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Casa 2 - Dhana bhava Riqueza - Júpiter y Mercurio.

Ingresos objetos vida familiar y habla, (alimentación Físicamente

económicos, la valiosos como do- méstica, oratoria, corresponde al
tenencia y joyas, metales calidad del rostro, la
administración y piedras lenguaje boca, la
de bienes y preciosas, educación y garganta, el
los medios de bancos y capacidad de cuello, la
sub- sistencia. capital. aprender glándula ti-
Representa idiomas roides, el ojo
dinero, derecho, los
finanzas dientes, la
lengua, la
nariz y las


In the Second House: Extravagance and a love of ostentation and splendor

fortunately tend to be counterbalanced by the ability to acquire money easily.
Another important factor often is the power to arouse the interest of those in
influential positions who consequently may help considerable to further material


In the Second House : There is likely to be considerable fluctuation in finances,

although they tend to be on a satisfactory basis. The chief danger appears to reside
in a marked love of opulence and general extravagance. These tendencies,
however, are counterbalanced by spasmodic spells of great thrift and devotion to
the simple life.

In the Second House : Gain is likeliest to come from Mercurial occupations and
some form of agency or an occupation in which the person acts as messenger often
proves highly lucrative. Considerable skill in the handling of money is normally
another interesting feature Books tend to exercise an inordinate fascination and
there will probably be considerable expenditure in this direction. Financial loss,
when it occurs, is likely to come from defective reasoning or unwise speculation at
the instigation of a friend.

In the Second House : To natural ability in handling finance is usually added the
necessary magnetism of personality which ensures the good-will and assistance of
others. Frinds and associates tend to offer lavish attention and may render possible
the attainment of lucrative positions. There may be some tendency towards
extravagance, probably arising from the inordinate interest in clothes, jewellery
and amusements. Excessive generosity may result in the squandering of money on
the objects of the affections, but fortunately in most instances inherent prudence
curbs this tendency.


In the Second House : Individual effort is likely to be the greatest factor in the
acquisition of wealth and money tends to be a big incentive to endeavour.
Occupations connected with the use of fire or machinery are likely to be productive
of the maximum pecuniary benefit. Generosity may be carried to the point of
extravagance and there will be a strong liability to squander the earnings. Money
may also come through inheritance, but expenditure will always tend to be heavy
and although much money may pass through the hands little of it will remain.
Frequent financial disaster is possible, but recovery will tend to be swift and losses
rarely depress.

In the Second House : Financial talent and the ability to accumulate wealth are
frequent marked characteristics and there is a possibility of amassing great wealth.
Considerable power may be exercised through financial influence.


In the Second House : Business acumen, thrift and prudence contribute largely
to the accumulation fo wealth, but the process of acquisition may be slow. There
is a possibility also of gain by inheritance. Parsimony may result from what is
often a
bitter struggle to gain money and there may be inability to take full advantage
of the material benefits presented. Losses by bad investment, speculation, or
business failure are by no means unlikely.


In the Second House : Restlessness and instability are perhaps the most striking
characteristics. Fantastic expenditure and extravagance are likely to imperil
finances. The unexpected will always tend to enter in, and there is some danger
of unforeseen losses. There may also be some difficulties created by tactlessness.


In the Second House : A love of luxury tends to produce financial extravagance

and there is often little practical ability in the handling of money matters. There
is some danger of loss through fraud. All occupations associated with the sea,
hospitals, institutions and diplomacy usually led to success and there is normally
considerable ability in these directions.

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