Wed Sample

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Subject: BI Time: 9.00-10.00a.

m Class: 5m
Focus : Listening and speaking
Theme : World of self, family and friends
Topic : Feel Good About Yourself
Specifications : 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 1.2.4
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Listen to at least 3 situations in simple sentences predict the feelings of the characters.
2. Tell the ending of a story after listening to a story told.
Educational emphasis : Moral values (caring, self-esteem), MI (verbal linguistic)
Teaching aids : Pictures (feelings)
Activities : 1. Students talk about their hobbies and what they did during the holidays.
2. Students participate in teacher-students conversation.
3.Teacher guides pupils to predict the feelings of the characters in the simple story.
4. Students discuss on a story heard and predict the ending of the story and tell the class in groups.
Reflection : /15 pupils achieved the objective. ____ pupils need practice and guidance from _____________

Subject: BI Time: 10.20-11.20 a.m Class: 3m

Focus : Listening and speaking
Theme : World of self, family and friends
Topic : My Loved Ones/
Learning standard : 1.3.1(b), 1.1.4, 2.2.2
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Answer at least 2 simple questions correctly.
2. Talk about family with the teacher.
CCE : Moral values (respect), MI (musical/kinesthetic)
Teaching aids : Pictures (holidays, family outings)
Activities : 1. Students look at a picture stimulus.
2. Students talk about how they help their family members during holidays.
3. Students answer simple questions during class sharing session.
4. Students ask their partner about what they did to help their family.
5. Teacher observes during QnA session.
6. Students sing a song.
Reflection : /12 pupils achieved the objective. ____ pupils need practice and guidance from _____________

Subject: BI Time: 11.20-12.20a.m Class: 1m

Theme : World of self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1 – Unit 11
Focus skill : Writing
Content standard : 4.1 Learning standard : 4.1.2 (ii)
Complimentary Content std. : 3.1 Complimentary Learning std. : 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Learning Objectives : Copy the letters and form at least 3 out of 5 words correctly.
Complimentary Learning Obj. : Segment at least 3 out of 5 words correctly.
CCE : Language
Language/grammar focus : Review for Lessons 1-3
Pre-lesson Lesson development Post lesson
1. Sing the Phonics Song (audio) 1. Pupils write the sounds heard on their 1. Pupils match pictures with words.
2. Pupils show their board and do peer
3. Pupils brainstorm all the phonemes
learnt in the previous lessons.
4. Pupils trace and copy the letters to
form words.

Reflection : /16 pupils achieved the objective. ____ pupils need practice and guidance from _____________

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