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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
5000, Philippines

Introductory material:
1. Description of patient
A. Name: Nikki Kim Lim
B. Age: 21 years old
C. Health problems:
D. Length of stay in the facility: 1 month
E. Date, time, and place: March 21, 2023, 9:00 AM at Iloilo Doctors’ College Library

Student Nurse Patient’s Response Communication Analysis

technique used by the

“Maayong aga maam “Maayong aga man!” Information giving

Nikki. Ako gale si Kyle (slightly shouting, jolly (explain reason and
Halin sa Iloilo Doctors’ mood.) procedure)
College 3rd year student
nga ga kwa sang kurso
nga nursing. Ari ko diri
subong para mag bulig
sa imo eksplekar sang
imo nabatyag. May mga
gamay lang ako nga
pamangkot sa imo”

“Kamusta aton nga *silence Silence (giving time for

matyag kagab-I kg “di mayo akon tulog the patient to gather her
subong maam?” kgabi kay gasakit akon thoughts)
hawak, ga-lingin ulo ko”
“pwede mo mahambal sa “Daw # 8 kasakit sang Clarifying (to describe
akon kun ano kasakit hawak ko” the pain management)
from 1 to 10? ”

“Ano imo naisip nga “Ipahuway ko na lang Focusing

mga pamaagi para siguro kag mag inom (assissting the client to
madula ang sakit ka sang mainit nga natunaw explore the specific
hawak mo?” na tsokalate ” topic)

“Pwede man maam “Okay maam, thankyou Suggesting

butang ka sang hot gid” (offering alternatives)
compress sa imo tiyan,
damuon mo inom tubig
kag pwede man pain


During the introductory phase with the patient, I felt that she was really trying her best to make-
up from her state and it makes me feel happy for her. Non verbal and verbal communication helped me
understand the patients’ feelings more and know where she is really coming from. Non verbal cues like:
the gaze of her eyes, fidgeting, and the tone of her voice helps me correlate verbal cues and to explore
more about the certain topic. Using therapeutic communication, I can be on track of how smoothly our
conversation goes and strengthens the nurse-patient relations.

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