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[2022-11-06 14:10:16] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22

[2022-11-06 14:10:16] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22

[2022-11-06 14:10:16] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:10:16] LFCL App is in Background, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:10:22] LFCL App is at Foreground, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:10:29] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:10:29] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:10:29] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:10:30] LFCL App is in Background, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:10:45] LFCL App is at Foreground, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] LOGIN: WIFI
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] LOGIN: email:, server response: 9001666
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] News DataUpdateService updateDatabaseEntities():
Sun Nov 06 14:11:22 GMT+02:00 2022 <=? Sun Nov 06 14:11:22 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] News HtmlManager.getNewsAsync()
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] NotificationService starting
[2022-11-06 14:11:22] News NotifService.onStartCommand()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: addOnUserChangeListener:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] NavMainActivity.onCreate()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: NavigationMainActivityPresenter: startSync:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager: beginPeriodicSync() called
with: updateConfigInterval = [60]
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager.setAccountSyncable
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] NavMainActivity: onPostResume
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange(),
isListenersReady false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:15:23
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] New notification: Pending ad
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService.initListeners:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: addOnNewsChangeListener:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:15:23
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] New notification: Pending ad
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfSyncAdapterService: onCreate:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfSyncAdapterService: onBind: Intent
{ act=android.content.SyncAdapter
cmp=com.getaction/.sync.ConfigurationSyncAdapterService }
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: onUnsyncableAccount:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: onUnsyncableAccount:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] setNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] neisNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: onChange: start
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: onChange: totalNewsCount: 0 ,
prevTotalNewsCount: 0 , element.size(): 0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News: prevTotalNewsCount: from 0 to 0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] ! App's version was successfully sent: OK, 152,
screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News getNewsCallback OnResponse():

[2022-11-06 14:11:23] wakeLock:

