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In all honesty, have you ever shared or posted a meme, status, or photo captioned
with 'CTTO'? What was your intention then?

- In any social media platform, I usually give credit to the person whose post I
reposted, but there is a repost/share button that can automatically add the post's
owner and name.

2. Do you think this is the proper way of avoiding plagiarism? Why?

- I suppose it is, but some anonymous pages or accounts don't provide credit to
the post's owner; at that point, their page will assert that they are the post's

3. Is this how you properly cite the sources of literary and artistic works?

- For books, include the following information: author, title, publisher, and year of
- Author, article title, journal title, volume, issue, date, page numbers, and doi or
permalink are required for articles.
- Author, page title, web address or URL, and access date are required for web
page resources.

4. In your own little way, how will you help stop the spread of misinformation and
disinformation on social media?

- Practice evaluation skills and develop a critical mindset. Ask yourself: Why was
this information created and what is its goal?
- Don’t just look at what a web page tells you about themselves. Instead, do a web
search and find out what others are saying about them. This will help you
determine the accuracy of the information.

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