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Le Chatelier’s principle states that if a disruption was caused to a chemical equilibrium, the system
would make changes to counteract the disruption. This experiment illustrated the principle by providing stress
to two equilibrium systems of CrO4- / Cr2O72- and Co(H2O)62+ / CoCl4- , where it was affected by temperature
and concentration changes. This caused noticeable changes to the equilibriums in the form of color changes and
precipitation, where it affected an endothermic and an acid-base reaction.

Chemical equilibrium is the state of a reaction when the concentrations of both reactants and products
remain constant over time and the reaction rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal to each other.
This state is dynamic, which means that the forward and reverse reactions still occur, however there is no net
concentration change. Equilibrium is indicated by the double arrow (⇔), which illustrates that the reaction can
go either direction until no concentration net change is shown, where the concentrations remain constant in a
certain ratio that is the equilibrium constant (K).

(Figure 1. Illustration of Equation of the Equilibrium Constant (K) from Khan Academy )1

Le Chatelier’s principle states that if there were disturbances that affected the equilibrium, the reaction
will adjust to maintain equilibrium, taking into account the factors of temperature, concentration, and pressure.
The transitional metal equilibriums of CrO4- to Cr2O72- and Co(H2O)62+ to CoCl4- were used for this
experiment and can only be affected by concentration and temperature, as pressure particularly only affects gas
[Equation 1] Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) ⇔ CoCl4- (aq)+ 6 H2O (l)
[Equation 2] CrO42- (aq)+ 2 H+(aq) ⇔ Cr2O72- (aq) + H2O (l)

The calibration of the reagents was done to measure how many drops it took for each to reach 1 mL.
Ethanolic cobalt complex solutions were then prepared to observe the changes made by the following reagents of
water, 12 M HCl, 6 M HCl, 1 M HCl, 0.5 M HCl, and 0.5 M NaCl, as well as being observed in three different
temperatures provided by three, different water baths. A chromate-dichromate equilibrium was then prepared
to observe changes when HCl and NaOH were added, later with their corresponding acid or base, and then with
barium nitrate solution.
Table 1. Calibration of Reagents
Reagents No. of Drops (1 mL)

Water 10

12 M HCl 25

1 M HCl 16

1 M NaOH 21

0.1 M K2CrO4 12

0.1 M Ba(NO3)2 19

0.1 M K2Cr2O7 16

Table 2. Changes in the Cobalt Complexes

Complex Solution (2 mL) Addition Total No. No. of Drops till No. of Drops till Full
Of drops Initial Change Change

CoCl42- ethanolic solution (blue) Water 13 3 13

(dark purple-blue to

CoCl42- ethanolic solution (blue) 12 M HCl 20 1 20

(dark purple-blue to

Co2+ aqueous solution (pink) 12 M HCl 45 23 45 (red-pink to dark


Co2+ aqueous solution (pink) 6 M HCl 20 (2 mL) none no significant change

Co2+ aqueous solution (pink) 1 M HCl 20 (2 mL) none no significant change

Co2+ aqueous solution (pink) 0.5 M HCl 20 (2 mL) none no significant change

Co2+ aqueous solution (pink) 0.5 M NaCl

Table 3. Observations in the Chromate-Dichromate Equilibrium

Chromate / Dichromate Addition No. of Change No. of Change
Reagent (1 mL) Drops Additio Drops
0.1 M K2CrO4 (yellow) 1 M HCl 8 yellow to 1M 14 orange to full
full orange NaOH yellow

0.1M K2Cr2O7 (orange) 1 M HCl 16 none 1M 21 orange to

(1 mL) NaOH (1 mL) orange-yellow

0.1 M K2CrO4 (yellow) 1 M NaOH 21 none 1M 16 none

(1 mL) HCl (1 mL)

0.1M K2Cr2O7 (orange) 1 M NaOH 8 orange to 1M 8 yellow to full

full yellow HCl orange

0.1 M K2CrO4(yellow) + 0.1 M 8 pale-yellow 1M 7 yellow to pale

2 drops 1 M NaOH Ba(NO3)2 precipitate HCl orange

0.1M K2Cr2O7 (orange) 0.1 M 19 none 1M 7 precipitation

+ 2 drops 1 M HCl Ba(NO3)2 (1 mL) NaOH with yellow

0.1 M K2CrO4 (yellow) 0.1 M 19 colorless

Ba(NO3)2 (1 mL) supernatant

0.1M K2Cr2O7 (orange) 0.1 M 19 orange

Ba(NO3)2 (1 mL) supernatant
with fewer

Table 4. Observations of the Cobalt Complexes in Test Tubes Affected by Temperature.