[2022-11-06 14:11:23] ~~~canLoad stopreklama canLoadNewAd: startId: 1, geo: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] neisNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Starting Ad update 1
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Start LwsService
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Start LwsService 3
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Start LwsService 4
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] AdUpdateService: no cached Ad in DB, loading new
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Starting Ad load, network type: WIFI
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() newsModels.size: 5
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LwsService.onBind()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LwsService.startServer: (server == null)? true
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LWServer constructor: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Running! Point your browsers to http://localhost:8080
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange(),
isListenersReady true
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATION fused (46.4123238, 30.0898544), accuracy: 20.1,
upd_time: Sun Nov 06 14:02:25 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] AdUpdateService: no cached Ad in DB, loading new
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() add/upd
newsModels{"ru":"Новый способ вывода","uk":"Новий спосіб виведення
коштів","en":"New withdrawal method"}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() add/upd
newsModels{"ru":"Отличный СТАРТ!","uk":"Відмінний СТАРТ!","en":"Great START!"}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LwsService is binded
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() add/upd
newsModels{"ru":"Маркетплейс запущен!","uk":"Маркетплейс
запущений!","en":"Marketplace launched!"}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LwsService is connected
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() add/upd
newsModels{"ru":"Людей чипируют!","uk":"Людей чіпуют!","en":"People are being
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News DatabaseManager.updateNewsAsync() add/upd
newsModels{"ru":"Правда о Лоуренсе","uk":"Правда про Лоуренса","en":"The Truth
About Lawrence"}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Starting Ad load, network type: WIFI
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LWS.serve()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Exception while trying to get LWS data: Attempt to invoke
interface method 'java.lang.Object java.util.List.get(int)' on a null object
reference, session body data: {}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] run: lwsServerWorks? true
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Total updated data[5]
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: onChange: start
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News NotifService: onChange: totalNewsCount: 5 ,
prevTotalNewsCount: 0 , element.size(): 5
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] News: prevTotalNewsCount: from 0 to 5
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: SYNC: onPerformSync(), extras: Bundle[{}],
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 0: SyncResult:
stats [] miSyncResult: resultMessage
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 0: Looper main:
Looper (main, tid 2) {fcddad0}, my: null
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 1: Looper.prepare()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 2: creating
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 3: going to create
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATION fused (46.4123238, 30.0898544), accuracy: 20.1,
upd_time: Sun Nov 06 14:02:25 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getContext:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 3.1: created
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 4:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: getAd 5: Looper main:
Looper (main, tid 2) {fcddad0}, my: Looper (SyncAdapterThread-1, tid 37) {31bac9}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: Handler.Callback:
handleMessage: { when=0 what=0 target=com.getaction.sync.AdSyncHandler }
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: ConfigurationSyncAdapter: Handler.Callback:
handleMessage: RESULT_OTHER: 0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: AdSyncHandlerhandleMessage: 0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: AdSyncHandlerhandleMessage: Looper main: Looper
(main, tid 2) {fcddad0}, my: Looper (main, tid 2) {fcddad0}
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: AdSyncHandlerhandleMessage: 1
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: handleMessage: 2
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: onStartCommand:
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: addOnUserChangeListener
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] SYNC_LOG: addOnUserChangeListener: 1
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h18m28s96ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 50001,
distanceMeters: 71.0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: New location: Location[fused 46.412324,30.089854
hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h18m28s96ms vel=0.004766347]
starting new ad request
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 0 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:11:24
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h18m28s96ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 0,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Unbind LwsService
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LwsService.onUnBind()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] LWS: stopServer()
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] ! Can't get Ad from socket, screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:15:23
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 8 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:19:41
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] ! Can't get Ad from socket, screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:15:23
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Set new Alarm, delay: 7 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:18:53
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:23] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:11:26] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:26] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:26] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:26] sendEmulatorSignal: UserModel{userId=9001666, uidSignature=[-
117, 22, -105, 4, -49, -84, 22, 27, -2, 7, -123, 95, -29, -73, -116, -113],
balance=0.0, bonus=0.0, frozen=0.0, isActive=true, json_blob='null',
hash='8b169704cfac161bfe07855fe3b78c8f', email='', name=' ',
avatar='null', errorCode=0, state=0, delay=0}, userdata:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:11:33] wakeUnlock:
[2022-11-06 14:11:33] News DataUpdateService updateDatabaseEntities():
Sun Nov 06 15:11:22 GMT+02:00 2022 <=? Sun Nov 06 14:11:33 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:11:33] Total updated data[0]
[2022-11-06 14:11:42] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:11:45] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:11:45] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:11:45] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:45] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:49] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:11:49] NavMainActivity.onCreate()
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] SYNC_LOG: NavigationMainActivityPresenter: startSync:
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager: beginPeriodicSync() called
with: updateConfigInterval = [60]
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager.setAccountSyncable
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] NavMainActivity: onPostResume
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] NavMainActivity: onStop, email:, userId:
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] ! NavMainActivity.onDestroy(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] Set showing Tabs: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:50] setStartedTabsAndNotClosed: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:58] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LFCL App is in Background, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] NavMainActivity: onStop, email:, userId:
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m4s392ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 36295,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m4s392ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:11:59] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 36295,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:12:13] LFCL App is at Foreground, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:13] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:12:13] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:12:13] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:12:13] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:17] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] NavMainActivity: onStop, email:, userId:
