes tend to be in occupations of a mechanical nature, dealing with metals, or
connected with medicine. Exceptional vitality tends to strengthen the powers of recuperation, but there is a
liability to feverish disorders, inflammation and accidents sustained in the curse of the occupation.


In the Sixth House : The ability to inspire respect and the willing co-operation of subordinates and fellow workers
is an important factor in ensuring success. A capacity for loyal service is another invaluable attribute. Health is
normally good. Success may come through work in connexion with medicine or dietetics.


In the Sixth House : Success is likely to come in a managerial capacity for there is usually considerable ability for
the tactful handling of people. Quiet discipline is normally marked characteristic. There may, however, be some
friction at times with subordinates and trouble arising from them. There may even be difficulty in obtaining
employment. The powers of recuperation tend to be slight and ill-health may degenerate into chronic invalidism,
there being a liability in particular to rheumatism and colds.


In the Sixth House : Irritability and brusqueness of manner may account for difficulties with superiors and fellow
workers. There may be a disposition to obscure occupational diseases and not infrequently trouble from nervous
disorders. The temperament is highly-strung and there may be some susceptibility to psychic experiences.


In the Sixth House : There tends to be a love of solitude and a secluded existence. Indolence or deceit on the part
of servants may create difficulties. There will probably be considerable capacity for the service of humanity, but
efforts will be limited by a liability to ill-health, possibly arising from sensuality and self- indulgence.

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