Type of Water Bath Complex Color Color Type of Water Bath Color
(Indication of Solution Changes changes at (Indication of Changes
temperature) 29 °C temperature)

Room Temperature none no Room Temperature none

(29 °C) 5 mL Co significant (29 °C)
aqueous change
solution (pink)
Ice Water Bath + 3 mL HCl + Lighter red no Boiling Water Bath Lighter
(Low Temp.) Water to lighter significant (High Temp.) Blue-violet
(Magenta magenta change
Boiling Water Bath Blue-Violet Darker Ice Water Bath (Low Lighter
(High Temp.) Magenta Temp.) Magenta
As seen from the results, there have been changes when the addition of the concentration of certain
reagents were added or when there was a change in temperature to the overall equilibrium, indicating that the Le
Chatelier’s Principle was illustrated with the effects of concentration and temperature. Tables 2 and 3 showed
the effects of concentration on the CrO4- / Cr2O72- and Co(H2O)62+/ CoCl42- equilibriums, whereas Table 4
showed the effects of temperature on the Co(H2O)62+/ CoCl42- equilibrium.
Table 4 showed the differences in color of the Co(H2O)62+/CoCl42- equilibrium in three different
temperatures, where it was placed in a water bath at room temperature, an ice water bath, and a boiling-water
bath. The Co2+ ethanolic solution was mixed with 3 mL of concentrated HCl, where at room temperature, the
color of the mixture was magenta. In lower temperatures, the Co2+ ethanolic solution turned to a lighter
red-magenta color and in higher temperatures, it turned to a dark blue-violet color. Heat was a part of this
equilibrium, where it influenced the changes observed found, which can either be a product or a reactant
depending whether it would be endothermic or exothermic.

Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) ⇔ CoCl42- (aq)+ 6 H2O (equilibrium)

Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) → CoCl42-(aq)+ 6 H2O (forward reaction)
CoCl42- (aq)+ 6 H2O → Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) (reverse reaction)

The equilibrium itself was found to be endothermic2, and the CoCl42- and Co(H2O)62+ ions were the
cause of the blue-violet and the magenta color in the solution respectively. Since the equilibrium was found to be
endothermic, the magenta color would also be the result of heat being in the reactants. That statement was
supported by the results in Table 4. As the mixture was heated, it turned to a blue-violet color as a result from
the CoCl42- ions. This is due to the fact that the heat, as a reactant, was increased and the equilibrium shifted to
the products so as to counteract the change from the excess heat, making more CoCl42- ions as a result. This
makes the forward reaction endothermic and the reverse reaction exothermic.

Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) + heat → CoCl42-(aq)+ 6 H2O (forward reaction)

CoCl42- (aq)+ 6 H2O → Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4 Cl- (aq) + heat (reverse reaction)

As for the results from the ice-water bath, it also supported how the equilibrium was endothermic,
where the equilibrium would have lost heat once put in lower temperatures. As to counteract the changes made
from the lower temperatures, heat was needed to be in the reactants’ side, so the reverse reaction occurred where
the CoCl42- ions were made into Co(H2O)62+ ions, generating heat in the process. This was the reason why it
resulted in the lighter red-magenta color as more Co(H2O)62+ ions were present due to the temperature change.
Table 2 showed the results of the Co(H2O)62+/ CoCl42- equilibrium, as it was found to be an
endothermic reaction. The color in Co2+ ethanolic solution changed from blue to magenta in a total of 20
drops, which showed the equilibrium shift to the reactants by favoring the reverse reaction due to the increased
concentration of H2O, which is according to the Le Chatelier’s principle. This can also be seen with addition of
HCl of multiple concentrations, where the concentrated HCl resulted in a color change from red-pink to dark
blue-purple, while the other concentrations of 6 M, 1 M, and 0.5 M HCl did not achieve the same significant
color change due to the lower concentration of Cl- ions it can provide to the reaction. (AtQ2) The effects of 0.5
M NaCl to the equilibrium was not recorded by mistake, however inferring from the results in Table 2, it is most
likely that there was also no significant color change that indicated a shift in the equilibrium.
Table 3 showed the changes and results of the chromate-dichromate equilibrium, where it was an
acid-base reaction as it was affected by the addition of a strong acid (HCl) and a strong base (NaOH). (AtQ2)
0.1 M K2CrO4 and 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 were used as they dissociate to CrO42- and Cr2O72- ions. According to Kalbus,
Petrucci, & Forman, CrO42- predominates at pH levels above 8, whereas Cr2O72-ions are more present at pH
levels 2 - 6.3 Using that information and the chemical equation for the chromate-dichromate equilibrium, it was
mostly reflected by the results presented in Table 3.

CrO42- (aq)+ 2 H+(aq) ⇔ Cr2O72- (aq) + H2O (l) (equilibrium)

CrO42- (aq)+ 2 H+(aq) → Cr2O72- (aq) + H2O (l) (forward reaction)
Cr2O72- (aq) + H2O (l) → CrO42- (aq)+ 2 H+(aq) (reverse reaction)