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m22s508ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 54412,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m22s508ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 54412,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] ! NavMainActivity.onDestroy(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] Set showing Tabs: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:18] setStartedTabsAndNotClosed: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LFCL Going to add ForegroundBackgroundListener
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LFCL Added ForegroundBackgroundListener
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LFCL App is at Foreground, safe screen: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] NotificationService starting
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService.onStartCommand()
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService: addOnUserChangeListener:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange()
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService.realmUserModelCallback.onChange(),
isListenersReady false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:16:21
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] New notification: Pending ad
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService.initListeners:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService: addOnNewsChangeListener:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] NavMainActivity.onCreate()
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] SYNC_LOG: NavigationMainActivityPresenter: startSync:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager: beginPeriodicSync() called
with: updateConfigInterval = [60]
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager.setAccountSyncable
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] NavMainActivity: onPostResume
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:16:21
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] New notification: Pending ad
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] setNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] neisNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService: onChange: start
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News NotifService: onChange: totalNewsCount: 5 ,
prevTotalNewsCount: 0 , element.size(): 5
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] News: prevTotalNewsCount: from 0 to 5
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] wakeLock:
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] ~~~canLoad stopreklama canLoadNewAd: startId: 1, geo: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] neisNewAdActive: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Starting Ad update 1
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Start LwsService
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Start LwsService 3
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Start LwsService 4
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] AdUpdateService: no cached Ad in DB, loading new
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Starting Ad load, network type: WIFI
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LwsService.onBind()
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LwsService.startServer: (server == null)? true
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATION fused (46.4123237, 30.089854), accuracy: 21.6,
upd_time: Sun Nov 06 14:12:18 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LWServer constructor: false
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Running! Point your browsers to http://localhost:8080
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LwsService is binded
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LwsService is connected
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m22s901ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 50001,
distanceMeters: 71.0
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: New location: Location[fused 46.412324,30.089854
hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m22s901ms vel=0.004766347]
starting new ad request
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Set new Alarm, delay: 0 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:12:22
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LWS.serve()
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] Exception while trying to get LWS data: Attempt to invoke
interface method 'java.lang.Object java.util.List.get(int)' on a null object
reference, session body data: {}
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h19m22s901ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 0,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] run: lwsServerWorks? true
[2022-11-06 14:12:21] ! App's version was successfully sent: OK, 152,
screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] Unbind LwsService
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] LwsService.onUnBind()
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] LWS: stopServer()
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] ! Can't get Ad from socket, screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] Set new Alarm, delay: 4 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:16:22
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] Set new Alarm, delay: 7 mins (at Sun Nov 06 14:19:43
GMT+02:00 2022)
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:12:22] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:12:26] News DataUpdateService updateDatabaseEntities():
Sun Nov 06 15:11:22 GMT+02:00 2022 <=? Sun Nov 06 14:12:26 GMT+02:00 2022
[2022-11-06 14:12:26] Total updated data[0]
[2022-11-06 14:12:31] wakeUnlock:
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h20m26s371ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 63471,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h20m26s371ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:13:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 63471,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavMainActivity.onCreate()
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] SYNC_LOG: NavigationMainActivityPresenter: startSync:
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager: beginPeriodicSync() called
with: updateConfigInterval = [60]
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] SYNC_LOG: SyncAdapterManager.setAccountSyncable
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavMainActivity: onPostResume
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavMainActivity: onResume
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] onResume: ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND==false
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] ! NavMainActivity.onResume(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavigationMainActivity: onPostResume:
getIntent()==null: true
intent.ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND: intent null
!movedToBackgroundOnce: true
or: RetargetingManager.getInstance().isShouldMinimizeAfterTabs(): false
or: false
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] NavMainActivity: onStop, email:, userId:
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] ! NavMainActivity.onDestroy(), screen is On
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] Set showing Tabs: false
[2022-11-06 14:13:57] setStartedTabsAndNotClosed: false
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h21m26s397ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 123496,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h21m26s397ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:14:21] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 123496,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] NavMainActivity.onPause()
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] NavMainActivity: onStop, email:, userId:
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] MAC address: 76:70:45:3a:9d:22
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] Phone data:
sion":"152","brand":"Redmi","comment":"Possible emulator detection. App is
installed NOT VIA GooglePlay (maybe user is going to hack the app).
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h21m50s686ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 147786,
distanceMeters: 0.0
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: Location[fused
46.412324,30.089854 hAcc=21.6 et=+36d17h21m50s686ms vel=0.004766347]
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: 46.4123237, 30.089854
[2022-11-06 14:14:46] LOCATE: makeUseOfNewLocation: timeDiffMillis: 147786,
distanceMeters: 0.0

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