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Name of Student Nurse: Angelica M.

Corpuz Date: January 17,2023

Level & Block: 3BSN-3 Hospital/Area: Marian Birthing Home Facility Clinical Instructor: Mrs. Jobelle Lomibao
Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities

NAME Oxytocin stimulates - Contraindica - Bleeding like CV: Cardiac arrhythmias, INDEPENDENT:
uterine contraction by ted with soaking one pad PVC’s, hypertension, - Provide client
More than 1-2 activating G-protein- significant an hour subarachnoid hemorrhage education about how
milliunits/min To
Antepartum: (0.001-
initiate coupled receptors that cephalon - Abnormal Fetal effects: Fetal oxytocin will affect
0.002 Oxytocinby
units/min) trigger increases in pelvic heartbeat bradycardia, neonatal their contractions
or improve uterine
infusion through an intracellular calcium disproportion - Difficult jaundice, low Apgar scores - Ensure fetal position
contractions to achieve
infusion pump. Increase levels in uterine , unfavorable urination GI: Nausea, vomiting and size and absence
early vaginal delivery;
the dose in increments of myofibrils. Oxytocin also fetal - Severe headache GU: Postpartum of complications that
stimulation or increases local positions or - Dizziness hemorrhage, uterine rupture, are contraindicated
no more than 1-2
reinforcement of labor in
milliunits/min at uterine
15 to 60 prostaglandin production, presentations - Passing out pelvic hematoma, uterine with oxytocin before
selected cases of further stimulating uterine , obstetric - Vision changes hypertonicity, spasm, tetanic therapy
inertia; managementa of
min intervals until
contraction. emergencies - Slow heartbeat contraction, rupture of the - Ensure continuous
inevitable similar
incomplete that favor - Seizures uterus with excessive dosage observation of
to normal labor is
abortion; second trimester surgical - Severe or hypersensitivity. patient receiving IV
established. Do not exceed
abortion. intervention, abdominal pain Hypersensitivity: oxytocin for
Pitocin Do not
2o milliunits/min. prolonged - Severe Anaphylactic reaction induction or
Postpartum: To produce
exceed 20 milliunits/min. use in severe cerebrovascular Other: Maternal and fetal stimulation of labor;
uterine contractions
Discontinue in events during
of toxemia, disease like deaths when used to induce fetal monitoring is
the thirdhyperactivity,
uterine stage of laborfetal
and uterine change in labor or in first or second preferred. A
to control postpartum
distress. inertia, strength on one stages of labor; physician should be
bleeding or hemorrhage. hypertonic side is greater afibrinogenemia; severe immediately
drip: Add 10-40 units uterine than the other, water intoxication with available to deal with
to 1,000 mL deficiency
of a patterns, difficulty seizures and coma, maternal complications if they
nonhydrating diluent, run induction or speaking or death arise.
Unlabeled use: augmentatio - Regulate rate of
at a rate to control uterine
Oxytocic thinking, change
Antepartum fetal heart rate n of labor in balance, or oxytocin delivery to
testing, treatment
Hormoneof breast when vaginal vision changes establish uterine
IM: Administer 10 units delivery - Signs of a contractions that are
after delivery of the contraindicat significant similar to normal
placenta ed, previous reaction like labor; monitor rate
cesarean wheezing; chest and strength of
Nasal: Lactation section, tightness; fever; contractions;
stimulant; 1 spray into one pregnancy itching; bad discontinue drug and
or both nostrils 2-3 min (nasal) cough; blue skin notify physician at
before nursing or pumping - Use color; seizures; any sign of uterine
of breasts. cautiously or swelling of hyperactivity or
with renal face, lips, spasm
dysfunction tongue, or - Monitor maternal BP
throat. during oxytocin
discontinue drug and
notify physician with
any sign of

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