As HCl is initially added to 1 mL of 0.1 M K2CrO4 , it almost changed immediately, where it showed a
full color change from yellow to orange with only 8 drops of HCl. The opposite happened when NaOH was the
one initially added to 0.1 M K2CrO4 , where no changes occurred. This showed that the equilibrium shifted to
the right to Cr2O72- when the pH was lowered as a result of the addition of H+ ions and the addition of H+
disrupted the equilibrium, forming Cr2O72-. While in more basic conditions, there were no major changes as it
was still in its favorable pH conditions as well as it did not affect the concentration of the forward reaction as
there was no increase of H+. (AtQ2) Once reacted with its corresponding acid or base, the 0.1 M K2CrO4
initially added with HCl quickly changed from yellow to orange when NaOH was added, using only 14 drops,
whereas the 0.1 M K2CrO4 initially added with NaOH slightly changed color once HCl was added, from orange
to orange-yellow. There could have been a possible calibration error, where there was less NaOH added or more
HCl added, which resulted in the color change that should have not happened as the increased pH level made by
NaOH would have just gone back to the original pH that the 0.1 M K2CrO4 was in as a result from the addition
of HCl.
The opposite happened for 0.1 M K2Cr2O7, where there were no changes when HCl was initially
added, but there were immediate changes when NaOH was initially added, resulting in a full color change from
orange to yellow. This showed that Cr2O7 2- becomes CrO42-when the equilibrium shifted to basic conditions,
favoring the reverse reaction instead due to the fact that the concentration of OH- increased as water acted as a
base for the reverse reaction. (AtQ2) Once added with the corresponding acid or base, the one with the initially
added HCl showed no changes, as it would have gone back to its original pH, whereas the one with the initially
added NaOH fully changed from yellow to orange.
Ba(NO3)2 was added to precipitate both reagents where it was found that it resulted in much faster and
more plentiful in CrO42- as compared to Cr2O7, showing that it favored basic conditions to form precipitation.
The precipitate formed from the addition of Ba(NO3)2 to both 0.1 M K2CrO4 and 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 was most
likely BaCrO4. This has been supported by the results of the last two rows in Table 3, where it did not include
any addition of an acid or base, showing that 0.1 M K2CrO4 had faster precipitation as compared to 0.1 M
K2Cr2O7, resulting in a colorless supernatant with a pale-yellow precipitate as compared to the little precipitate
made with K2Cr2O7. According to Gordon and Firsching 11, there was more precipitation the higher the pH
would be. This showed that due to the addition of 2 drops of NaOH to 0.1 M K2CrO4, the equilibrium shifted
to reactants instead, which made it more basic overall and formed more BaCrO4 from CrO42- ions dissolved
from K2CrO4 than BaCr2O7 from Cr2O72- ions dissolved from K2Cr2O7, which preferred acidic conditions. The
addition of barium showed the amount of CrO42- ions present in the equilibrium from the concentration
changes of acid and base. (AtQ2)
Using these results, a qualitative way to determine whether or not if a reaction was at equilibrium was
the fact that there were no changes that were happening to the system, as there would be no net concentration
changes and that the reaction rates of both the forward and reverse reaction would be equal, however that would
be a very general deduction of an equilibrium. A more objective deduction would be using the reaction quotient
(Q), which is derived by the same formula for the equilibrium constant (K), however it also takes into account
the concentration of the reactants and products whose reaction is not yet at equilibrium. The reaction quotient
can be compared to the equilibrium constant, which can be used to determine what direction the reaction will
shift to so as to reach equilibrium. If it is less than K, the reverse reaction is favored to reach equilibrium, and if it
is more than K, the forward reaction is favored to reach equilibrium. If Q = K, then the system is already at

The equilibriums of of CrO4- / Cr2O72- and Co(H2O)62+ / CoCl4- were used to illustrate Le Chatelier’s
Principle, which states that an equilibrium will adjust to the disruptions made to its system. The endothermic
cobalt complex equilibrium was subjected to temperature and concentration changes, which were done through
water baths and the addition of water and HCl, showing color changes from dark blue-purple to magenta and
vice-versa. The chromate-dichromate equilibrium was subjected to concentration and pH changes, which
indicated that it was an acid-base equilibrium system, showing through color changes and precipitation of
BaCrO4 , where the color changed from yellow to orange, and vice-versa, and with the addition of Ba(NO3)2
indicating how the reverse reaction was favored in an equilibrium that had more basic conditions.

1. Khan Academy,
uilibrium-constant-k (Accessed 03/08/2023)
2. Royal Society of Chemistry,
(Accessed 03/09/2023)
3. L. H. Kalbus, R. H. Petrucci and J. E. Forman, Journal of Chemical Education, 1991, 68, 677.
4. Chemdemos,
d-Temperature (Accessed 03/08/2023)
5. Dynamics Science,
htm (Accessed 03/09/2023)
6. International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization., (Accessed
7. Martins, Luis J., and J. Barbosa Da Costa. “Further Observations on the Cobalt(Ii)-Chloride
Equilibrium: Effect of Changing the Chloride Ion Concentration.” Journal of Chemical Education,
vol. 63, no. 11, 1986, p. 989.,
8. Le Chatelier’s Principle Experiment - University of Manitoba.'s%20Principle%2
0-%20Chromate%20Dichromate%20C12-4-07.doc. (Accessed 03/09/2023)
9. L. Gordon and F. H. Firsching, Analytical Chemistry, 1954, 26, 759–760
10. Purdue University , (Accessed
11. A. C. M. San Esteban & E. R. S. Yanza, Modern Experiments in General Chemistry II, Ateneo de
Manila University, Katipunan, Manila (2018)

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